TV series that lasted too long

Some shows get canned too early, others go on too long. What shows do you think went on for too long?

Scrubs- even though the 8th season was good, the latter seasons weren't nearly as good as 1-4. 9 was absolute trash.

The Office- last season started the decline. This season it's continuing. Just end it.

Didn't it end after 7 seasons? I haven't watched anything beyond that. The main characters left the show? I couldn't watch Scrubs without JD.
was a pure rebel and a nutter. So I had no problem with that particular arc.

Agreed... loved the Wire all the way.

Oz is the biggest name for me... that show could really have cut down two seasons...
the stupid medical trial plot thingy, for one...
was a pure rebel and a nutter. So I had no problem with that particular arc.

He was, but it was still ridiculous in my opinion. It didn't ruin the rest of the show or anything, I just found season 5 a bit of a let down after the standard set by the first four.
Another one is Prison Break, now that really did get stupid. It should have finished after the first season which was brilliant.
Didn't it end after 7 seasons? I haven't watched anything beyond that. The main characters left the show? I couldn't watch Scrubs without JD.
The 7th season was supposed to be the last, but because of the writer's strike they didn't get a chance to do a finale. It was then brought back for an 8th season that was going to be the last. Then they decided to do a 'spinoff' type show. It went horribly wrong.
As much as I loved it, I do think Prison Break ran a little longer than it should have.

First season - quite possibly the best season I've seen of any show on TV, ever (it was that brilliant).

Second season - not as genius as the season one, but still really really good.

Third season - waste of time IMO. Should have been the last season, and the loose ends being tied up (bringing down the Company and all that).

Fourth season - what season 3 should have been IMO. Would have been a better way to end the show.
That show about the religious was really crap? Jessica Biel might've been in it. It was crap? Anyway, it was crap, but it was on for about fifty seasons, and then when the last episode aired it got really high they renewed it.
Simpsons - Season 22, are you actually serious?
Heroes - Weird carnival folk. Just weird.
Prison Break - well, once you've actually escaped a prison theres really no need to carry on.
Flash Forward - should have lasted for just a pilot.
I don't see how in feck you could say the sopranos went onto long if anything there should have been more seasons
All the obvious culprits have been named (I'm looking at The Office in particular) but I will add Red Dwarf. The last season of that was offensively bad.
Flash Forward - should have lasted for just a pilot.

It really improved and everyone really enjoyed it after around episode 14 or so.

Shit My Dad says has lasted far too long
Frasier. Once they got Niles and Daphne together it went right dowm the pan.

Mighty Boosh. Some might say one episode was too much, but I really enjoyed the first two series, the third was fecking shite.

Curb Your Enthusiasm? The last three seasons could have had episodes culled and made one very good season from the rest, otherwise quality control has taken a step or two downwards and there have been some really poor ones recently.
Just about ANY American sitcom really. Friends, How I Met Your Mother (it's really dragging now), Frasier, Curb Your Enthusiasm. It's Always Sunny in Philadelpia.

As some said, The Sopranos did not need a 19 episode final season, ruined it a bit for me.

24 and Prison Break should've just been 1 season shows IMO, it's like that's what they were planned to be but then they were so popular that they changed it. Same with Heroes.

Thought Battlestar Galactica really dragged at times, they should've kept the 13 episode format from Season 1 instead of going to 20 episodes. There was a lot of filler at times.

Weeds has gotten awful, really should've ended after 3 or 4 seasons.

I HOPE that Dexter ends either after this series or the next, because I think they might be running out of plots now and I don't want one of the best series I've ever watch going overboard.
Just about ANY American sitcom really. Friends, How I Met Your Mother (it's really dragging now), Frasier, Curb Your Enthusiasm. It's Always Sunny in Philadelpia.

As some said, The Sopranos did not need a 19 episode final season, ruined it a bit for me.

24 and Prison Break should've just been 1 season shows IMO, it's like that's what they were planned to be but then they were so popular that they changed it. Same with Heroes.

Thought Battlestar Galactica really dragged at times, they should've kept the 13 episode format from Season 1 instead of going to 20 episodes. There was a lot of filler at times.

Weeds has gotten awful, really should've ended after 3 or 4 seasons.

I HOPE that Dexter ends either after this series or the next, because I think they might be running out of plots now and I don't want one of the best series I've ever watch going overboard.

You're such a jibroni for nominating Philly!
Just about ANY American sitcom really. Friends, How I Met Your Mother (it's really dragging now), Frasier, Curb Your Enthusiasm. It's Always Sunny in Philadelpia.

As some said, The Sopranos did not need a 19 episode final season, ruined it a bit for me.

24 and Prison Break should've just been 1 season shows IMO, it's like that's what they were planned to be but then they were so popular that they changed it. Same with Heroes.

Thought Battlestar Galactica really dragged at times, they should've kept the 13 episode format from Season 1 instead of going to 20 episodes. There was a lot of filler at times.

Weeds has gotten awful, really should've ended after 3 or 4 seasons.

I HOPE that Dexter ends either after this series or the next, because I think they might be running out of plots now and I don't want one of the best series I've ever watch going overboard.
I really wish somebody would kill Nancy Botwin and get it over with. She started off as a character you could sympathize with, but as the seasons went on she became an unlikeable bitch. She's one of the worst characters on tv along with Betty Draper in my opinion.
The last few episodes of Weeds have been fun again. That mexican dude they brought in as the father and the whole storyline was just horrible.

Already mentioned.

Gimmick shows like Prison break and 24.

24 for about three seasons would have been good. Season 4 was meh. Five I liked. Six was just horrible and I pretend it doesnt exist. 7 and 8 were ok but were predictable.

Prison break really should have ended after season 1. Same with Heroes. They should have ended season one with a massive epic fight between Sylar and Peter. And if they wanted to do more seasons, they should have just brought in a whole batch of new characters instead of bringing back Claire and Hiro just for the sake of it.

I like HIMYM (and given its only like 20 mins per ep) so thats fine imo. Friends finished perfectly imo.

South Park imo is getting better and better as the seasons go on. Simpsons isnt as funny as it used to be unfortunately. It has its moments but the whole episodes had me rolling nearly every minute. Though they would finish off with a movie.
First two seasons of Californication were great but the third was so bad I stopped watching after couple episodes.

Curb Your Enthusiasm has been on a serious decline for some time now. Hopefully Larry David can get things going in a new season.

Weeds started out lively but went nowhere after couple of seasons.

I may stir a shit storm over this but I got tired of True Blood. The premise was interesting and it was quite entertaining for a while but the whole "everyone here is part man, part werewolf/vampire/Fae/shape shifter/whatever " really has gotten old. It just turned into a wacky fairy tale full of weirdness and gore. It almost seems the writers try to substitute the lack of ideas, interesting dialog and direction with more sex and violence.

To me, the writing is what keeps it interesting, you can find the right actors as long as the material is top notch. Dexter is the best example of the show that doesn't need to have a sex scene or action sequence every ten minutes to keep the viewer entertained and that's what makes people come back for more.
True Blood and Californication are both probably midway through their runs on television it is far to early to judge either show in such a manner, because you didnt enjoy the most recent sesason, boo fecking hoo. This season of Californication looks sick nasty
I'm absolutely disgusted that not a single one of you has mentioned Big Brother. The first one was almost interesting and a fresh concept. The rest were horrendous.

Then you can add the rest of the reality stuff in there - Pop Idol, etc.
None of those shows were worthy of one episode though. For that reason alone, I'venot mentioned them. Lowest common denominator shit.
I'm absolutely disgusted that not a single one of you has mentioned Big Brother. The first one was almost interesting and a fresh concept. The rest were horrendous.

Then you can add the rest of the reality stuff in there - Pop Idol, etc.
In that respect, I'd add The Real World. The first half of the seasons were actually interesting and dealt with social issues. Now it's just who can feck and get drunk the most. Should have ended a long while back.
Top Gear? Has become a parody of itself, as have the presenters, and only the episode with the feature on Senna, as well as the specials have been decent recently. I'd be happy for them to cancel it and just have the odd special.
Top Gear? Has become a parody of itself, as have the presenters, and only the episode with the feature on Senna, as well as the specials have been decent recently. I'd be happy for them to cancel it and just have the odd special.

Beat me to it. I was about to say exactly the same thing. Yes, it's scripted. We know it's scripted. But any pretence was dropped long ago and it's now become like a tired old sitcom with the odd celebrity appearance to stop its hollow carcass from disintegrating completely.
Spooks, can't watch it anymore these days but I don't know if thats just because I was biased towards the old cast of characters.
Prison Break went on for too long when it got greenlit for more than one episode. The only good thing about the whole series was Billy Fichtner, dudes a badass. Same with Heroes pretty much, except with Chris Eccleston being the only good thing about it.

24 should of been 4 seasons, X-Files should of been 7, West Wing should of been 5, Sopranos should of been 5, Scrubs, Simpsons is a special case but yeah, Buffy could of been shorter. I'm just going by what I have on DVD really, probably a ton of others, but not Fraiser/Seinfeld, both were still strong as hell even in their final seasons really. Cheers probably went too long though.