TV series that last too long


Full Member
Nov 14, 2006
'Keep the flag flying Jimmy'
TV series that went on too long

There is a thread about tv shows that were cancelled too early, how about tv shows that went on too long, that really went downhill by the end

That 70's Show...Eric leaves the show, and they replace him with this guy:


I can't bear to watch even re runs of the later seasons because I find his character far too annoying (added to the fact that the show simply wasn't funny anymore near the end)

Scrubs- one of my favourite tv shows, and I found it a little awkward watching it by the end. It was still alright by the end, but it just couldn't live up to the best seasons...ditto the Simpsons
I do love Prison Break, but I thought that 4 seasons was stretching it a bit. For me, season 3 (in Sona) was a complete waste of time. The series should have been three seasons long at the most. What happened in season 4 is what should have happened in season 3 IMO, then it should have ended.
Lost - complete and utter shite that's gone on for FAR too long. It was created for bored housewives, I'm sure of it.

Prison Break - First season was great, then it went on too long.

24 - It's all very much the same thing over & over again these days. The twists are predictable as well.
Agree with 24. That series took a nosedive into the shitter mid way through season 1. Amnesia?! feck off.

Friends - There's only so many times you can hear Chandler say something 'witty'.

Any soap - eg. Eastenders. How many people can be ran over in one small square bit of road? The maximum speed possible must be about 5mph.
Fraiser did go on too long though. Remember 7th Heaven? That turgid crap went on forever and ever, and then when they finally decided to end it, the final episode got such good ratings that they decided to renew it again!
There's very few shows that don't outstay their welcome. Fawlty Towers is the benchmark for show's going out at the top.
Lost - complete and utter shite that's gone on for FAR too long. It was created for bored housewives, I'm sure of it.

Prison Break - First season was great, then it went on too long.

24 - It's all very much the same thing over & over again these days. The twists are predictable as well.

Spot on.
Heroes. 1st season = awesome, everything else = rubbish!
24 seems to have gone on for a season or two too long. I enjoy it, mainly because I missed S3-6. But I can see how the plots are being recycled.

Simpsons seem to recycle a fair few of plots and Cheers was an excellent show but gradually declined in quality (espically when Coach died... rip).

I thought Byker Grove also got a bit shit after PJ and Duncan seperated.
Smallville. It's still going.
Thing about American shows, they concentrate so much on ratings, they will continue to write new seasons, even if the programmes become shit,unbelievable or unfunny. In this country, i think there are more cases of writers trying not to ruin there reputation etc, i think if Alan Partridge was an American creation, it will probably be still going today. This doesnt apply to all British shows though, cos there are some shite still going now
The garbage that was Charmed went on for 7 seasons.

Also Scrubs, big time. Its still going, should have ended about three seasons ago.
Friends, 70's Show, Heroes, Prison Break, Scrubs, Seinfield, Stargate, Skins, The Cleveland Show, Eastenders, House, Simpons, Family Guy, ER, every single CSI episode, American Dad, Bones, Desperate Housewives, Big Brother, law and order, survivor, American Idol, wife swap....

Smallville. It's still going.
Agreed. It makes little sense and is fecking awful. Yet I still watch it. Odd.

How'd That 70s Show end? I loved the show but never watched the last season, knowing it wouldn't be good.

Scrubs has gone on too long. This current season is shit. I'm sure it'll be the last. It's a shame because it could have gone out on a high after the Season 8 finale, but they continued with it.
Am I the only one that still likes House? It too a lull in the middle but I think its a decent series again now.

24 is really a show that needs ending, the new season is terrible.