Pogue Mahone
Closet Gooner.
Even without the comparisons though, I still don’t think it’s been particularly great so far. The acting hasn’t been particularly bad as such (bar maybe Kitsch), but I just don’t think it’s all that intriguing. The case itself isn’t really anything special. That’s okay – the 1st seasons wasn’t either, but the characters were superb. This season doesn’t really have that going for it though, and nothing is managing to really carry the show or make it particularly excellent.
It's not the acting, as much as the charisma of the main protaganists. Harrelson and McConaughey are both far more charismatic than all the actors in the new series. This meant it was a joy spending time with them, even if that was just driving along in a car spouting pseudo-intellectual garbage. Farrell would be the closest thing to them (although even he struggles to pull off lame lines like that one about sucking a robot's dick) and the other three are nowhere near, so you really need better material to keep you interested. We might yet get that better material, though. I hope we do. For me, the way this series can reach the same heights of the first one is by getting right what that one got wrong i.e. having a coherent and logical plot. When you call a show True Detective, you really need the detective work to be something that stands up to scrutiny. Which didn't happen in season one. If they can get it right in season two, then it could still be a cracking piece of television. The atmosphere, soundscape and visuals are great, so the potential is there.