The actual journos won't publish these words but I've seen plenty of viewer reviews that clearly take issue with 3 things: two women as the leads, having a native as one of them opposing Foster, showing lesbian relationships, and showing both women as taking the reigns of their relationship with the men in their life (oh no, the patriarchy blah blah blah). "It's too woke" apparently. I've even seen people calling Kali Reis (Navarro) - ugly and fat after the one more skin bearing scene in S1. It's all disappointingly blatant. Some journos in turn seem to be grasping at straws to criticize the show in turn because they know they can't say the same things.
I don't think this show is beyond criticism however. As long as it's on the substance of the show (like criticizing the music score several of us have done to name an example).
That is nuts. Then again people who would notice and hate those things probably do have mental issues.