All right here's the deal.
If you want to talk about the episodes (NOT THE BOOKS, ABSOLUTELY NO TALK ABOUT THE BOOKS IN THIS THREAD PLEASE), put your post inside the spoiler tag.
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However, if you don't want to talk about the episodes, but want to talk about the season/show in general, then just post as normal.
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This season is awesome, I'd like to kiss Eric Northman, and I'd let him do things to me.

If you want to talk about the episodes (NOT THE BOOKS, ABSOLUTELY NO TALK ABOUT THE BOOKS IN THIS THREAD PLEASE), put your post inside the spoiler tag.
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OMG just finished the episode did you watch team edward vampire kristen lolololololtroll
However, if you don't want to talk about the episodes, but want to talk about the season/show in general, then just post as normal.
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This season is awesome, I'd like to kiss Eric Northman, and I'd let him do things to me.