Wow, smarty pants here. What we need is to spend money wisely, get the right players for needed position on the pitch, not to throw money for the flavour of the month/year, because fans like you want new shiny toys only. How many big name players did good here, and will be remembered fondly by fans since SAF retired? Zlatan? And I don't want Saudis nowhere near United, not only cause who the are and what they do, but we are Manchester United, them buying us will be no end to Media talk, brainwashing public how we sold our soul, because we were not able to get back to winning ways without them.
Now, tell me, where did I exactly say that? Do we know each other? Why are you putting your words it my mouth? I don't want to eat at the same table with them, I want us to have our own table at the top of the restaurant with the most beautiful view. I want us to win trophies year after year after year, and be better than those clubs.
True, they spend money, some even got players who were not big name players and they turn out very good for them, some bought players for a lot of money and they did nothing, or very little.. So you want Kane for 200m, and what, 300,000 per week, only for him to be absent for 25 games every season, cool, because he is big name player.
Again, where did I say that? We need players who will fit in regardless of their name and price, who will play for the club, not for themselves. No more Diva's like Pogba. And btw, it is "You're", not "Your".
Thanks! I am Genius. But I am not a lad.
Have a great day.

You said we don’t need to spend big money, ok so that means obviously spending less than our competitors - that’s the only thing it can mean.
You chirped up spouting this and that to my post and then wrote a long arse post while managing to say absolutely nothing of importance or relevance at all.
Long story short - I think if we can we should try to sign Kane...
That’s a no brainier, he’s a complete no 9 with an outstanding record in this league, his injury is a feckin hamstring, it happens.
I think we should have (any) owner who enables us to spend to our max limit, that’s what big clubs mostly do, unless you have Fergie or Klopp (Pep spends like a madman.)
You think we don’t need to spend a lot, your opinion.
Have a good day, Lass.