Toy Story 3

Very good movie, I highly recommend it. 3D or 2D doesn't really make a difference; I saw it in 3D and by the end, it's still somewhat noticeable but only if you look out for it.

@ those who saw 3D: did you have the "Day and Night" 3D thing before the movie started?

I had Day&Night before the movie, thought it was very very good - for the first couple of minutes I didn't even know what it was about but it turned out pretty fine.
Just seen it, fecking brilliant film, hope they don't make a fourth like, but it was great :D
Just seen it too. Absolutely brilliant in 3D, the story line was exciting. Probably the best movie I've seen in years.

Brilliant. Very funny, some clever new characters and some decent tie ins with the previous films.

Spanish Buzz was hilarious!
Saw this last night. Brilliant film, sucks you right in and you really shouldn't care about a bunch of toys as you do with these films.
They've left it open for a fourth, a part of me hopes they do one, but another part of me thinks they should just leave it as it is.

Spanish Buzz was hilarious, and when they were all going into the fire and started to hold hands I could feel myself welling up. I know you were all the same.
Good but I'm not sure a second sequel was needed. I didn't think it was particularly funny either, aside from Ken and Barbie and Buzz the Latin Lover, oh and the thespian hedgehog was class too. The problem is we've seen it all before, sure the little aliens are cute. . .and yeah Buzz is funny when he's been reset but it's a bit lame when they resort to the same tricks over and over again. I used to think the original was the best. . .but having seen them both again recently, Toy Story 2 is best out of the lot of them(inc three of course). This didn't quite match up to the first two. Good attempt, though. . .but I'm hoping they won't make a number 4.

Maybe I'm just pissed off at the utter spastics who laughed at every fecking scene rather than the lack of originality.

I think 2 is the least needed...I think if you were going to watch only 2 of the 3, 1 and 3 would give you a far better story than 1 and 2.
you're only saying that because you loved the ending, I suppose it gave closure to the entire franchise. But 2's the best.
Rex is my favourite character. I used to have a dog called Rex. That's not why Rex is my favourite character though.

Sunnyside was the after life, Elv. It looked so good at the beginning but ended up having different levels of heaven/hell. Deep. So Deep. And garbage dump was the lowest stage of Hell. We even got to see the flames.

And I love those lickle aliens.
Sunnyside was the after life, Elv. It looked so good at the beginning but ended up having different levels of heaven/hell. Deep. So Deep. And garbage dump was the lowest stage of Hell. We even got to see the flames.

And I love those lickle aliens.

When all the toys were going down into the flames, when they knew death was close, when they decided to hold hands and die with dignity, well, I could feel it getting too much for me. It was emotional Spoony.

The Clawwwwww. Aliens are cool. I agree with Mockney about Andy though, that lad has serious issues. He's clearly a lone wolf, and a fag. Who does that remind you of?

When all the toys were going down into the flames, when they knew death was close, when they decided to hold hands and die with dignity, well, I could feel it getting too much for me. It was emotional Spoony.

The Clawwwwww. Aliens are cool. I agree with Mockney about Andy though, that lad has serious issues. He's clearly a lone wolf, and a fag. Who does that remind you of?


They were faking it. And Andy misses his childhood despite being slightly younger than yourself. I think it echoed how most adults feel. Are we adults or are we simply children in adult bodies? And what exactly stops us from buying a Woody and playing with it?
you're only saying that because you loved the ending, I suppose it gave closure to the entire franchise. But 2's the best.

I actually never gave a shit about Toy was my least favorite Pixar film after Cars and the one I never saw which I can't remember (probably cos I was 13 or 14 when it came out, and animated films were uncool maaan by then)...But yeah, I did like the way they wrapped it up. I do get swayed by endings to be's an attention span problem

Also Andy was clearly an emotional retard with no friends...who the feck still gets misty eyed at their toys at 17?...and doesn't knock one out when left in an empty room for more than 30 seconds?
And what exactly stops us from buying a Woody and playing with it?

Totally don't have a Buzz Lightyear standing on a shelf above my head. :nervous:

Wonder why they wrote some of the toys out. Admittedly I can't see how Bo Peep or Etch-a-Sketch would have improved the story, but I was wondering if it was a creative choice or something they had to do. Something to do with copyright?
And 3D. . did 3D actually improve it? the problem with those silly glasses is that they dull the colours. As for the trailers, some movies look awful in 3D. I'm hoping it's just a fad.
The studio wanted Inception to be in 3D and Nolan rejected it.

Nolan > Cameron > Burton > McG
And 3D. . did 3D actually improve it? the problem with those silly glasses is that they dull the colours. As for the trailers, some movies look awful in 3D. I'm hoping it's just a fad.

I don't get 3D at all, it's just like watching a film with glasses on. And as you said all it does is dull the colours.

Seeing as I already wear glasses I had to wear glasses over glasses. It looked silly.
I'm glad he rejected it. His film would've been spoiled. The characters would've looked like carboard cut outs. . .and the scenes/action would've been too fast for 3D causing all sorts of weird shite like blurring and whatnot.
I don't get 3D at all, it's just like watching a film with glasses on. And as you said all it does is dull the colours.

Seeing as I already wear glasses I had to wear glasses over glasses. It looked silly.

I took them off just to see the difference. . .and they really do screw the colours up. I'm not watching anything in 3D again. Well, not till they bring out 3D that doesn't require shite looking glasses.
I'm glad he rejected it. His film would've been spoiled. The characters would've looked like carboard cut outs. . .and the scenes/action would've been too fast for 3D causing all sorts of weird shite like blurring and whatnot.

Indeed. Nolan likes his fast cuts and shaky cam (in fact he didn't even master action until TDK...Batman Begins fight scenes were pretty terrible in truth) plus it's too dark and moody to even work in 3D.
The Dark Knight - loved the chase scene(Batmobile/bike). It's fantastic on blu ray with cinema sound.
Saw this last night. Brilliant film, sucks you right in and you really shouldn't care about a bunch of toys as you do with these films.
They've left it open for a fourth, a part of me hopes they do one, but another part of me thinks they should just leave it as it is.

Spanish Buzz was hilarious, and when they were all going into the fire and started to hold hands I could feel myself welling up. I know you were all the same.
It was a clever ending on their part. It left it open for a sequel, sure, but it didn't do it in such an obvious fashion that other films do that leave you feeling a bit disapointed how obvious it is they want to stretch or make a franchise.

They actually gave it some real closure by passing over the toys to Bonnie(?). If they make no more films then its a nice "ahh they got passed on and we're loved once more" while like you say they could indeed make a fourth with Bonnie(?) as the new Andy.

As a film I'm surprised it left me feeling as i did. In reality the story line was not a whole lot different to the second. "Toys get taken away from home, toys split up, toys decide they need to pull together and help one another get back to Andy." But it was just so well excucted and handled so well that it filled exactly the cushy hole you hoped it would when you entered the cinema.

Me and my girlfriend were in creases when the baby doll was first introduced! :lol:
The Dark Knight - loved the chase scene(Batmobile/bike). It's fantastic on blu ray with cinema sound.

Oh he got is spot on with a lot of the stuff in TDK, but Begins was a bit chaotic. The whole train ride fight at the end was idea what was going on. In fact it was very hard to work out what was going on for the last 20 minutes of the film...Luckily the rest of the film was good enough to cover for his fumbling geeky fratboy virgin attempts at action. He's clearly mastered it now...the hallways scene in Inception was brilliantly done.

We've now derailed a thread about Toy Story into a thread about Christopher Nolan. I'd say that's an agenda..
Yes if it's no bother for you to shell out the if you'd rather not. It's good enough to not really need to be in 3D and isn't dependant on it, unlike something like Avatar. it won't impinge your enjoyment to see it in 2D

I said impinge.
Good but I'm not sure a second sequel was needed. I didn't think it was particularly funny either, aside from Ken and Barbie and Buzz the Latin Lover, oh and the thespian hedgehog was class too. The problem is we've seen it all before, sure the little aliens are cute. . .and yeah Buzz is funny when he's been reset but it's a bit lame when they resort to the same tricks over and over again. I used to think the original was the best. . .but having seen them both again recently, Toy Story 2 is best out of the lot of them(inc three of course). This didn't quite match up to the first two. Good attempt, though. . .but I'm hoping they won't make a number 4.

Maybe I'm just pissed off at the utter spastics who laughed at every fecking scene rather than the lack of originality.


Exactly howe I feel. I liked it but left just slightly underwhelmed. My 11 year old son was much the same and he loved the first two. Of course he is now at an age where World At War/Nazi zombies and Avatar and zombie movies are more his thing so maybe that isn't a good measure.
3d is not necessary in my humble opinion. Feels like it was back engineered for 3d anyway, as none of it was impressive.

The 3d football advert with Kaka in it really made me intrigued about 3d sports on tv, as I could never imagine what it would be like before tonight since i'd never experienced it.
I'd rather try out 3D but my only concern was if my little boy would sit for hours wearing the glasses. I could always cellotape them to his head.
The 3d isn't at all useful for this film. Don't bother would be my advice.
The 3d isn't at all useful for this film. Don't bother would be my advice.

I liked the 3D because it really does give depth to the picture. It is not used in any cliched ways like waving things at the screen, but I actually feel it adds to the experience.

I also thought Night and Day used the 3D extremely well to convey depth. Having said that, some of the trailers did look pretty poor - many characters simply looked like cutouts and in that sense I think it would detract from the experience.

But as for the movie I thought it was excellent and a fitting end to the series. I do not think they would make a 4th, and while people have said that the ending leaves it open, they would just be rehashing where they have been with the earlier movies. And that is something that Pixar are not in the habit of doing. Any other studio would have produced sequels for everyone of their movies, give how successful they have been. The fact that Pixar have not resorted to this and instead are able to continually generate fresh ideas, stories and characters is why they have had so much success.
3D wasn't necessary in this movie. I don't remember anything "popping out" the screen to be honest.

Couldn't believe it when when the guy on the counter told me the total was £18.30! for one adult and one child. Outrageous prices!