Toy Story 3


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
Toy Story 3 (2010)

I generally think IMDB is fairly accurate with its ratings, give or take a point or so. Though obviously it's all subjective and there are some I disagree with, but...9.5 from 6,200 votes? What?


Has anyone seen this? Is it really the greatest film ever made? How are New Zealand drawing 1-1 with Italy?
IMDB ratings are a bit shit, especially of newer films. . .and particularly latest releases. I wouldn't judge recent movies by their ratings.
Toy Story 3 (2010)

I generally think IMDB is fairly accurate with its ratings, give or take a point or so. Though obviously it's all subjective and there are some I disagree with, but...9.5 from 6,200 votes? What?


Has anyone seen this? Is it really the greatest film ever made?

How would we know Smashed, it isn't out yet.
It's a great movie. I had the chance to watch Toy Story 2 in 3D one day before the 3rd one, and the latter's definitely better in my opinion.
Singaporeans too. We've also had a Pixar exhibition for the past 2 months or so. Interesting stuff.
Are you fecking kidding me!!?? We don't get it for more than another month!

How did this happen? Did we lose a war or something? This is bullshit!
Ratings for new fims are always inflated on IMDB, Dark Knight was the #1 movie ever for ages on there. That said the Toy Story films are excellent so I'm sure 3 will be good.
Are you fecking kidding me!!?? We don't get it for more than another month!

How did this happen? Did we lose a war or something? This is bullshit!

Well Pixar are American so I wasnt that surprised when I found out but a month is quite a long time, its usualy only a 2 week difference...if that
IMDB ratings are a bit shit, especially of newer films. . .and particularly latest releases. I wouldn't judge recent movies by their ratings.

Give it 10 years and there will be hardly anything pre-2000 on that list. Bit of a shame really but the more popular it gets the more watered down the ratings become till they really are just a reflection of the average movie goer - Which means watch out for some Michael Bay classics whilst the likes of Ingmar Bergmann disappear completely.

Still the greatest site around moviewise - but take the ratings for anything in the last 10 years with a huge pinch of salt. The classics get their dues but the new films are horribly overrated.
Can't wait for this film. I got the first 2 on blu-ray, both great films and expect the same from this one. Pixar never let us down.
IMDB ratings for new movies are very high. Even though Dark Knight was epic it's initial ratings were over 9.6
99% rating on rotten tomatoes, and the only two guys who gave it bad reviews are nobodies who are pretty blatantly wumming. One of them gave negative reviews to all five movies that received best picture nominations at the Oscars this year, but said in apparent seriousness "I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry is a modern classic."
I saw it today at the movies. Wow. Just wow.

Could it live up to its predecessors? Will it be a letdown for those who've seen the old Toy Stories as kids? Will I leave the theater thinking "what a way to ruin a true Disney classic"? Thing is, as soon as it ended, I was so blown away thinking there's no way in hell they could have done it any better! If there was any such thing as the "perfect sequel" this is it!

And I'm not exaggerating even the tiniest bit. It is that good.
Give it 10 years and there will be hardly anything pre-2000 on that list. Bit of a shame really but the more popular it gets the more watered down the ratings become till they really are just a reflection of the average movie goer - Which means watch out for some Michael Bay classics whilst the likes of Ingmar Bergmann disappear completely.

Still the greatest site around moviewise - but take the ratings for anything in the last 10 years with a huge pinch of salt. The classics get their dues but the new films are horribly overrated.

IMDB General rule(s) of thumb:

1) If it's foreign and has fewer than a certain number of votes (can't recall the exact number), then add 1.0

2) If it's above 8.0 and it's a summer tentpole release, subtract 1.5

3) A lot of our own movie ratings change as we do.

But you really can't blame IMDB; they didn't really mean to go from a small site to the global gathering place where every movie-goer drops by to throw their two cents in. And now that they're corporate owned, they gotta keep folk clickin' on through the site. And folk don't look too kindly on bein' allowed to look-but-don't-touch. Iron Man 2! Woohoo! Bestest Movie Evar! Click-click. I feel you, dawg.

Back on topic though: TS3 was very good. Subtract 1.5 from 9.5 and an 8.0 is just about spot on. Great gags, aside from one pseudo-politically/socially/racially/ergo-financially motivated one.
Are you fecking kidding me!!?? We don't get it for more than another month!

How did this happen? Did we lose a war or something? This is bullshit!

Pixar always do this last year we got Up 5 months later, Wall-E before that 6 months so 1 month isnt so bad.

I've not seen a bad reviews for this it seems to be living up to all the hype.
There's no excuse for staggered releases world wide, when all it requires is a file on a computer to be sent. All it does is make people in areas with later releases, able to download the film prior.
the unscrupulous among you can get a pretty good CAM version from most torrent sites

i absolutely did not do that yesterday so I can't possibly describe it as excellent or indeed better than TS2
I used to watch Toy Story 1 + 2 quite abit when I was a kid, but for the life of them can't remember them. While I can virtually recall The Lion King word for word.

"Simba, you have forgotten me."
For those of you who saw it in cinemas 3D or 2D, not out here until the 23rd and I'm not sure which to go for.
Only watched it in 3D. From what I recall the 3D in this movie is pretty subtle. But the animated short preceeding it is meant to showcase 3D.
I watched it in 3D, I loved it. So touching for me, as I loved it as a little boy and this looks like the last of the series.

Strong storyline? Yes and no... I would give it a 9, purely because I enjoyed the film, and it touched me.
Sounds like a must watch, I was presuming the series would peter out or something, but the reviews on IMDB sound great.
Very good movie, I highly recommend it. 3D or 2D doesn't really make a difference; I saw it in 3D and by the end, it's still somewhat noticeable but only if you look out for it.

@ those who saw 3D: did you have the "Day and Night" 3D thing before the movie started?
I found the day & night thing to be annoying.

Film itself was great. 8/10.
Just watched this....Pixar really are the kings of making you care about animated nonsense. It was a lovely film..and at the end (embitterd cynic that I am) I felt slightly embarrassed about how sucked into such a cheesy squirt fest of an ending...But sucked in I was, even though I never really cared about Toy Story as a series particularly..

Spanish Buzz had me pissing myself...The copy I watched was subtitled in Russian too, so I didn't even know what he was saying...which probably made it funnier

But yeah, another Pixar gem....Though I feel they missed out on a scene where Andy knocks one out in his room and all the Toys watch..That's what I'd of been doing at 17. Andy clearly has no friends and is some kind of an emotionally retarded gimp...But once you get passed that, it's all very touching.

..I'm now going to watch Iron Man 2..which I doubt will be as good a sequel...
I thought the ending was very touching. Although it's more of a case of whether you've watched the 1st and 2nd one. The ones who has I thought might relate and get the ending more.
Went to see it about two weeks ago, and I must say it was absolutely brilliant. Like someone has already said, once again they managed to make you care about something that looks like an utter nonsense at first glance. At the end of the movie you almost start to wonder where have you put your toys and if they aren't miserable by any chance!