Top three gaming sounds

Maybe before all 948 of them come attack your level-8-ass. There are always at least 5 of them when you hear one coming.
The sound of money when visitor entered my Roll Coaster Park.
Monk conversion in AoE.


Give me the soundtrack to Grim Fandango anyday over any other game I've heard. It's truly incredible

I do realise this is "noises" we're talking about here but soundtracks count no ? World of Warcraft is also immense
1) Putting 20p in (or whatever coin depending on your age) the old Out Run arcade game.
2) Space Harrier "Get Ready!"

Some good ones already given in this thread. StreetFighterII is packed with them.
"You require more vespene gas!"
"You must construct additional pylons"
Abe's sounds had me laughing all the time as a kid, dont think I finished a level, just kept making him fart

Lara croft orgasm when she walks into a wall

CoD MW2 multiplayer menu music
The thud of the keeper hitting the floor after conceding a goal from distance on Fifa International Soccer and Fifa 95
Opening your weapon wheel in Mass Effect.

I used to love the noise of a critical hit with Cloud on Final Fantasy 7.