Top three gaming sounds

Pogue Mahone

Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
In keeping with all the "top three..." gaming threads what are the three most memorable/evocative gaming sounds you can think of?

I was walking past security at my offices this morning and one of their walkie-talkies made that beep/static noise the aliens make when they're killed in Half-Life. Instantly brought me right back to playing the game.

Other memorable sounds include:

-the high-pitched "scrtchscrszchshscchchchchchch..." noise a ZX Spectrum makes when it finishes with the red/blue striped loading phase and starts getting stuck into the thin blue/yellow stripes bit that means the game is properly loading.

-the sound Pacman makes when he dies.


any more?
In mario 1 when you completed a level while jumping on the flag mast thing and sometimes you would get little fireworks

That was a great sound
GTA original when you ran over all the orange lads together GOORANGO
Lara Croft's 'ugh' sound while drowning in Tomb Raider. So moving that I wanted to save her, despite the fact that I can't swim & that diving head-first through a tv set might be dangerous.
The background noise in Dwemer ruins in Morrowind. Incredibly atmospheric.
Goal siren in NHL 94

In fact, the entire 'soundtrack' on NHL 94 is legendary; the charge music, the fans booing/cheering, the sound the stick makes when you shot/pass...

Amazing game
The sound and feel of a Falcon Punch hitting it's target in Super Smash Brothers.

If this is seriously the sound from the upcoming Skyward Sword, someone needs to get got for it:

That "dee dee dee diddly diddly dee" noise when you caught a Pokemon.
Goldeneye, shooting a silencer.

Toastie on Mortal Kombat.

Random animal sounds from the crowd in the old Pro Evo's.
Metal Gear Solid Alert sound.

Shenmue QTE

PS3 Trophy Sound

I remember when we bought the first sound card ( an adlib knockoff), we thought we were in heaven after the worst thing ever about PCs. the PC speaker.

Nothing beats the C64's SID chip though.