Film Top Gun - Maverick

Does Tom ever make any films in which he's not intense?
*smacks clenched fist into palm*
I am very concerned about a sequel. I don't understand the fascination of making constant remakes and/or prequels/sequels from older franchises. Terminator is an excellent example of how to ruin a fantastic franchise. The first two movies were great and then it just went downhill. I hope for the fans that do really like the original, that they don't feck this up.
I am very concerned about a sequel. I don't understand the fascination of making constant remakes and/or prequels/sequels from older franchises. Terminator is an excellent example of how to ruin a fantastic franchise. The first two movies were great and then it just went downhill. I hope for the fans that do really like the original, that they don't feck this up.

The only saving grace is Cruise doesn't usually do a sequal that's half arsed or generally poor.
The only saving grace is Cruise doesn't usually do a sequal that's half arsed or generally poor.

For sure, they could have made plenty of cheap top gun sequels to made a quick buck but he's always insisted it was done right / not cgi'd. Its not going to be as good as the first one, that was a one off, those kind of films are pretty much accidental and can't be recreated. Just hoping it captures some of the magic!
For sure, they could have made plenty of cheap top gun sequels to made a quick buck but he's always insisted it was done right / not cgi'd. Its not going to be as good as the first one, that was a one off, those kind of films are pretty much accidental and can't be recreated. Just hoping it captures some of the magic!

The thing I believe about the first is that it was so popular because it changed the way we perceived war plane movies and action movies in general. Before that with Tora Tora Tora and Battle of Britain, they were incredibly grainy and generally average movies that attempted to introduce the notion of flight and was poorly executed. Top Gun on the other hand, from the first scene on the aircraft carrier, the general mayhem followed by the cut to the afterburners on launch at full noise with Highway to the Dangerzone playing in the background... it's probably the equivalent of what it must have been like when Rock music was introduced to the world. Its an instant hook and even though the movie from a dialgoue standpoint is generally poor, there are parts of it that probably changed the future of cinema without even realising it.

For me, the first 5 minutes of Top Gun are probably some of the best in cinematic history. Not because its technically very good but because of how it makes you feel. Its also why I feel there is so much hype around this. If the sequal is good, it will be one of the biggest selling films of all time and I think thats the reason why Cruise is so adament that it was done right. Ffs we're having trailers for trailers....
All the shots with the planes look absolutely incredible. For that alone I'm all in for the movie - I'm not expecting it to have a great plot or dialog but what I'm expecting is spectacle and some old fashioned man love. That's fine by me.
Can't believe there's so much love for the first film. I always thought it was shit.
Can't believe there's so much love for the first film. I always thought it was shit.

It is shit but it's very enjoyable shit that has the added bonus of nostalgia from most people around my age (early 40's+). It's not meant to be Citizen Kane.
It is shit but it's very enjoyable shit that has the added bonus of nostalgia from most people around my age (early 40's+). It's not meant to be Citizen Kane.

I appreciate a good popcorn flick as much as anybody. I just never thought Top Gun was any good, and I'm also old enough to remember it when it came out. I wonder if the nostalgia factor is strong enough to get a decent audience for this film.

Can’t wait to start rehashing quotes from it for everyday life like when I’m on the motorway and some bandit is right on my 6. I’ll hit the breaks and he’ll fly right by me (probably through me) or whip out the “because I was inverted”