Top 5 War Movies

deerhunter. (mao! mao!) some great scenes, some not so great.
apocalypse now. very good overall.
saving private ryan. excellent.
midway. good.
tora, tora, tora. good
bridge on the river kwai. good, but poor in parts.

and a bunch more that I can't recall the names of now.
Full Metal Jacket
Apocalypse Now
Dam Busters (Because I used to live where it was filmed)
Great Escape

In no particular order.
No mention of Schienlier's List or Zulu?

1. Apocolypse Now
2. Schienlier's List
3. Deer Hunter
4. Zulu
5. Platoon
there ya go Parks. Marcos overuled you.
may as well throw Casablanca into the mix. that was wartime, without the war.

mind you the deerhunter didn't have a lot of fighting either.
but they did go to war.
Not counting Schindlers List and Deer Hunter, not "war movies" in my eyes.

Apocalypse Now
Saving Private
Full Metal Jacket
Flags of Our Fathers (didn`t love it tbh, but can`t remember any other decent ones.)
bonus prize for whoever can tell me (without looking it up) the basis for Apocalypse Now and the major difference between them.
bonus prize for whoever can tell me (without looking it up) the basis for Apocalypse Now and the major difference between them.

Heart of Darkness, James Conrad

The difference?

About a hundred years...Coppola modernized the story and set in during the Vietnam war, etc.
Not counting Schindlers List and Deer Hunter, not "war movies" in my eyes.

Apocalypse Now
Saving Private
Full Metal Jacket
Flags of Our Fathers (didn`t love it tbh, but can`t remember any other decent ones.)

How are they not war movies? They're both about war!
Heart of Darkness, James Conrad

The difference?

About a hundred years...Coppola modernized the story and set in during the Vietnam war, etc.

you win the bonus prize which is to take me out for drinks at your expense. you may want to fly down here though as my toronto trip looks fcuked for this year, again.
you win the bonus prize which is to take me out for drinks at your expense. you may want to fly down here though as my toronto trip looks fcuked for this year, again.

Well that's disappointing. Maybe I'll drive down sometime early next year...;)
Saving Private Ryan
Apocalypse Now
Full Metal Jacket
Enemy at the Gates (Because it's about snipers fighting in Stalingrad and isn't a depiction of American heroics).
doc, we have plenty of room at our gaff.

DC is nice in the spring and autumn, summers are too hot.
spring starts in late March here, not in May like your place ;)
Is that worth a watch?

I can order it on Virgin Media for £2.50 but not sure about it.

Masterpiece of Clint Eastwood, IMO.

Story about Japs defending their last base between Yanks and Japan.

Shocking in some moments.
Enemy at the Gates (Because it's about snipers fighting in Stalingrad and isn't a depiction of American heroics).

I dislike that movie for this reason.

It portrays the Red Army as if it was full of idiots. For example the human-wave mass attacks never occured in Stalingrad. It's a myth that has come up here in the western world to serve as an explanation to the enormous amount of casualties in that battle. Street by street, block by block and building by building. That's how the battle was fought there.
I dislike that movie for this reason.

It portrays the Red Army as if it was full of idiots. For example the human-wave mass attacks never occured in Stalingrad. It's a myth that has come up here in the western world to serve as an explanation to the enormous amount of casualties in that battle. Street by street, block by block and building by building. That's how the battle was fought there.

Saving Private Ryan portrayed German soldiers as total idiots.