Top 5 Movies of all time (Any Genre)


Sep 27, 2004
Understandable if anyone goes over 5. This is a tough shout.
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
Pulp Fiction
LotR: The Two Towers
Shawshank Redemption

Honourable mentions:

Goodfellas, Unforgiven & Apocolypse Now.
My top 5:

The Matrix (first)
Fight Club
Pirates of the Caribbean (first)
The Departed

That was hard.. I've got a list of close to a hundred movies I've thoroughly enjoyed. Snatch, The Prestige, The Silence of the Lambs, Dark City, Face/Off, etc, etc, etc, etc, ad infinitum.
Just a couple because i'm busy at the moment.

400 blows
The Graduate
Rocky (well it is the top boxing movie starring sly stallone)

I have requiem for a dream on my computer at home to watch later so that may get added as it seems a popular choice on here.
I don't claim to know a lot about movies, but here's my list:

The Godfather
The Godfather Part 2
LA Confidential
Forest Gump
Lock Stock
not a borefest mate, sheer brilliance, its great to watch a movie thats different to other movies you watch

I would agree, Clockwork Orange is a great film (though not in my all time great list unless you make it a very big list.)

I too enjoy films sometimes just because they are original or have a very unique style. Memento being the best case in point, one of my all time favourites because of the way Christopher Nolan has played with the concept of time to great dramatic effect.
Raise the Red Lantern was fantastic, for anyone who's interested in Eastern Cinema.

I saw it a few nights ago, a visually beautiful film. Yimou Zhang's direction is admirable topped only by its marvelous cinematography. I was let down a little bit at the ending though, a plot like that deserved a more complex and accessible ending. I know Zhang wanted to make a statement but still...
tough one to narrow down to 5 but here goes (reserve the right to change my mind later)

The Empire Strikes Back
LOTR: Two Towers
Blade Runner
I saw it a few nights ago, a visually beautiful film. Yimou Zhang's direction is admirable topped only by its marvelous cinematography. I was let down a little bit at the ending though, a plot like that deserved a more complex and accessible ending. I know Zhang wanted to make a statement but still...

I didn't mind the ending.

I've got a couple of other films by Zhang, ready to watch.
In no particular order

Apocalypse Now
Blade Runner
Godfather 2
3 Colours Blue
Truly Madly Deeply
Surprised Brazil hasn't had a mention yet. Class film

Can't really pick out a top five
tough one to narrow down to 5 but here goes (reserve the right to change my mind later)

The Empire Strikes Back
LOTR: Two Towers
Blade Runner

Goes without saying. Mine will be completely different tomorrow
Two towers has come up a few times, but no fellowship.

Just me who thinks the first one is a superior film?
Almost Famous[My most favourite movie of all time]
Shawshank Redemption
Die Hard
I think all three were a disappointment but the first one was the best of them.
Surprising comment. Personally, I can't imagine the trilogy being much better than it was. What was the problem with it?
I can understand why people liked them - perhaps disappointment is the wrong word. I loved the books when I was a kid but it isnt really my thing these days so it isnt really a surprise that it wasnt my cup of tea.

I thought the second one was a bit aimless and the third one a little bit of an anticlimax. I was just a bit bored, essentially. It came across to me as a series of huge battles without a very strong thread linking them together. Maybe if you watched them together in one sitting it would have felt more coherant to me but it didnt.... and they didnt come across as very strong, stand-alone films, like some other trilogies do.
I'll agree that the first LotR was a very good movie. As for the second one, I'm a bit of a perfectionist and a strategist geek, so that whole Helms Deep fight pretty much ruined it for me. The third one was a bit slow.
The Godfather 1 & 2
Dog Day Afternoon
Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels
Lord of War
What ever happened to baby Jane
Dumb and Dumber
The Long Good Friday
Last tango in Paris
On the Waterfront
Mr Skeffington