Tony Hawks Pro Skater Series


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
I ordered myself a PSone, THPS and THPS2 off Amazon the other day. Best £20 I've spent in a long time.

What a fecking great series of games this was, before it got shite on the PS2 that is.

Literally my perfect game. Simple gameplay, goals to reach, improve your character, always able to better yourself and great music to boot.

It's like being 13 again :)
Thanks for the tip broseph. Downloading it now (TH2 that is, fecking awesome game).
It was good until they focused too much on the online aspect. THPS3 was very good as well. Went downhill after that.
THPS 1-4, very fecking awesome. Underground 1 and 2, not too bad. American Wasteland, alright but carrying on in the wrong direction. The rest... :annoyed:.

But yeah, the first four are great. The second is my favourite, followed closely by the third :drool:
THPS 1-4, very fecking awesome. Underground 1 and 2, not too bad. American Wasteland, alright but carrying on in the wrong direction. The rest... :annoyed:.

But yeah, the first four are great. The second is my favourite, followed closely by the third :drool:

You actually reminded me to make this thread with your Bring the Noise video in the Music thread.

There is another game planned, I really hope they return to their Arcade style roots and don't try to go down the linear path of THUG and THAW. I got Skate for my PS3 and while it's physic's wise better and the theory behing the controls are better, it's just not a fun game compared to THPS1/2/3/4.
I like all three of the Skate games a lot, but yeah I guess they're not fun in the same way as the original Tony Hawks.

I'm not really that optimistic about the new game, it doesn't seem like they have any idea why people haven't liked the recent bunch. But, hopefully after the sales of Shred they'll have some idea.
I liked two and I think underground 1 (the one with bam and the zombies).

It's one of those games you could really spend time mastering, and still have loads to learn. The early ones were even good on the agb.
I loved it. The hours I wasted on that game, creating stupid skate parks with the editor and endless games of tag with friends. The career mode was pretty solid as well.

They don't make 'em like that anymore... :(
I just came. Everywhere. It's all over my room.

This is the best news ever.
That makes me want to get a PS3 or 360. I fecking loved that game. Now if they remade 2, I'd go out today and get it.

Apparently it's a remake of both 1 and 2, out at some point in the first half of next year
Apparently it's a remake of both 1 and 2, out at some point in the first half of next year

Everyone knows THPS was the best original release ever and that THPS2 was both the best game ever made and also the best sequel and also the best and the best best and pretty much life.
Everyone knows THPS was the best original release ever and that THPS2 was both the best game ever made and also the best sequel and also the best and the best best and pretty much life.

I'm not arguing with you! It's one of my favourite games of all time, I played it throughout my early to mid teens up until the first Underground game, where I thought it got a bit silly.
Best game ever.

I am just downloading THPS2 for an iPhone. :drool:
I'm not arguing with you! It's one of my favourite games of all time, I played it throughout my early to mid teens up until the first Underground game, where I thought it got a bit silly.

Yeah they ruined the series by making it open and having a career with ridiculous things like "clothes and haircuts" and shit like that. It was so badly clichéd aswell with all the "oh hey man I'm like totally rad stoked to see you drop a nuggin in on that flat top yo" or somthing like that.

The beauty of the games were the arcade feel of it. 2 minute runs to nail a top score, collect the keys, ring the bells, spell S-K-A-T-E find the secret tape ect ect. It's like game developers are so scared of keeping things simple when it's the simplicity that makes it so perfect.
That is getting bought on release day.

Wont have a clue who half the newer skaters are, but feck it, as long as they've got Rodney Mullen in there, and a decent sound track with some of the old levels.... I'll be entertained for months and months.
Weren't 3 and 4 on the PS2?....Yeah it didn't quite ruin them, 3 was probably the best one all in all...

skate 2 is better than the lot though ;)
Weren't 3 and 4 on the PS2?....Yeah it didn't quite ruin them, 3 was probably the best one all in all...

skate 2 is better than the lot though ;)

Skate isn't fit to lace THPS Sneakers.
Agreed, skate 2 improved on skate in every way imaginable to create a GOATly game.
My favourite game as a kid! Spent hours and hours playing that, trying to get all the "Gaps".

First one's great, second superb (my favourite). The skill "Revert" later allowed you to Do combos up to 400,000 points.