Today analysis : Do Pep and City always playing from the back?From goalkeeper to theirs defend & midfield? Ederson :"No" post on page 2

I know you're Staff so you've got to be professional and all that, but I feel the words of @Cheimoon in our secret thread would be a better statement here;

Wise words indeed from the always placid and analytical Dutch Canadian, right there...
:lol: sorry. I missed the memo.
Addition to the first post. Something i forgot

And that wise monk told me:

Free style is = No style. And because you don't have no style. You don't get stuck on a specific style. You are not limit youself, totally free.

And because you don't get stuck on a specific style. Every styles are yours.

Important things to add. On what he said, told and analyze. After reflecting and analyzed it. That qoute and statement. I totally i agree with.

You just limit your total ability and potential, if you get stuck in a specific style. And if you always keep repeating do it. Over and over again. Your opponent can study it. Know what will come next, your next move and prepare.

But to be honest. Pep always changing his style with Man City. The last tactic of Pep is putting RB into the cm area to add another player to it. Then others managers started to copy him.

You know City and Pep have world class qualities and abilities with the central spine area. And if yours teams central spine belong to second level qualities and abilities. Naturallly it will not reach up to Pep and City level. Your copy style will not reach City level. Always second best. One of big big reasons why City has dominate and win the last 4 premier league titles.

In other ways. If you follow and copy Pep and City advance football style. You will fall into Pep and City trap. Lead to second best always. Only if you got better and more qualities players and central spine than City.
Lower qualities = lower result = 2nd, 3rd and 4th place.

"You don't beat the original you know" Most second best. If you just copy others football style.
Fergie’s teams (pre-2011) often struck me as being free flowing. I started watching in 2006, and even though I was very new to the tactical aspect, there were so many times we had great passes that caught me off guard, and left me bewildered. Only saw highlights and some replays of 90s matches and it had that element too.
Seems like Lucky scout just discovered Jeet Kun Do.

Was it a wise monk or Bruce Lee?

He has a point and I prefer a more exciting approach than what City serve up, even prime Barca while I could appreciate the genius of Messi/Xavier/Iniesta didn't really do it for me. However, to beat City with freestyle/no style/relationalism you still need a comparable squad.
Ederson look up. He saw Haaland started to run. Ederson hoofed the ball long, over his defend, midfield and the long ball landed in the middle of opposition field.
It is not first time Ederson was doing. Not his first assist in his career.

It was just showing that Pep and Man City don't always play out from the back or always from goalkeeper to defend or theirs midfield players.

Free style is like that. Depend how the opponent set up theirs team and defend line. Like City second goal. Where Brentford set a high defend line, against a beast of a CF. No one out muscle Haaland. Wasn't a smart decision by Brentford.
Thinny Pinnock vs Haaland. It's not a chance Pinnock would won that battle.

So again. Pep and City are well known to play from the back. But what Ederson was doing. A natural instinct and Ederson felt was right. To made that decision to play trough and assist pass to Haaland.
It just showing that Pep and City are not stuck and 100 % loyal to a specific way up build up and attack. His players are free to play long when it's the right moment, to play long.

And not only Pep. All managers do mix all kind of build up and attack. Never the same. Every moment and situation on a football pitch have theirs own life.
Main focus of football is to score more goals than your opponent teams. Most direct and effience way as better. No need to "have to play 20-30 passes in the team before scoring.
Like Ederson to Haaland = only 1 pass was needed. No special to play and score goals. But it was direct and effience.

And like in first post. Another situations when players hoof and kick the ball long = panick moment/situation. To clear the ball quick in theirs own box.

Sum up. All managers want a certain way of playing. But if you are stuck 100 % with a specific and clear way of playing and build up. No freedom at all. You are limited your team max potential. Freedom and right and most effience decisions are the keys.

I just think Pep saluted and gave Ederson big credit for that assist to Haaland. Lead to 2nd goal and matchwinner goal = 3 points. In the most simplest way of playing football. Direct and effience way of playing football.
It's once instance and the reason for it was because Brentford were swarming all over them.

Going direct in that situation is quite a simple and effective tactic, all your doing in telling the other team, press us high and we'll hit you over the top. Forces them to drop off and now you have much more room to play.
Ederson look up. He saw Haaland started to run. Ederson hoofed the ball long, over his defend, midfield and the long ball landed in the middle of opposition field.
It is not first time Ederson was doing. Not his first assist in his career.

It was just showing that Pep and Man City don't always play out from the back or always from goalkeeper to defend or theirs midfield players.

Free style is like that. Depend how the opponent set up theirs team and defend line. Like City second goal. Where Brentford set a high defend line, against a beast of a CF. No one out muscle Haaland. Wasn't a smart decision by Brentford.
Thinny Pinnock vs Haaland. It's not a chance Pinnock would won that battle.

So again. Pep and City are well known to play from the back. But what Ederson was doing. A natural instinct and Ederson felt was right. To made that decision to play trough and assist pass to Haaland.
It just showing that Pep and City are not stuck and 100 % loyal to a specific way up build up and attack. His players are free to play long when it's the right moment, to play long.

And not only Pep. All managers do mix all kind of build up and attack. Never the same. Every moment and situation on a football pitch have theirs own life.
Main focus of football is to score more goals than your opponent teams. Most direct and effience way as better. No need to "have to play 20-30 passes in the team before scoring.
Like Ederson to Haaland = only 1 pass was needed. No special to play and score goals. But it was direct and effience.

And like in first post. Another situations when players hoof and kick the ball long = panick moment/situation. To clear the ball quick in theirs own box.

Sum up. All managers want a certain way of playing. But if you are stuck 100 % with a specific and clear way of playing and build up. No freedom at all. You are limited your team max potential. Freedom and right and most effience decisions are the keys.

I just think Pep saluted and gave Ederson big credit for that assist to Haaland. Lead to 2nd goal and matchwinner goal = 3 points. In the most simplest way of playing football. Direct and effience way of playing football.

Didn’t your first post claim that Pep doesn’t allow flexibility from his players? Is this you rowing back from that claim?