Tobacco firm Philip Morris calls for ban on cigarettes within decade

Yeah, I wasn't trying to make a case for alcohol being banned at all. I don't think booze or cigs should be banned and New Zealand's approach makes no sense to me either. It's only slightly better than banning them out-right now, but it's still illogical.
And also a case of discrimination.
You can just read my post above yours.

You don’t understand humans beings if you think you can and should ban alcohol/cigarettes/slavery.

Added some extra text to your post for emphasis purposes only. You don't give humans enough credit for what they/us as a species can achieve. And in some cases probably should.
That’s actually a smart sounding initiative.

Your first paragraph was of course on the money, alcohol is a huge part of how humans interact, have fun, meet friends, partners, relax, enjoy dinners etc etc. And most importantly of all, the overwhelming majority do it in moderation. When done in moderation, it’s as “dangerous” to you as a cheeseburger.

Yeah Alcohol is a part of the culture and everyday lives of people in many countries in a way that smoking never was or likely ever will be.

And there's been many studies that show Alcohol taken in moderation can actually be good for you.
Yeah, I wasn't trying to make a case for alcohol being banned at all. I don't think booze or cigs should be banned and New Zealand's approach makes no sense to me either. It's only slightly better than banning them out-right now, but it's still illogical.

I think cigarettes are going to be a thing of the past one way or another within the next few decades. At least phasing them out is a better approach than an outright ban.
It's hard to take a company seriously that have actively pushed their products into poorer African countries with inadequate healthcare as the cost of cigarettes in richer countries has kept increasing, really. They can get fecked.

is vaping worse than smoking cigarettes?

Both are feckin horrible if you ask me
I support this ban. I don't think there will be a massive black market. There will be for a short while, but as it gets harder and harder to get access to cigarettes, less people will get initially addicted and those who are will also likely use it as a reason to stop smoking. Only a stupid and stubborn hardcore will continue and they'll slowly die out. Will some people still be smoking in 100 years time - yes, but if 90-95% of current smokers have quit, its a win win.

I also support adding a alcohol unit count on the pub passports. Anyone who wants to buy a drink presents their pub passport and it's updated with how many units they've consumed. After a while they are unable to buy any more. This will drastically reduce public drunkeness and the weekend strain on police and healthcare services. We should also have regular £500 fines for anyone seen to be drunk and disorderly in a public place.
I support this ban. I don't think there will be a massive black market. There will be for a short while, but as it gets harder and harder to get access to cigarettes, less people will get initially addicted and those who are will also likely use it as a reason to stop smoking. Only a stupid and stubborn hardcore will continue and they'll slowly die out. Will some people still be smoking in 100 years time - yes, but if 90-95% of current smokers have quit, its a win win.

I also support adding a alcohol unit count on the pub passports. Anyone who wants to buy a drink presents their pub passport and it's updated with how many units they've consumed. After a while they are unable to buy any more. This will drastically reduce public drunkeness and the weekend strain on police and healthcare services. We should also have regular £500 fines for anyone seen to be drunk and disorderly in a public place.
I'm down with this if we go all the way and ban indoctrination with it (all religions), given what they have historically caused.
It's hard to take a company seriously that have actively pushed their products into poorer African countries with inadequate healthcare as the cost of cigarettes in richer countries has kept increasing, really. They can get fecked.

Aye, this will be about an image change and where they see more profits being made rather than actually caring about the people they're selling to.
I also support adding a alcohol unit count on the pub passports. Anyone who wants to buy a drink presents their pub passport and it's updated with how many units they've consumed. After a while they are unable to buy any more. This will drastically reduce public drunkeness and the weekend strain on police and healthcare services. We should also have regular £500 fines for anyone seen to be drunk and disorderly in a public place.

Pre-pandemic I had absolutely no idea how many people don’t just welcome a nanny state, they long for it with every fibre of their being.

Fexking nutters.
It's going to end up like demolition man isn't it? Ban on smoking, ban on meat, ban on sex.
I only used the two together to give an example of how something so ingrained in society, economy, social acceptance, can be changed as human intelligence and awareness increases over time.

Slavery wasn't socially accepted though, it happened, many people even at the time campaigned against it, it was utterly disgusting and it was a crime against humanity. It certainly wasn't the "norm" in most corners of the World.

Hardly the same as a nice glass of red with dinner, or a couple of glasses of champagne on a first date. Or an after work couple of beers with your colleagues.

One was utterly horrendous, they other has many benefits.

And how many slave owners or traders were there really? To compare it as some kind of norm? I mean, just 5% of people in the Southern States were slave owners and for a short period of history, compared with 10 million years (dating back to pre modern humans) and 66% of all American adults that consume alcohol.

It’s a shit comparison whichever way you paint it.
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Slavery wasn't socially accepted though, it happened, many people even at the time campaigned against it, it was utterly disgusting and it was a crime against humanity. It certainly wasn't the "norm" in most corners of the World.

Hardly the same as a nice glass of red with dinner, or a couple of glasses of champagne on a first date. Or an after work couple of beers with your colleagues.

One was utterly horrendous, they other has many benefits.

Slavery was, is and always will be abhorrent. Alcohol comes nowhere near the same stratosphere as a like for like comparison. I just wanted to make that clear in case people only read snippets of posts.

Best to stick with the thread heading. It's good cigarettes are being phased out but as a cynic I ask what the hell are these cigarette companies up to now? Obviously covered well by John Oliver as posted above.
I'm not sure I agree with a total ban, but make it so I don't have to ever experience someone smoking anywhere near me(or any non-smoker), and I would be happy. Let people smoke in designated boxes somewhere.
A guy I work with has been using it to quit cigarettes for about 7 years now.
Then he's doing it wrong.

I used a vape for 2 years and gradually reduced my nicotine intake before eventually stopping using it at all. Haven't smoked now in over three years, not a single one. Before that I could never get fully off them. Vaping absolutely works if you do it right.

Even if he's doing it wrong, vaping for 7 years is much better than smoking for 7 years. For him and those around him.
I support this ban. I don't think there will be a massive black market. There will be for a short while, but as it gets harder and harder to get access to cigarettes, less people will get initially addicted and those who are will also likely use it as a reason to stop smoking. Only a stupid and stubborn hardcore will continue and they'll slowly die out. Will some people still be smoking in 100 years time - yes, but if 90-95% of current smokers have quit, its a win win.

I also support adding a alcohol unit count on the pub passports. Anyone who wants to buy a drink presents their pub passport and it's updated with how many units they've consumed. After a while they are unable to buy any more. This will drastically reduce public drunkeness and the weekend strain on police and healthcare services. We should also have regular £500 fines for anyone seen to be drunk and disorderly in a public place.

Don't see that being workable in any practical sense.
Then he's doing it wrong.

I used a vape for 2 years and gradually reduced my nicotine intake before eventually stopping using it at all. Haven't smoked now in over three years, not a single one. Before that I could never get fully off them. Vaping absolutely works if you do it right.

Even if he's doing it wrong, vaping for 7 years is much better than smoking for 7 years. For him and those around him.

Definitely mate he was a very heavy smoker for 40 years before vaping and couldn't give it up so vaping is an improvement. Some people just struggle with it, I suppose. I remember my dad when I was a kid tried patches and gum to give up smoking but at one point ended up smoking the same amount as well as chewing the gum every day. It took a massive heart attack for him to give up.
I think we should create a nanny state for all these lot that want mommy to tell them what they can and can’t do for life. Ship em all to their version of Utopia.

It's a bit of a stupid concept, who decides what the limit is. Everyone has different limits based on their height, weight, age etc. Would everyone be limited to what a 4 foot 10 man/woman could safely drink?

Where does this even come from, is there even a popular campaign to ban alcohol or limit it? Because I haven't heard about it if there is.
I think we've found how the cartels will survive when drugs are made legal
I think we've found how the cartels will survive when drugs are made legal

"Hey kids, want some cigarettes? The first one is free!"
"Sweet! What do they do?!"
"Nothing. You just cough, smell like shit, bother everyone in the same room and get addicted while slowly killing yourself!"
"We're all already chronically depressed, so this might as well happen. Light it up!"
And ban all processed foods, and limit all cars to 50 mph.
Ban chocolate, soft drinks, ice cream, just anything that is part of the obesity pandemic, ban everything in fact that governments decide “isn’t good for us”.

These silly humans can’t make their own choices ffs. I like the idea of this future.

Unless you're an actual anarchist (or much worse: a libertarian), this such a lazy argument. The government also decided that it "isn't good for us" to drive without seatbelts, or while on the phone, or with young kids not safely strapped into seats. Or that "it isn't good for us" to have guns (in most countries), or own a rocket launcher or a fighter jet. Or that it "isn't good for us" to not have clear information about what is in food or drugs. The government does stuff, that's sort of what it's there for.

It's a slippery slope argument.
"Hey kids, want some cigarettes? The first one is free!"
"Sweet! What do they do?!"
"Nothing. You just cough, smell like shit, bother everyone in the same room and get addicted while slowly killing yourself!"
"We're all already chronically depressed, so this might as well happen. Light it up!"
Lace em with meth and you've got em hooked more than ever!
Do Philip Morris sell vaping products? Personally all in favour of a ban of cigarettes. Come on EU make it happen.
Unless you're an actual anarchist (or much worse: a libertarian), this such a lazy argument. The government also decided that it "isn't good for us" to drive without seatbelts, or while on the phone, or with young kids not safely strapped into seats. Or that "it isn't good for us" to have guns (in most countries), or own a rocket launcher or a fighter jet.

We kill people without seatbelts, we can literally kill a driver by not being strapped in the back seats for example.

We kill people using phones whilst driving.

Young kids die if in a collision not strapped in.

Guns, rocket launchers and fighter jets I think kill people.

Drinking alcohol moderately doesn’t kill people, in fact it’s almost to be argued the opposite, it has many many benefits for society. None of your examples have any benefits for society.
Where does this even come from, is there even a popular campaign to ban alcohol or limit it? Because I haven't heard about it if there is.

No, is there heck. As I posted earlier, 66% of Americans drink alcohol, I’m imaging 90% of Irish, 100% of Finnish.

The idea alcohol is some kind of evil is a funny one, I really do think it has a large net positive On society.
Don't see that being workable in any practical sense.
Aren't we all going to need COVID passports to go to bars and clubs soon? if they did those, they could easily add a feature into it as an anti drunk device. Have a chip on it, have all the EPOS software updated to keep a count of units per drink and units purchased per drinker within a 24 hour period. it could be got around by a lot of pre-drinking at home though...
Aren't we all going to need COVID passports to go to bars and clubs soon? if they did those, they could easily add a feature into it as an anti drunk device. Have a chip on it, have all the EPOS software updated to keep a count of units per drink and units purchased per drinker within a 24 hour period. it could be got around by a lot of pre-drinking at home though...

of course it'll never happen - nobody wants to lose an election, so nobody will propose controlling drunken yobbishness in Britain. It's too ingrained in British culture.
of course it'll never happen - nobody wants to lose an election, so nobody will propose controlling drunken yobbishness in Britain. It's too ingrained in British culture.

British culture? feck me, try telling the Irish or Finns it’s 3 drinks and off home. Or tell the French or Italian it’s 2 glasses for the night before bedtime :lol:
"Hey kids, want some cigarettes? The first one is free!"
"Sweet! What do they do?!"
"Nothing. You just cough, smell like shit, bother everyone in the same room and get addicted while slowly killing yourself!"
"We're all already chronically depressed, so this might as well happen. Light it up!"

That's something I've never really understood, how do kids start smoking when cigarettes are horrible until you become addicted.
British culture? feck me, try telling the Irish or Finns it’s 3 drinks and off home. Or tell the French or Italian it’s 2 glasses for the night before bedtime :lol:
IDK, i don't drink, but i've always been told that this falling all over the streets, fighting in pools of your own vomit and pissing yourself in your bed because you're too drunk to get up every weekend was a very British thing and not an approach taken on the continent. I'm happy to be corrected, like i said - i don't drink and i avoid the city centres on weekend evenings because i don't like being called a paki.
Aren't we all going to need COVID passports to go to bars and clubs soon? if they did those, they could easily add a feature into it as an anti drunk device. Have a chip on it, have all the EPOS software updated to keep a count of units per drink and units purchased per drinker within a 24 hour period. it could be got around by a lot of pre-drinking at home though...

Yeah drinking more than you ''allowance'' before going out or after or even during because no one will be keeping track of anyone's alcohol passport during a busy night in a bar and/or friends who don't drink as much will buy you drinks.

Is this your own idea? Why would people be limited in the amount they can drink? And who decides how much each individual can drink as everyone has a different limit?
That's something I've never really understood, how do kids start smoking when cigarettes are horrible until you become addicted.

Don't you wanna be cooooooool?

Kids and teenagers are especially susceptible to peer pressure. It's as simple as that.

Since smoking has been uncool for 20 years, very few Millennial and Gen Z kids/teens smoked. At least here in Norway.