Those CSI shows


i dont understand why they have 20 different spin off shows

you dont see things like

24: NY, 24: LA, 24: UK, 24: WA etc..

I've posted this before, hilarious stuff from Jim Carrey. Makes more sense if you've seen CSI Miami.

Speaking of the series, I've watched CSI (Las Vegas) from the beginning, and the first seasons were just mindblowing, and they still produce some good stuff but you can sense they're running out of ideas. I think CSI Miami is very good too but I really dislike CSI New York.. I'm a sucker for these crime-shows. Another good one is Criminal Minds.
The first couple of series of CSI (vegas) were awesome. One of the best TV series I have ever seen.

The CSI Miami and NY spin offs are absolute garbage though, and the Vegas show went down hill about five years ago.,
Completely agree.

I mean when I first joined the force, I assumed there was semen on everything, and there was some sort of semen database that had every bad guy's semen in it. There isn't! That doesn't exist! It'd be nice. Like that crime scene today. If the man had ejaculated and then punched you in the face, we would have a real good shot at catching him! But no.. just a punch in the face, no semen. Story of my life...

Such a realistic show right to the fine details.
All female investigators sweep the crime scenes wearing 4-inch high heels and the lowest cut tops.
The first one - with Las Vegas background was real good one. I used to watch it regularly was well. But when 3 of the main characters left, it's turned to shit. And the ratings dropped big time when Gil Grissom, who was a co producer of the show, left.

Gill Grissom

Sara Sidle

Warrick Brown
The Vegas one was brilliant as others have said, I watched one or two episodes of the Miami one and the main guy bugged the crap out of me with the cheesiest one liners.

I've just got to the part in the Vegas ones where Warrick goes out of it and I know Grissom goes, so think it will go down hill now. Sara Sidle leaving didn't bother me, I didn't like her character.
CSI NY is complete crap. When I've watched it I've just gotten the impression that the writers just gave up a plot midways.
CSI (vegas) is great. I bought every single boxset of it as i was a late starter watching it. Im currently on Series 5. Grissom and co are still in it. Im not looking forward to seeing it when they leave the show.

I love Lady Heather in it




Ive not seen miami yet and only about 2 episodes on NY which was okish.

Grissom for me makes CSI. He was awesome in manhunter.
Completely agree.

I mean when I first joined the force, I assumed there was semen on everything, and there was some sort of semen database that had every bad guy's semen in it. There isn't! That doesn't exist! It'd be nice. Like that crime scene today. If the man had ejaculated and then punched you in the face, we would have a real good shot at catching him! But no.. just a punch in the face, no semen. Story of my life...

Am i right in saying thats from Superbad?
I love Lady Heather in it




Melinda Clarke is such a ridiculously hot MILF. I remember watching the OC with some friends, and they were all horrified when that seventeen year old guy gets it on with her (who I believe was his friend's mum). I, on the other hand, envied him tremendously.
They all are shit shows, and a disgrace to American television.
:lol: It really sums up well what these series are about, I don't really them as for me they lack a lot variety.Seems like watching the same shit over and over again
i only like CSI NY, however i strongly believe if they can solve the case and catch the murderer in an hour on TV then they should be able to do it in real life too
i only like CSI NY, however i strongly believe if they can solve the case and catch the murderer in an hour on TV then they should be able to do it in real life too

It's been said that the methods they use are close to rel life investigation. But in the show they use time cheat; showing the results of a test instantly, when it would've taken days in real life.
they should use time cheat in real life then