Television The Professional Grappling Thread

^Thats so weird but I randomly watched that on youtube the other day. @Zarlak

The blue dot Christian story was hilarious. Even as a wrestling fan I was like surely hes exaggerating before realising, wait its Vince.

The sneeze story is just too brilliant. Its everything you would expect from vince and you can just imagine him doing it too @phelans shorts lol
Rollins vs. Neville was fantastic. One of my favourite Raw matches of the year (and there's been some blinders).
Imagine how much eye rolling you'd get from a non-wrestling fan with scenes like the Blue Dot discussion, Vince shitting himself in Gorilla then going out to do his promo anyway (and the whole Jerry Brisco incident that followed), the Kofi Kingston fight, saying he'd take Frank Shamrock. That stuff can't be real, yet it's only the beginning.

It would be absolutely incredible.

Repeatedly trying to take down an Olympic gold medal winner on the plane ride from hell (which is almost a movie in itself).

Him getting Jericho to do a promo with giant apes because he likes apes, then giving him a standing ovation when he got back to Gorilla as everybody just stared in bemusement.

Claiming nobody will like Daniel Bryan because he "can't trust anybody who doesn't like steak."

Mae Young giving birth to a hand then the call back to it on Raw 1000, 20 years later (you just know that was Vince's idea).

Firing Jimmy Yang, then bumping into him when he had turned up to watch a PPV, forgetting he had fired him and told him to work with the Spirit Squad that night

He genuinely wanted to do a storyline where he impregnated his own daughter
One of the best reversals I have seen

Did it a bit smoother last year (mainly because he had two arms functioning). It was incredible because it was against Okada in the final, at that point the Rainmaker clothesline had never been kicked out of so as soon as he set it up it felt like match over.

EDIT: this was a good 25/30 minutes into the match too. Well worth checking out if anyone's interested.
Nah, he's above the tag division - despite clearly being a midcard forever kinda guy.

I think a stint like Cesaro type tag team would do. Tag team has lot of high flyers now, Lucha, Los Matadores, Kofi Kingston etc and he'll do good in that division. Maybe even get him the title down the line before bringing him back to midcard solo. You know what, I think him and Damien Sandow would be a nice combo. Crowds like both, both can entertain and are in need of new gimmicks.

lead to this

This game is really fun! Clunky and sometimes unresponsive but fun. This Adrian Neville dude was fecking hard to beat considering my dude was only rated 62 overall.

If anyone plays this online hit me up. 6 man ladder match is hilarious, would be better with caftards.

lead to this

This game is really fun! Clunky and sometimes unresponsive but fun. This Adrian Neville dude was fecking hard to beat considering my dude was only rated 62 overall.

If anyone plays this online hit me up. 6 man ladder match is hilarious, would be better with caftards.

Thought you was talking about '16 for a moment, was wondering how the feck you'd played it :lol:

Incredibly I've got '15 and have barely put it on. Brought it digitally and just never got round to it which is crazy considering I've always been into these games. Just not sure I'm enjoying the switch over to 2K in all honesty but maybe I just haven't given it enough of a chance. The feck did they do the the online match making though? It looked awful when I had a quick look.
Thought you was talking about '16 for a moment, was wondering how the feck you'd played it :lol:

Incredibly I've got '15 and have barely put it on. Brought it digitally and just never got round to it which is crazy considering I've always been into these games. Just not sure I'm enjoying the switch over to 2K in all honesty but maybe I just haven't given it enough of a chance. The feck did they do the the online match making though? It looked awful when I had a quick look.

The matchmaking is really, really confusing. Ridiculously so. This is my first WWE game since the PS2 ones. Bought the DD edition for €30 on a whim and I'm finding it really enjoyable. What's the difference between this and others?

It's pronounced Bruce L'roy

Stop spreading falsities you cnut nugget!
2K16 looks half decent, probably give it a purchase when the time comes around.
The matchmaking is really, really confusing. Ridiculously so. This is my first WWE game since the PS2 ones. Bought the DD edition for €30 on a whim and I'm finding it really enjoyable. What's the difference between this and others?

Stop spreading falsities you cnut nugget!

Online wise? The match making used to be pretty simple. Go online and there would be a list of rooms/matches available or you just made your own room. Simple, no bollocks. I don't really get why 2k didn't stick to something similar to that.

If you mean gameplay wise, personally I muched prefered the game under THQ. But again, maybe I just haven't given this years enough of a chance. I keep meaning to get into it but just haven't had the time. Online is a big selling point for me too, much prefer playing real people and had an incredible time over the years on the old versions online (bar the years of the glitching cnuts that would make your character freeze in a doggystyle position :lol:). I quite miss the years of tapping like a maniac to kickout or get back up too.

Will try find some time over the next few weeks to fire it up and might give you a shout for a game or two. Either way I'm always a sucker so I'll be buying 2k16.
Enjoyed the Paige podcast.

Tough Enough is weird but still entertaining.
As noted, WWE has given Paige, Becky Lynch and Charlotte the "Submission Sorority" name for their stable. WWE did not do proper research and quickly found out that this is the same name of an adult website.

There's talk of changing the group name to The Submission Sisters. The idea of calling them the Horsewomen was also thrown around but that could be seen as stepping onRonda Rousey's toes.

:lol: A porn featuring these 3 would be kick ass :drool:
In other words, no one could be arsed to do one google search.

Submission Sorority or Submission Sisters, they're both crap names anyway.

Submission sisters comes up with erotic literature anyway. Maybe they should just shorted it to the S.S.

After all, they have a blonde person running a "genetically superior" gimmick, and they're feuding with black and latino rivals.
I thought she was just relegated because her initial gimmick didn't get over on RAW like it did NXT. What is the stealing incident?
is she still being punished for that stealing incident?

No, after the initial weeks where she wasn't seen on TV they just forgot about that, especially when the further details came out. She's been allowed to go back to NXT by her own request (something that quite a few of the women requested and been denied) to rework on her gimmick.

That stuff all went down really weird, bringing her in to work with Santino was an awful decision, only made worse by that incident and Santino retiring while she was in the dog house. She's easily good enough to turn it around, if they let her wrestle. She's been working a lot more on getting into "TV ready" shape too, we all know how Vince and Dunn like their women to look, after all we are only ten years away from the time when a boob job was a sure fire way to fast track promotion.
No, after the initial weeks where she wasn't seen on TV they just forgot about that, especially when the further details came out. She's been allowed to go back to NXT by her own request (something that quite a few of the women requested and been denied) to rework on her gimmick.

That stuff all went down really weird, bringing her in to work with Santino was an awful decision, only made worse by that incident and Santino retiring while she was in the dog house. She's easily good enough to turn it around, if they let her wrestle. She's been working a lot more on getting into "TV ready" shape too, we all know how Vince and Dunn like their women to look, after all we are only ten years away from the time when a boob job was a sure fire way to fast track promotion.
The sooner Kevin Dunn does leave the better, but what I think she needs is a good character..thats how wrestling sells...I remember watching the Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks were they told a fantastic story that fit both their characters so got you invested, so much so that it wasnt a typical divas match but a proper match..I think a good storyline for the different divas would help.
Don't know if it's been mentioned yet but Balor vs Owens at Takeover will be a ladder match :drool:
Don't know if it's been mentioned yet but Balor vs Owens at Takeover will be a ladder match :drool:

Really need to get up to speed with NXT. The misses loves the Attitude era stuff and were working our way through every RAW & Smackdown from 98 so far lol

The ladder match is gonna be class!
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Uhaa Nation is now called Apollo Crews too.
And Terry Crews. "Let's give him two muscly black man names to make him sound badass"
The sooner Kevin Dunn does leave the better, but what I think she needs is a good character..thats how wrestling sells...I remember watching the Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks were they told a fantastic story that fit both their characters so got you invested, so much so that it wasnt a typical divas match but a proper match..I think a good storyline for the different divas would help.

Tbf, Dunn is very good at his actual job. It's the stuff beyond that which Vince wants his opinion on where he's fecking terrible.

And Terry Crews. "Let's give him two muscly black man names to make him sound badass"

Rumour has it LeBron Shaft was on the shortlist.

Some serious death match shit there.
He has a reputation for being a misogynist...but he is head of the production side right? WWE are actually quite good at that.

Yep, that's it. WWE are up there with the very best in the world production wise, especially as a live show. Outside of production however Dunn is absolutely useless. For anyone interested, it's Dunn who doesn't rate Owens. Triple H is currently working on something HUGE for Kev, Vince is willing to give Kev a shot.


Some serious death match shit there.

THE FOLLOWING LUCHA IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT (this works much better if you imagine I'm as attractive as Melissa Santos)

Yep, that's it. WWE are up there with the very best in the world production wise, especially as a live show. Outside of production however Dunn is absolutely useless. For anyone interested, it's Dunn who doesn't rate Owens. Triple H is currently working on something HUGE for Kev, Vince is willing to give Kev a shot.

He is a Vince guy, so maybe Triple H will get rid when he takes over. But thats years away.

edit: And damn him if that Kevin Owens thing is true. the guy has been brilliant since his call-up.