Come on, the RA was tenfold more wilder than the AE.... of the top 10 worst things Vince did "in character", about 8 of them will be from that Evil Vince period, Katie Vick, Heidenrich, Torrie/Dawn/Sable were rarely saw wearing clothes, Trish wasn't too far behind either despite her learning to wrestle in this time frame, Lita-Edge live sex and angle with Kane!, Kiss My Ass club, Kurt Angle's fetish gimmick, Tim White suicide angle, a stunning amount of casual racism which at times was considered such at the time forget looking back on it now, the mole on the face... who was that special wrestler too.... I'm forgetting loads.... but we're about to get tonked 8-0.
RA's reputations lives off 2002-03 Smackdown mostly.... outside of that it was just an extension of AE more or less, just no Austin, Rock and totally different people in HBK and HHH.... but I agree with the initial... it all added up to being the glory days.
Forget all this trying to fit in with mainstream culture high production and over the top long drawn out stories, WWE is supposed to be an outlandish soap!