Television The Propgropthrop

Again, the build up to the Hogan vs Sting was crazy good. You'll never have the same effect binge watching it as compared to waiting for the next show for the entire week. WCW's golden period was as good as the peak attitude era.

It's ridiculous to binge watch attitude era and then conclude the it was not all that. Not directed at you but the previous few posts.

Oh, it definitely gets much better, my point is that it's just amazing how stark the turnaround was given how shit both shows were when the "wars" began.
PPV-esque card for tonight.

And Logan Paul.

And you don't think nostalgia plays a big factor in that? I rewatched the raws from 96 up until about 2001 recently. I enjoyed it, but a lot of it doesn't hold up well at all.

Maybe but I'm trying to get my kids into wrestling and the only time they've sat and paid attention was the attitude era stuff. They have little interest outside of the Usos and Roman Reigns but were enthralled by Gangrel :lol:
I've been watching from the start of the Monday Night Wars, and it's honestly amazing that either product picked up speed.

WCW's main event scene has the ridiculous Hogan vs Dungeon of Doom storyline, which introduces the notoriously shite gimmick of "The Yeti", features Hogan and The Giant/Big Show allegedly battling each other on a rooftop inside monster trucks before having an actual match, Hogan turning heel by way of Kevin Sullivan wearing a dress then not turning heel, and generally just Hogan, Savage, Luger and Sting shouting at each other incoherently. They also keep going "WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY" which has to be an all-time terrible slogan.

WWF is arguably even worse, with basically nothing of note going on. Bret Hart is having a feud with PCO in his pirate gimmick over him stealing sunglasses off a kid, Dean Douglas is a teacher and feuding with Razor Ramon (X-Pac as 1-2-3 kid is also sort of involved), Marty Jannetty is trying to stay relevant, Viscera/Mabel has won King of the Ring and is being pushed as a main event heel against Undertaker, HHH is feuding with a pig farmer, Kane is an evil dentist.

Well I never really watched WCW or understood how it gained popularity (aside from by signing Hogan) but I don't remember any of those things at all happening in WWE. I mean Kane wasn't even around until after Bret was gone and anything pre the mania where Bret faced Austin is before my time anyway, and also before the Attitude Era. I don't have any desire to immerse myself into that weirdness.

The longer you think about any era of wrestling (including the current one) the more it becomes hard to explain why anyone would watch it, imo. When you break it down its all actually rather silly...but then so is getting invested in a bunch of people kicking a ball around.
Roman/Solo for the main event, if a certain someone is showing up after it.

Cena's return could work too, to start an angle.

Rollins/Punk works too. Shows how strong WWE is right now that they could throw multiple things in the main event and it would fit.
Well I never really watched WCW or understood how it gained popularity (aside from by signing Hogan) but I don't remember any of those things at all happening in WWE. I mean Kane wasn't even around until after Bret was gone and anything pre the mania where Bret faced Austin is before my time anyway, and also before the Attitude Era. I don't have any desire to immerse myself into that weirdness.

The longer you think about any era of wrestling (including the current one) the more it becomes hard to explain why anyone would watch it, imo. When you break it down its all actually rather silly...but then so is getting invested in a bunch of people kicking a ball around.

Kane was Isaac Yankem.

Both shows were just incredibly silly, almost cartoonishly so with a lot of the characters. WCW had a bloke (maybe two) that were allegedly some sort of "army man", there were racing drivers, Disco Inferno was a thing, it was all just a bit weird.
Kane was Isaac Yankem.

Both shows were just incredibly silly, almost cartoonishly so with a lot of the characters. WCW had a bloke (maybe two) that were allegedly some sort of "army man", there were racing drivers, Disco Inferno was a thing, it was all just a bit weird.

Bloody legend!
Kane was Isaac Yankem.

Both shows were just incredibly silly, almost cartoonishly so with a lot of the characters. WCW had a bloke (maybe two) that were allegedly some sort of "army man", there were racing drivers, Disco Inferno was a thing, it was all just a bit weird.

I am both glad and also somehow a little disappointed that I managed to miss all of this.

Still I'll always have the memory of Perry Saturn being in love with a mop, and Undertaker spending months tormenting Vince under the instruction of a "higher power", which then turned out to be Vince.

I do miss the absurd, no explanation offered nonsense of it all.
I take it is Raw going to be back to 3 hours now?
It can be whatever it wants now, I presume. The same way you get those inconsistent run times for episodes in some series on streaming. Like one episode might be an hour and 8 minutes and the next one might be 49 minutes.

Raw might be 3 hours one week and 2 and a half the next.
So I’m planning on waking up early this morning to catch up on it. If I set my alarm for 5am will it be on Netflix ready to replay?
If its like the youtube Smackdown prepare for all of the adverts, occasionally with 30 seconds of wrestling show in between
I think I went into this RAW expecting too much.

The matches on the card delivered for what they were. Some odd decisions though which I didn't love:

  1. The Rock completly destroying the character he had created, being face and embracing Cody. For me that instantly killed any future between them, what was the point.
  2. The Rock crowning Roman, similar to the above why take the zing out the fued.
  3. Rhea besting Liv and Dom's reaction.the frustrated me in a few ways. Liv is more entertaining IMO than Rhea and deserved a longer reign. How Liv was pinned made little sense when Dom/Raquel was at ringside and would break it up any other time. Where does Liv go from here? They have absolutely ruined the Judgement Day, could of been great.
  4. Drew loses again, he deserves so much better. Im hoping with Seth also losing they create a stable and become full heel.
I think I went into this RAW expecting too much.

The matches on the card delivered for what they were. Some odd decisions though which I didn't love:

  1. The Rock completly destroying the character he had created, being face and embracing Cody. For me that instantly killed any future between them, what was the point.
  2. The Rock crowning Roman, similar to the above why take the zing out the fued.
  3. Rhea besting Liv and Dom's reaction.the frustrated me in a few ways. Liv is more entertaining IMO than Rhea and deserved a longer reign. How Liv was pinned made little sense when Dom/Raquel was at ringside and would break it up any other time. Where does Liv go from here? They have absolutely ruined the Judgement Day, could of been great.
  4. Drew loses again, he deserves so much better. Im hoping with Seth also losing they create a stable and become full heel.

Agree with all of those, let's hope the feud between Seth and Punk carries on and is not just a one off. Overall don't think the show lived up to the hype. The whole Rock segments and character were just bizarre.
Apparently the rock is scheduled for Moana reshoots around the time of mania, he's not going to be appearing, or atleast wrestling.

Think things would have been different had he been free this mania.
Hogan being booed was beautiful. I bet he was fuming backstage.
First wrestling event I've seen in like 8 years and that was such a highlight :lol:

Overall though, dunno if I still have it in me too watch full shows. Most likely I'll just dip in for Rumble and Mania.

I liked the first match but was a bit bored with the rest of the matches.
First match was good but also a bit weird with the rock completely flipping his character right before it.

Everything else was a big meh for me. Well that's being kind there was far too much self appreciative crap. I thought it was cringe. Was clearly set up partly to introduce new or returning viewers but it gave the whole thing a "let's scrub up and dress smart for the offsted inspection" type feel. I'd have hated it if it was the first wrestling I'd watched in years and was out of the loop.

Also New Day didn't get booed out of the building when they tried to speak and it's like no one had a plan of what to do if that happened, which made the whole segment bizarre.

Hopefully it will get back to normal next week or whenever they stop acting like being on netflix is akin to winning ww2
Wtf was Rollins Vs Punk? 10 minutes of finisher spamming. They're Punk and Rollins not Goldberg and Lesnar. Really disappointed with that.

Glad to see that overrated odious vile Hogan get booed off the face of the earth though.

Everything else was good, but I expected more shock returns/debuts.

Yeah thought it was okay at best.

Rock thing was odd but I do think there’s still something with Reigns (body language and his face was telling a story in itself), my guess is 2026 WM will be their match which will be Rocks last.
Wtf was Rollins Vs Punk? 10 minutes of finisher spamming. They're Punk and Rollins not Goldberg and Lesnar. Really disappointed with that.

Glad to see that overrated odious vile Hogan get booed off the face of the earth though.

Everything else was good, but I expected more shock returns/debuts.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of that was an audible, Rollins looked to pull up short of an Irish whip to the turnbuckle and held his left knee, it could have been a work but it seemed a weird place to put it if it was, you then saw Punk calling a lot of things on the fly.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of that was an audible, Rollins looked to pull up short of an Irish whip to the turnbuckle and held his left knee, it could have been a work but it seemed a weird place to put it if it was, you then saw Punk calling a lot of things on the fly.
I did wonder if there was something amiss. It just seemed really really odd two wrestlers of that calibre just constantly finisher spamming.
This has been a load of shit, to be honest. Some good matches but as said above, Hogan being booed was the highlight. They weren't having any of it.

Showing "celebrities" every 5 fecking minutes, ridiculous.
This has been a load of shit, to be honest. Some good matches but as said above, Hogan being booed was the highlight. They weren't having any of it.

Showing "celebrities" every 5 fecking minutes, ridiculous.