Television Tho Prop Grops Throps


Full Member
Jan 26, 2014
Not really. You can't call the Undertaker, Kane, Kurt Angle, The Rock, Chris Jericho, Benoit, Mankind, Rikishi, Triple H, Vince, Shane and Shawn gack. They were 90% of the show.

Every era will have its Al Snows.
Oh yeah all those guys are amazing but then a lot of 1998 was shit like the oddities and hawk and animal alcoholic angle and the brawl for all and actually watching the full raw you won't see much wrestling other than kicks and punches and every match ending in a run in


Full Member
May 15, 2007
I enjoyed oddities as an act. The early attitude stuff was shit though. Meat, mae young hand birth, sexual chocolate, that interview with pillmans wife, the headbanger dude who pretended his wife was his mother until they changed that to his wife but they hinted he beats her or whatever that shit was.

Dirty Schwein

Has a 'Best of Britney Spears' album
Feb 6, 2012
Miracle World
Luton Town
I enjoyed oddities as an act. The early attitude stuff was shit though. Meat, mae young hand birth, sexual chocolate, that interview with pillmans wife, the headbanger dude who pretended his wife was his mother until they changed that to his wife but they hinted he beats her or whatever that shit was.
Attitude era had a lot of shit (Perry Saturn and Moppey :lol: ) but it also had viscous matches (e.g. TLC with the Hardy Boyz) and some fantastic storylines as well as some of the most charismatic wrestlers from Stone Cold to The Rock to 2 Cool to even midcarders like Gangrel (until he was forced to speak).

Now, a lot of the wrestlers seem very bland, probably due to the PG nature of the product.

Cody, who is the world champion, seems really boring. They have champions who are part time (Brock and Roman), the tag team scene only has a few good teams etc.

It was apparent when Rock came back recently. He put everyone to shame with his mic work, making the main face and heel look like side characters whereas back in attitude days, wrestlers were able to keep up with him.

But maybe I'm seeing things through rose-tinted glasses.

One thing for sure, the women's division is infinitely better now.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Attitude era had a lot of shit (Perry Saturn and Moppey :lol: ) but it also had viscous matches (e.g. TLC with the Hardy Boyz) and some fantastic storylines as well as some of the most charismatic wrestlers from Stone Cold to The Rock to 2 Cool to even midcarders like Gangrel (until he was forced to speak).

Now, a lot of the wrestlers seem very bland, probably due to the PG nature of the product.

Cody, who is the world champion, seems really boring. They have champions who are part time (Brock and Roman), the tag team scene only has a few good teams etc.

It was apparent when Rock came back recently. He put everyone to shame with his mic work, making the main face and heel look like side characters whereas back in attitude days, wrestlers were able to keep up with him.

But maybe I'm seeing things through rose-tinted glasses.

One thing for sure, the women's division is infinitely better now.
I get what you mean. Its why I liked oddities. It felt like lower and mid card people had actual characters. Some of it was shit. I think recently were seeing more of a move towards that again which is good.
I think overall what helped was I watched attitude era as a teen. so it was a lot of fun. And it was good for its time too. Im not sure how a rewatch would go now, but I do remember a lot of early on was shit. It did take its time to get into the groove.


"It's like..."
Apr 1, 2004
:lol: aside from the sexism, blatant degradation of women, occasional casual racism and general inappropriateness I still love the attitude era stuff.

If the actual wrestling at the time wasn't 95% utter trash it would be peak WWE forever.

My favourite was the raw where undertaker tried to get Kane taken to an insane asylum by making him pass out, but then got hit over the head with a shovel by Austin who then swapped his body with Kane so Undertaker got committed instead, and then Kane and Austin threw Paul Bearer into a sewer. Just a standard Raw episode back in the day.