Television The Professional Grappling Thread

One of the big 3 matches has to have an ending which isn't an obvious winner. I'm guessing if any, it will be Lesnar.
The Rock is booked for Extreme Rules apparently, so there is a small chance he retains, or something happens to continue his feud with Cena, he's not on Raw enough to engineer a new feud
Not a big fan of WWE nowadays, but you've always got to watch Wrestlemania just as you have to watch the Superbowl, the FA Cup final, Wimbledon final, TwatFactor Final, BGT Final, the final episode of Friends...I could go on.

It also means I sleep in tomorrow and miss Uni which is always a plus.

P.S - What is this 'pre-show' nonsense? Am I the only one who thinks that sounds absolutely ridiculous?
Or, Rock loses tonight and Extreme Rules is his rematch (which he loses via interference, which will set up Cena's next feud).

WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. The Rock

World Heavyweight Title Match
Jack Swagger vs. Alberto Del Rio

WWE Tag Team Title Match
Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan

No Holds Barred Match with Triple H’s Career On The Line
Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H
Shawn Michaels will be in Triple H’s corner

CM Punk vs. The Undertaker

Sheamus, Big Show and Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns

Ryback vs. Mark Henry

Fandango vs. Chris Jericho

Brodus Clay, Tensai, Cameron and Naomi vs. Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow and The Bella Twins

Pre-show WWE Intercontinental Title Match
The Miz vs. Wade Barrett

I expect Dolph Ziggler will cash in the MITB tonight though on ADR
Ive got a feeling Cena will cheat to win somehow tonight, Rock will have it all but won and something controversial will happen.

The crowd will boo him severely on raw and he will cut a "win at any cost" promo, which will start his heel turn.

Can see the Rock sticking around for 1 final rematch and then leaving.
One of the big 3 matches has to have an ending which isn't an obvious winner. I'm guessing if any, it will be Lesnar.
The Rock is booked for Extreme Rules apparently, so there is a small chance he retains, or something happens to continue his feud with Cena, he's not on Raw enough to engineer a new feud

I don't really think anything unpredictable will happen in the big three matches. I'm expecting Punk Vs Taker to be the match of the night and I think HHH vs Lesnar will be a good brawl(not really bothered about the outcome). The thing I most interesting in is how Cena wins the title as that's not clear cut and could be booked in a variety of ways.

Either way, I'm hoping this mania will close off most of the angles involving the Part-timers and kick-start some new things going into Extreme Rules. There's not really much shelf life left in any of these angles other than maybe Rock Vs Cena at Extreme rules. Interested in whether Ziggler cashes in(I think he must), whether they break up Team Hell No, where they take the Shield, whether Orton turns etc from here.
NJPW: Invasion Attack was a great show. Okada vs. Tanahasi and Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Shinsuke Nakamura were both fantastic matches.

Sadly, there's some lesser PPV on tonight that people are going to be watching instead.
NJPW: Invasion Attack was a great show. Okada vs. Tanahasi and Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Shinsuke Nakamura were both fantastic matches.

Sadly, there's some lesser PPV on tonight that people are going to be watching instead.

I was wondering where he went after he left Celtic.
Also, anyone who thinks that Be A Star Cena is turning heel needs to seriously think it through.

You don't think he could play both?

he's not gonna go all evil and shit, just make a "win at any cost" type attitude.
You don't think he could play both?

he's not gonna go all evil and shit, just make a "win at any cost" type attitude.

There's no chance he's turning at all. Another point, if you think that Be A Star isn't enough of a reason, where are the faces on the card? Who challenges him as a face? There's no one.
Surely Cena will win, and then Rock would leave WWE again, maybe coming later for some match with his career on the line.
And no way HHH can lose to Lesner. Is there any stipulation if Lesnar loses?
Will probably download it tomorrow. I hope it's kind of EPIC
Everything points to Triple H winning here, though we all know if he does it'll be one of the most moronic decisions in a while. Outside of the 'story', there's no benefit what so ever from Triple H winning. I've still got faith they'll have the sense to have Lesnar go over here. That way Triple H get's his 'retirement' on the biggest stage and Lesnar comes away still looking like a badass and can eventually move into his next feud.

Cena obviously over The Rock, thankfully making sense of the decision to put The Rock over him last year.

Expect a really good show tonight as always. Think it'll be much better than people on here are saying.
There's no chance he's turning at all. Another point, if you think that Be A Star isn't enough of a reason, where are the faces on the card? Who challenges him as a face? There's no one.

He's never had a long angle with either SHeamus, D Bryan or Ryback. There's three faces for him to feud with there although Bryan's not really a credible opponent for him at the moment.

The bigger problem is which heel does he work an angle with after he finishes with the Rock? He's been working angles with Punk on and off for the last two years as well as Ziggler, Show, Miz, Barrett/Nexus, Lesnar, Orton and ADR. He's been a face for so long some of the heels he has worked with in the past have since turned face(such as ADR, Miz and Orton).

Unless they stick him in an angle with Punk again whenever he is finished with the Rock I don't see who else he could have an angle with. Even if they turn Orton heel, he's already had a long angle with Cena and plenty of matches. Swagger and Henry are the only borderline main event heels he has not worked with in the past and they are nowhere near Cena's level. People who could have been developed with stronger pushes such as Cesaro are stuck in the mid-card.

I also doubt they will turn him heel for varying reasons but there is a far wider scope for angles and feuds with him as a heel than a face and Ryback/Sheamus would be good opponents for him.
Does it start at midnight in the uk?
I think the Metlife stadium would actually explode if Dolph was to somehow cash in on Cena.

Think about it, AJ as GM altered his MitB contract so he could go for either title. End the show with the crowd going absolutely mental and a reason to tune in tomorrow night as they explain it.
I might watch this tonight. It will be the first time I've seen wrestling since about 2001.

Are there usually good streams knocking about?
Might watch, but I tried the last two years and both times it was so boring that I turned it off (barring the Taker/HHH hell in a cell match which was excellent).
Nobdy fancing Punk to end the streak with help from Lesnar setting up Taker v Lesnar next year?
Why would they end the streak for him to wrestle again next year? it would be stupid and pointless. There are other ways for Brock vs Taker and I dont think they'd consider that.
Why would they end the streak for him to wrestle again next year? it would be stupid and pointless. There are other ways for Brock vs Taker and I dont think they'd consider that.

To be fair Taker wrestled 11 times at Mania before they even made the Streak relevant - it makes sense, Lesnar took 'taker's streak and untouchability at WM so Undertaker seeks revenge and to regain that. I agree there's other ways to set up Lesnar V Taker though.

On a side note, Miz just beat Barrett for the IC title on the pre-show.
Also the set in the stadium is fantastic, trust WWE to go all out, looks quality now, will look even better later on as the sun goes down.
Anyone else watching on Sky got "ROYAL RUMBLE - Live in HD on this channel at 1am"?? Have we gone backwards 2 months?
Watching this with my mate and he's a smoker and he just said "I'm gonna go down for five fags"....

He's going down on 5 what? :nervous:

On a side note I'm fed up of that Derby advert and that goal, can't wait for tomorrow, but for now here we go...