Television The Propgropthrop

This tune on the Rock/Cena promo is a nice little song - reminds me of someone, can't quite put my finger on who?
Two of the three matches I thought would be remotely interesting are on first. Think I will watch Punk fall victim to the streak tomorrow.

"That's what I do". Great Henry line.
Two of the three matches I thought would be remotely interesting are on first. Think I will watch Punk fall victim to the streak tomorrow.

"That's what I do". Great Henry line.

You'll be sorry you missed it if he breaks the streak...IF...:)
Strange finish, why have him lose the match if he's just gonna do that after the match?
Did King just say "I'm gonna get involved in a threeway here..."???

THat finish makes no sense. IF Henry wins that way then they should let him add Ryback to the Hall of pain and then let Ryback get the win back at Extreme Rules with Shell Shocked. To lose and then hit the shell shocked takes away from that(he fecked it up when it mattered) and the victory does nothing for Henry. Weird.
Big E's costumes are absurd, the least PG thing on UK TV right now.