I'm not arguing any of that. I don't post in here all that often and as I've mentioned plenty of times, I couldn't care less about AEW vs WWE because great wrestling is great wrestling, I'd quite like to see every company putting out the best stuff they can. I'm explaining why some people have an issue with it though.
None of the above really even matters, what we're discussing is Punk's return. If it's been good for you or anybody on here, that's absolutely fine. I'm pointing out a clear issue that some fans have with the current AEW/WWE bias (and it can work both ways). Do you think had Punk returned to the WWE, gone into random midcard stories without hardly any actual story to it, done random commentary out of the blue and then had people say "but it's because Punk wants to work with younger guys" that people wouldn't be laughing at that idea and saying how WWE had completely ruined one of the biggest wrestling returns in years?
Again, I'm not actually hating on anything. I don't have any agenda, I want to see both companies doing great. For me I'm enjoying AEW more than the WWE right now, certainly more now that they're ruining NXT. I'm putting the point across as to why people could easily say Punk's return has been disappointing so far. He could go on to do incredible things down the line, nowhere am I saying he won't, but right now there's certainly good reason for people to feel disappointed. It's not just any return either, instead it's a guy that was massively rated in the business and a lot of people have been desperate to see return.
I have no problem with him not currently fighting for the title or being the champion. Not everybody in here is trying to shit on AEW or the WWE. The WWE have plenty of their own problems but sometimes you have to look at the two completely seperate and stop comparing. It shouldn't always be "AEW is doing this poorly..." which leads to "Yeah but WWE are doing this and this bad...". They're two completely separate company's.