Television The Propgropthrop

Roman in this role right now is just perfect.

As a face it just didn't work, as a traditional Heel also probably wouldn't work as well, but this persona with his Head of the Table gig is just perfect.

Stables done right work!!

Heyman also is just brilliant and I love the teases with Brock, I hope WWE string it out for a while yet

He could be the face now. Before he was shoehorned into the position, now the fans have accepted and chosen him. They'd be happy for him to be the good guy, obviously he'd still need to have an edge
Masterful match between Danielson and Suzuki, shame its on youtube rather than network tv or ppv. Truly what I aspire to be able to do one day

Sydal and Punk was good too. And now I'm watching Junior Dos Santos looking like Sagat from Street Fighter

Being smacked really hard in the face by a mad Japanese bastard isn't on my bucket list, but I wish you the best of luck.

Brilliant match though, definitely had a smile on my face watching that one,
Roman is the best thing in wrestling right now. It isn't just that he's a heel. This...head of the table storyline just works. He's perfect in this role.
Roman is the best thing in wrestling right now. It isn't just that he's a heel. This...head of the table storyline just works. He's perfect in this role.


Long may it last.

IMO now, he doesn't even need to beat the Rock now, however, if Rock does come back around Survivor Series, id do a storyline where the Rock turns heel and follows Roman etc & then i'd have Rock slowly turn face around RR "accidentally" costing Roman the title and then have them build a Wrestlemania match which Roman wins.

Then have Roman eventually win back title against maybe a heel and that's his turn sorted, an edgy Fan Favourite

Long may it last.

IMO now, he doesn't even need to beat the Rock now, however, if Rock does come back around Survivor Series, id do a storyline where the Rock turns heel and follows Roman etc & then i'd have Rock slowly turn face around RR "accidentally" costing Roman the title and then have them build a Wrestlemania match which Roman wins.

Then have Roman eventually win back title against maybe a heel and that's his turn sorted, an edgy Fan Favourite
WWE can't afford the Rock for a long storyline.

He's packed with so many movie deals that at best he'll record a few episodes with him talking smack and headline a major PPV fight.
WWE can't afford the Rock for a long storyline.

He's packed with so many movie deals that at best he'll record a few episodes with him talking smack and headline a major PPV fight.

True, but we can only hope.

I love how Cena said he's staying around for ages did 6 weeks and left again ahaha
The crowd in Miami was hot for Rampage and Dynamite. Never really had that down as a big wrestling city.

Really enjoying Danielson having showcase matches each week. Not surprised that he is the current main act. He was an incredible get and probably the #1 choice for AEW to poach from WWE.

He was always likely to overshadow a rusty Punk, who I agree has been a little uninspiring so far. I think that is more down to the booking rather than anything else though. AEW often dips in the midpoint between PPVs and Punk needs some direction. I don’t think he needs to turn heel yet, but he needs a sustained feud against someone longer term feud against someone. I’d like him against a heel Cody, or Black.
Been watching the old Nitros from around 96' with the NWO coming in. I actually think its possible AEW could do something similar although it wouldnt have the same star power with the available people today (EX-WWE guys faction) and there was ultimately a detrimental side to it, with lots of the better guys outside the NWO moving over to WWE and having a better career there. And they'd have to be careful not getting in the way of the younger talent like the NWO (And Main Event Mafia in TNA) did. Also Kevin Nash is looking in great shape so if they could get him to come out and talk on the mic I think he could still play that role
Khan should buy all the ringside seats for Wrestlemania and have all his AEW guys sitting there abusing the WWE guys.

Would be awesome to see if a free for all happened :lol: :lol:
Been watching the old Nitros from around 96' with the NWO coming in. I actually think its possible AEW could do something similar although it wouldnt have the same star power with the available people today (EX-WWE guys faction) and there was ultimately a detrimental side to it, with lots of the better guys outside the NWO moving over to WWE and having a better career there. And they'd have to be careful not getting in the way of the younger talent like the NWO (And Main Event Mafia in TNA) did. Also Kevin Nash is looking in great shape so if they could get him to come out and talk on the mic I think he could still play that role
God no, no more rehashing old ideas.
It was an idea that specifically worked because it was a wrestling war. Now we finally have another one. Rehashing something that has been done 1 time :lol:
It was originally a new Japan idea bischoff nicked, then the nwa invasion of wwf, uswa invading wccw, been done to death mate.
It was an idea that specifically worked because it was a wrestling war. Now we finally have another one. Rehashing something that has been done 1 time :lol:
I mean, it's essentially an invasion storyline...
It was originally a new Japan idea bischoff nicked, then the nwa invasion of wwf, uswa invading wccw, been done to death mate.

So non national broadcasts in the US and overseas. In otherwords the majority of wrestling fans today have either seen NWO in WCW and WWE or none of it
I mean, it's essentially an invasion storyline...

A simulated invasion from the company you are competing against, with a group looking to establish their own organization inside the promotion, yes.

So not like the WWE invasion that was just used to say "See WWE is the best" with ECW and WCW stars being fodder, other than WWE guys who have randomly joined their teams.
Khan should buy all the ringside seats for Wrestlemania and have all his AEW guys sitting there abusing the WWE guys.

Would be awesome to see if a free for all happened :lol: :lol:

Would be incredibly cringeworthy, and I doubt any of the wrestlers would want to do it.
Would be incredibly cringeworthy, and I doubt any of the wrestlers would want to do it.

Agreed, but if it was a real shoot and they all actually hated each other for real, I think it would be entertaining
One of the big talking points of the last several days has been who would win the AEW Rampage vs. WWE Friday Night Smackdown showdown. So, here's the breakdown:

In overall viewers, it was the 2 1/2 hour Supersized edition of Smackdown, which brought in 866,000 overnight viewers, compared to AEW's 578,000 overnight viewers. Smackdown was third for all of basic cable on Friday, while AEW was fourth. So, if you are going by viewers, Smackdown beat AEW, even with their greatly reduced numbers due to being on a much smaller than usual footprint on FS1.

However, AEW gets some bragging rights as well. Their episode, despite the direct WWE competition for the first 30 minutes Rampage was on the air, was still up to 578,000 overnight viewers, up a bit from last week's 502,000 viewers. It would be interesting to see what the head to head numbers were from 10 PM - 10:30 PM EST as that was the only true "minute to minute" competition.

Smackdown was third for the night. AEW was fourth. They were each beaten by ESPN College Football coverage.

However, in the area that advertisers are most interested in, the 18-49 demo, WWE and AEW were like Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed; they went to a draw. Each side brought in a .024 demo for their respective broadcast and in the case of AEW, they were up from a 0.17 the week before.

If we did a little deeper, Smackdown won with females 18-19 as they scored a 0.16 to AEW's 0.14.

Among Males 18-49, AEW won the night with a 0.34 to Smackdown's 0.32.

Among Males 12-34, WWE scored a 0.20 to AEW's 0.16. Among Females in that age bracket, AEW and WWE tied with 0.10 each.

Among People 18-34, AEW scored a 0.17 to Smackdown's 0.15.

Among People 25-54, they each tied at 0.28.

Among People 50+, Smackdown easily won with a 0.43 to 0.21.

So, who won the night? The fans did. There were two really entertaining shows with great wrestling across the board.
This is peak AEW cringe.

SmackDown despite having significantly more viewers loses to Rampage.

The whole demo thing is nonsense. WWE is targeted at kids. It’s a PG company, with more toys than you could ever buy.
This is peak AEW cringe.

SmackDown despite having significantly more viewers loses to Rampage.

The whole demo thing is nonsense. WWE is targeted at kids. It’s a PG company, with more toys than you could ever buy.

Then why dont kids watch? By far the biggest demo is 50+, the people least likely to change after growing up watching WWE. AEW sells toys too I guess they're aimed at kids as well
Khan should buy all the ringside seats for Wrestlemania and have all his AEW guys sitting there abusing the WWE guys.

Would be awesome to see if a free for all happened :lol: :lol:

There was an incident around 2000 where Bill Goldberg was encouraged to confront Triple H during a wrestling convention, and he didn't come across well. Building storylines and feuds is one thing, but it isn't always a good idea for wrestlers to do that sort of thing because it could backfire if it comes across as a desperate attempt for attention (and all it would take for that to happen is for the confronted wrestlers to no-sell the visitors and carry on with their show).

Having said that, the thought of another company's wrestlers sitting at Wrestlemania brings up memories of the cans that sat in the skybox at Wrestlemania 17, right after WWE bought out WCW.
Then why dont kids watch? By far the biggest demo is 50+, the people least likely to change after growing up watching WWE. AEW sells toys too I guess they're aimed at kids as well

Of course they do. SmackDown is on 8-10 in USA right? They’ll be in bed. Everything’s digital.
In and out of wrestling but this obsession over ratings is hilarious
The answer is they kind of don’t.
What I’m getting from a quick bit of googling is it works basically in the same way as political polling does, take a small sample and extrapolate.

I don’t therefore understand how anyone can consider it reliable…but I guess in the absence of any other data, you don’t have much choice. For instance, how would someone watching via wwe network on their laptop get factored in?

If they’ve had issues with 10k of their sample per your link, that’s half their sample (
What I’m getting from a quick bit of googling is it works basically in the same way as political polling does, take a small sample and extrapolate.

I don’t therefore understand how anyone can consider it reliable…but I guess in the absence of any other data, you don’t have much choice. For instance, how would someone watching via wwe network on their laptop get factored in?

If they’ve had issues with 10k of their sample per your link, that’s half their sample (

The advertising companies use the same data to decide who to sell ads to and the network companies use the same data to decide who to pay huge amounts of money to for exclusive content. So even if its not an exact science, it is whats important.
You can get digital numbers too. AEW gets watched more

That’s just not true though is it.

The Lesnar contract signing is up at 3.7m from Friday on YouTube, none of AEW content even hit 1m yet and that’s just just one video. That’s just one example.

What I’m getting from a quick bit of googling is it works basically in the same way as political polling does, take a small sample and extrapolate.

I don’t therefore understand how anyone can consider it reliable…but I guess in the absence of any other data, you don’t have much choice. For instance, how would someone watching via wwe network on their laptop get factored in?

If they’ve had issues with 10k of their sample per your link, that’s half their sample (

Agreed. The whole demo thing is nonsense. I’d love to know exactly why the 18-34 year old male demographic is the most valuable apparently.
That’s just not true though is it.

The Lesnar contract signing is up at 3.7m from Friday on YouTube, none of AEW content even hit 1m yet and that’s just just one video. That’s just one example.

Agreed. The whole demo thing is nonsense. I’d love to know exactly why the 18-34 year old male demographic is the most valuable apparently.
I won’t pretend to be an expert on these things, but I’m guessing that’s just what most of their viewers are
The advertising companies use the same data to decide who to sell ads to and the network companies use the same data to decide who to pay huge amounts of money to for exclusive content. So even if its not an exact science, it is whats important.
I’m not saying it isn’t. They’re working with the only available data…it’s just a flawed data set and probably too expensive to expand the sample size to reasonable numbers (20k out of however many millions of households in America is not a reasonable sample).

Does wwe network have proper advertising? Or do they just advertise their own stuff? I guess that would have pretty reliable numbers for viewing figures (totals, demo’s etc depending on what they ask when you sign up)

For what it’s worth, I don’t really watch either. Used to watch wwe back in the day, dip in and out now, mostly around rumble to mania. Aew, I watched the YouTube videos of punk and Bryan’s debuts, quickly lost interest in anything punk related (don’t think I’ve watched anything since his first match), and only watched little bits of Bryan.
That’s just not true though is it.

The Lesnar contract signing is up at 3.7m from Friday on YouTube, none of AEW content even hit 1m yet and that’s just just one video. That’s just one example.

Youtube is free :lol: A lot of the youtube numbers come from India and we've seen WWE try to monetize there already. It didnt work.

The actual shows numbers on their networks are what matter, because the networks are paying for them. And ultimately what matters is the tv deals when its time to renew and whether a company that would have wanted to bid against the others for WWE in a bidding war driving the price up, now wants AEW as they cost a lot less and have some similar demo numbers or better by the time the deals come around perhaps. This is all for the portfolio until that point. WWE gets a mega money tv deal, if AEW is deemed close when the next deals are up they could get huge money too which would allow them to push on

Agreed. The whole demo thing is nonsense. I’d love to know exactly why the 18-34 year old male demographic is the most valuable apparently.

The people deemed to spend the most money on things they see from adverts, obviously. And if the advertising companies are focusing on that then theres an obvious reason
That’s just not true though is it.

The Lesnar contract signing is up at 3.7m from Friday on YouTube, none of AEW content even hit 1m yet and that’s just just one video. That’s just one example.

Agreed. The whole demo thing is nonsense. I’d love to know exactly why the 18-34 year old male demographic is the most valuable apparently.

I don't think it's particularly more valuable than another demographic, but 18-34 is their target demographic. They're the people who grew up watching wrestling in its prime and now grown tired of the WWE product.
It's gets so cringey in this thread when the ratings start getting quoted.

There are couple in here that are completely delusional.
The advertising companies use the same data to decide who to sell ads to and the network companies use the same data to decide who to pay huge amounts of money to for exclusive content. So even if its not an exact science, it is whats important.
Companies are turning away from Nielsen numbers though. Fans treat it as some sort of reward table while advertisers are assessing the likes of Brand recognition, social media reach etc over a flawed demo number.
An example is hockey. They’re replacing AEW on Wed nights and get premium sponsors while the higher demo wrestling company is sent off to a rerun channel. Historically the two industries that advertisers won’t go near is NASCAR and wrestling no matter how well their demos do. It doesn’t mean as much to them hence WWE going PG and shifting focus from the 18-49 demo. Even then the demo shows that both fan base age ranges lay in the mid to late 40s. Again, I watch wrestling the odd time with my nephew or read reports to keep up when I don’t so I can talk to him about it but the big deal that’s made over these numbers is mind boggling. In all likely hood AEW won on a rounding error and needed SD to lose 2/3 of their viewership and have major markets watch it on channels that aren’t registered for this report. Why can’t people just enjoy it instead of pretending only a certain demo exists? Are other fans not allowed to enjoy the product?
My company works with broadcasters on addressable tv and advertising

Anybody who says demos don't matter are wrong or are ignorant and unwilling to learn for some reason

The key demos are huge for advertisers and they look at that for a reason. It's not an exact science as most have said but it's what you have and where the money is made and how it's distributed. Theres a reason WWE will want to eat into aew and put that extra 30 minutes and load it with their biggest stars

Aew wants to keep consistent and grow for that because their next tv contract will be even bigger now.

Companies are turning away from Nielsen numbers though.

Not exactly true when it comes to USA. Advertisers want to precision target viewers and nielsen is part of the reason that allows them to.

Again, ratings are important to the companies, however it's funny to see fans use it as a way of saying which product is better.

Smack down dynamite and rampage were all great over the weekend, and if that's because of competition its great for the fans

This is peak AEW cringe.

SmackDown despite having significantly more viewers loses to Rampage.

The whole demo thing is nonsense. WWE is targeted at kids. It’s a PG company, with more toys than you could ever buy.
It's not nonsense and demos aren't a new thing just because of aew.

@Ekeke is right a few posts up with regards to YouTube, tv deals and advertising.

It's fine as a fan to say it doesn't concern you or you don't care, but to dismiss it's importance to a company is wrong. Wwes reaction with regards to their shows since aew has come to life shows that completely