Weird thing to pick up on to try and divert attention from Meltzer being a tool.
Don’t these 2 have history anyway as he “slut shamed” her and said she was sleeping her way up the WWE ladder. With non substantiated claims.
Wasnt she engaged to Buddy Murphy for ages and now engaged to some ex pop star.
I feel like we need a
The Cult of Meltzer thread soon. Or at least have an intervention for Ekeke.
@Shane88 Youre right forgot about Carmella, she is pretty good at it.
@choccy77 Yeah I suppose it being a triple threat it had to have a winner unless he beat them all so bad they couldn’t even stand.
You know I’m starting to think the brand split is a large part of the problem with WWE. Someone mentioned it earlier that it was good to see many people having an issue with Roman. Which is how it should be instead of the stale formula they have now. I seem to recall watching and never knowing if it’ll be HHH vs The rock or The rock vs Mankind, Triple HHH vs Mankind, Kane vs Austin and so on so on. Now every week you can pretty much declare what’s gonna happen before it happens.
If it’s the stories are carried over the two shows it just seems to work better.