Television The Propgropthrop

If alexa denies it despite it being true and provable that would look worse on her

Although if true, she could ignore it (Charlotte has so far it seems - then again I'm sure Charlotte has had a recent issue with meltzer calling him out too and telling him to go to hell)
As did Nia? I'm sure rollins called him out too? And Asuka denied something that was reported by him?

He is getting called out more and more and I don't think it's just about being WWE company people. It's direct stuff involving people

Again, how are you going to prove its true beyond someone you know working at WWE and who is working that night telling you?

If a fan in the crowd didnt video tape it and then send it to Meltzer it didnt happen? I dont think every fan wants to send Meltzer things, I'm sure a lot of people in the WWE crowd have never heard of him or have a negative opinion of him and you would think the vast majority of the crowd at just focusing on Alexa and Charlotte given they paid to come to the event, not to count how many people are heading to the exits at 10 pm instead of 11 pm and beating the traffic.
You genuinely think Meltzer was demanding proof this person worked for WWE?

So you think someone with a random name has his telephone number and texts him and Bryan Alvarez, claims they work for WWE and were there at the show and that this happened after the Alexa and Charlotte segment?

Can you tell me how they got Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer's phone numbers?

Its a no name person to you, to make sure the source doesnt face negative action for talking to them. Thats protecting their job and also future information. Because if they name the source each time, they get fired, other people get scared to talk and we'll never have any news from people within the company.

Its not a no name person to them. Its someone they know of, who works for WWE and has their contact information
So you think someone with a random name has his telephone number and texts him and Bryan Alvarez, claims they work for WWE and were there at the show and that this happened after the Alexa and Charlotte segment?

Can you tell me how they got Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer's phone numbers?

Its a no name person to you, to make sure the source doesnt face negative action for talking to them. Thats protecting their job and also future information. Because if they name the source each time, they get fired, other people get scared to talk and we'll never have any news from people within the company.

Its not a no name person to them. Its someone they know of, who works for WWE and has their contact information

Because we know for certain this person texted/rang one of them?

Mate, Melty frames everything as "according to my source" because 90% of it is made up bollocks.
Again, how are you going to prove its true beyond someone you know working at WWE and who is working that night telling you?

If a fan in the crowd didnt video tape it and then send it to Meltzer it didnt happen? I dont think every fan wants to send Meltzer things, I'm sure a lot of people in the WWE crowd have never heard of him or have a negative opinion of him and you would think the vast majority of the crowd at just focusing on Alexa and Charlotte given they paid to come to the event, not to count how many people are heading to the exits at 10 pm instead of 11 pm and beating the traffic.

So are you saying claims can be made without proof now? Because that's not how reporting works when it's metric based.

As this is exactly what Dave disputes when WWE does their attendance numbers and Dave can prove the numbers are exaggerated

So again where did he get this number from given I'm sure Alvarez kinda denies the number meltzer said. In fact this is meltzers explanation :

So the 1.5k number at 10 is now 1.5 by 10.30

It's a ridiculous discussion
Because we know for certain this person texted/rang one of them?

Mate, Melty frames everything as "according to my source" because 90% of it is made up bollocks.
I think protecting sources happens so I'm fine with that. You see this with football as well in terms of transfers

I think meltzer is good at metric based stuff. However the number leaving an arena at a particular time, as far as I know there's no metrics to support this
Unless you have a man using a clicker to count the number of people who left or you have a turn style tally which registers time and people actually leaving the arena

I would have no doubt people probably did leave as I've seen people leave London shows and not return despite having a hot main event scheduled but thats a low number.
But to think 1.5k(or 20℅) left after a segment that got a good reaction live and were so disgusted or bored and decided that particular segment was their breaking point despite having a triple threat to come is laughable when there is no actual proof to back up a claim like that.
I think protecting sources happens so I'm fine with that. You see this with football as well in terms of transfers

I think meltzer is good at metric based stuff. However the number leaving an arena at a particular time, as far as I know there's no metrics to support this
Unless you have a man using a clicker to count the number of people who left or you have a turn style tally which registers time and people actually leaving the arena

I would have no doubt people probably did leave as I've seen people leave London shows and not return despite having a hot main event scheduled but thats a low number.
But to think 1.5k(or 20℅) left after a segment that got a good reaction live and were so disgusted or bored and decided that particular segment was their breaking point despite having a triple threat to come is laughable when there is no actual proof to back up a claim like that.

I've never disputed protecting sources happens. Ekeke has just kept harping on about that on his own.

My point has been that Meltzer has a long, long history of not really caring what his sources are. He's in it for the clicks.

As you say, there's no way they had people doing anything remotely resembling a headcount on people leaving, and it seems very unlikely that number chose to leave at the same time, for the same reason.
Because we know for certain this person texted/rang one of them?

Mate, Melty frames everything as "according to my source" because 90% of it is made up bollocks.

I know for sure you wouldnt believe it if Meltzer introduced you in person to them
So are you saying claims can be made without proof now? Because that's not how reporting works when it's metric based.

As this is exactly what Dave disputes when WWE does their attendance numbers and Dave can prove the numbers are exaggerated

So again where did he get this number from given I'm sure Alvarez kinda denies the number meltzer said. In fact this is meltzers explanation :

So the 1.5k number at 10 is now 1.5 by 10.30

It's a ridiculous discussion

I’m confused…didn’t he originally say they all left during the Alexa bliss segment? Hence her calling him out on it?

Now he’s saying they just left at some point?

I smell poopoo.
Can you at least quote these things?

It obviously backfires when you're talking about embarrassing yourself whilst simultaneously misspelling it and other words. Perhaps you're so used to embarrassing yourself that you're immune to it.
I actually believe it’s been discussed in this thread already and it’s an extract from his podcast.

As for being embarrassed by a typo, no not really, we live in a fast paced world where people are typing quick responses on devices that will change a word if you miss hit a letter. I think most modern folks realise this is a common occurrence and wouldn’t pick up on that or think it’s embarrassing in the slightest.

I feel more embarrassed for you with the whole Meltzer thing to be honest and how you tried to divert attention from his lies by picking on a spelling/predictive error and making out like she should be embarrassed.
I actually believe it’s been discussed in this thread already and it’s an extract from his podcast.

As for being embarrassed by a typo, no not really, we live in a fast paced world where people are typing quick responses on devices that will change a word if you miss hit a letter. I think most modern folks realise this is a common occurrence and wouldn’t pick up on that or think it’s embarrassing in the slightest.

I feel more embarrassed for you with the whole Meltzer thing to be honest and how you tried to divert attention from his lies by picking on a spelling/predictive error and making out like she should be embarrassed.

Really looking forward to the day when Ekeke just says he's working everyone in this thread and you're all just a bunch of jabroni marks that have worked yourselves into a shoot.
He really should lean in to that and one day we can all go see one of his shows and give him pelters. Masterful bit of heel work this by Ekeke
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So are you saying claims can be made without proof now? Because that's not how reporting works when it's metric based.

As this is exactly what Dave disputes when WWE does their attendance numbers and Dave can prove the numbers are exaggerated

So again where did he get this number from given I'm sure Alvarez kinda denies the number meltzer said. In fact this is meltzers explanation :

So the 1.5k number at 10 is now 1.5 by 10.30

It's a ridiculous discussion

Question is that Dave Meltzer or (whatever) asking if he jumped the gun? If it is how embarrassing, they can’t even spell ”From” if that was me I’d never leave the house and just die alone from the shame.
I think the biggest issue here is not reporting something that a WWE source said without check it first, the problem is that he increased the number his source said to him more than 100 percent and then reported it.
AEW over 20k legit sold out in attendance kicking off with Omega v Bryan .....Wow
Ok not entering this thread until I've seen dynamite tomorrow

Can't wait for grand slam this week
Well that was a disappointing end. A time limit draw feels anti-climatic. No clue what they were thinking.

They were thinking everyone will want to see a rematch on pay per view and a draw is better than an interference or screw job finish to build that because it shows Danielson can match Omega for 30 mins. So guess what you do after that... You take off the 30 minute time limit and give them an hour.
They were thinking everyone will want to see a rematch on pay per view and a draw is better than an interference or screw job finish to build that because it shows Danielson can match Omega for 30 mins. So guess what you do after that... You take off the 30 minute time limit and give them an hour.

Didn't quite accomplish that in my opinion. Felt pointless.
GREAT match from Bryan and Omega... ending felt a bit flat to me though. If you're going to do a time limit draw, then at least ramp up the drama for the last minute. For the bell to come out of nowehere just made it feel a bit meh/a missed opportunity - and then got the boo's from the crowd which you probably don't want.

Only gripe though, still a great match.
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Keep Omega as champion for a while longer and then, whilst he's celebrating having supposedly beat everyone, have the coin drop.

Really enjoyed that entire show top to bottom. All killer, no filler. Had the feel of a PPV with the crowd well up for it as well.

Omega v Danielson was a cracking opener as you'd expect albeit with a predictable outcome. Couldn't believe it was 30 mins long as it genuinely felt like half of that. They need an hour long ironman match in the future. Bryan's chest was wrecked from all those chops. I wish Kenny would've put some more sting on theose V triggers like he did in NJPW but I guess he was trying to protect the neck of Danielson.

MJF v Pillman and Darby/Sting v FTR were both really fun matches especially the latter. FTR are so slick and Darby is a bona fide star.

Cody man...I read someone on Twitter say that he thinks he's Captain America but he's actually Homelander. So true :lol:
He must've known he was gonna get booed out of the building. I really enjoyed the match but am confused as to what's supposed to be happening with him. Is he turning heel officially or just gonna carry on being Cody? Black was great in this and his entrance gives me chills. Best in wrestling at the moment. His entrance music is sick as well.

Womens title match was pretty good as well and a strong ending to the show.
Well that was a disappointing end. A time limit draw feels anti-climatic. No clue what they were thinking.

It was obviously going that way when they said 30 minute time limit, also that's how wrestling used to be, have a time limit draw and it makes people want more and to watch the next match.

That is the whole point, make people go to the next event.

Worked great for me.
It was obviously going that way when they said 30 minute time limit, also that's how wrestling used to be, have a time limit draw and it makes people want more and to watch the next match.

That is the whole point, make people go to the next event.

Worked great for me.

Yeah agreed. No problem with it at all. I can see what @Annihilate Now! is saying about maybe ramping up the drama a bit more as the bell approached. It kind of just petered out a bit. And I don't know why the commentators were suggesting that Danielson could've won with another minute when he didn't even apply the submission until after the bell.
This might be a controversial opinion but NXT 2.0 is my favourite wrestling show at the moment. AEW are doing really interesting things in isolation but the whole shows drag for me and are hard to watch.

What I like about NXT 2.0 -
  • Fast, Crash TV style pacing that doesn't leave room for boredom. It's probably a bit too jarringly quick but the rest of modern wrestling feels like it goes at snails pace. AEW especially has too many long matches aimed at the work rate fans. I have no interest in seeing, let's say, a 25 minute Brian Cage versus Angelico match; the former should beat the latter in 5. For me, having short matches on TV (bar maybe 1 match that night, i.e. the main event or a match between the top workers) is ideal with longer matches as the payoff to storylines on PPV. I know this is also done because NXT is a developmental and some of the recent debutants are really green.
  • Characters are established and developed! The previous NXT and AEW tends to introduce the indie darlings, assume everyone knows their character already and presents them as yet another 'good wrestler'. Some of the NXT 2.0 gimmicks feel slightly corny at the moment but at least there's been an attempt to make them unique aside from cool moves and an exciting entrance. Raw and, to a lesser extent, SmackDown has done a terrible job establishing characters for years so NXT 2.0 feels a real throwback to better days in this regard. Yes, loads of characters thrown in all at once isn't ideal but the audience will catch up quickly and are more likely to connect with each wrestler.
  • Fresh talent and wrestlers that mostly look like stars. I'm not advocating a return to the era when immobile body builders were en vogue with anyone under 6 foot 2 and 250 pounds were marginalised. However, the pendulum has swung way too far the other way. The majority of new wrestlers introduced look like stars and have personalities - Bron Breakker, Grayson Waller, Carmelo Hayes, Xyon Quinn and Duke Hudson to name but a few.
  • Representation. Unlike AEW which poses as woke, NXT 2.0 has genuine diverse representation. Women made up basically half the show. Also, there are some amazing talents of colour and from a variety of nationalities who will clearly be pushed hard.
  • Cross pollenation. In Raw and SD especially, it can often feel like wrestlers are only seen interacting with those they have a current storyline with (besides the 24/7 Title nonsense). In NXT 2.0, it feels like there's a living, breathing backstage environment where wrestlers mix. Anything can happen.
  • A good mix between comedy, serious stuff, the prestige of competition, work rate and over the top content.
  • Hot take for sure but I like the colour scheme and logo. It's cheerful and fresh. The previous NXT looked dinghy and a bit dull.
A good source indicates that Vince Russo has been brought in as a consultant on this and it shows. As a head writer without a filter, he's erratic and a liability. As an ideas guy and a producer, he has a lot to offer IMHO.

Variety is the spice of life and I know many will disagree with the above. NXT 2.0 has received a lot of criticism online; probably because it's not aimed at the r/SquaredCircle crowd and casual fans have abandoned wrestling by droves in recent years.
It was obviously going that way when they said 30 minute time limit, also that's how wrestling used to be, have a time limit draw and it makes people want more and to watch the next match.

That is the whole point, make people go to the next event.

Worked great for me.

Omega could have stood in the ring, shit in his hands and clapped and you'd have lapped it up. You're hardly an impartial poster in this thread.
This might be a controversial opinion but NXT 2.0 is my favourite wrestling show at the moment. AEW are doing really interesting things in isolation but the whole shows drag for me and are hard to watch.

What I like about NXT 2.0 -
  • Fast, Crash TV style pacing that doesn't leave room for boredom. It's probably a bit too jarringly quick but the rest of modern wrestling feels like it goes at snails pace. AEW especially has too many long matches aimed at the work rate fans. I have no interest in seeing, let's say, a 25 minute Brian Cage versus Angelico match; the former should beat the latter in 5. For me, having short matches on TV (bar maybe 1 match that night, i.e. the main event or a match between the top workers) is ideal with longer matches as the payoff to storylines on PPV. I know this is also done because NXT is a developmental and some of the recent debutants are really green.
  • Characters are established and developed! The previous NXT and AEW tends to introduce the indie darlings, assume everyone knows their character already and presents them as yet another 'good wrestler'. Some of the NXT 2.0 gimmicks feel slightly corny at the moment but at least there's been an attempt to make them unique aside from cool moves and an exciting entrance. Raw and, to a lesser extent, SmackDown has done a terrible job establishing characters for years so NXT 2.0 feels a real throwback to better days in this regard. Yes, loads of characters thrown in all at once isn't ideal but the audience will catch up quickly and are more likely to connect with each wrestler.
  • Fresh talent and wrestlers that mostly look like stars. I'm not advocating a return to the era when immobile body builders were en vogue with anyone under 6 foot 2 and 250 pounds were marginalised. However, the pendulum has swung way too far the other way. The majority of new wrestlers introduced look like stars and have personalities - Bron Breakker, Grayson Waller, Carmelo Hayes, Xyon Quinn and Duke Hudson to name but a few.
  • Representation. Unlike AEW which poses as woke, NXT 2.0 has genuine diverse representation. Women made up basically half the show. Also, there are some amazing talents of colour and from a variety of nationalities who will clearly be pushed hard.
  • Cross pollenation. In Raw and SD especially, it can often feel like wrestlers are only seen interacting with those they have a current storyline with (besides the 24/7 Title nonsense). In NXT 2.0, it feels like there's a living, breathing backstage environment where wrestlers mix. Anything can happen.
  • A good mix between comedy, serious stuff, the prestige of competition, work rate and over the top content.
  • Hot take for sure but I like the colour scheme and logo. It's cheerful and fresh. The previous NXT looked dinghy and a bit dull.
A good source indicates that Vince Russo has been brought in as a consultant on this and it shows. As a head writer without a filter, he's erratic and a liability. As an ideas guy and a producer, he has a lot to offer IMHO.

Variety is the spice of life and I know many will disagree with the above. NXT 2.0 has received a lot of criticism online; probably because it's not aimed at the r/SquaredCircle crowd and casual fans have abandoned wrestling by droves in recent years.
Found Vince's burner account.
Overall loved dynamite last night. Think the main event was a little flat for me, but overall a really good show.
Didn't quite accomplish that in my opinion. Felt pointless.
But that's the story telling wrestling lacks nowadays. This was a good job by AEW. Now fans will want to see who actually is better. I hope Bryan wins the title. Nothing against Omega but you need to give these big names the title. Bryan Danielson will have a lot of casual viewers attached to him. So putting the world title even for a month or two could be a good thing. I will definitely do it.
Well that was a disappointing end. A time limit draw feels anti-climatic. No clue what they were thinking.
It was brilliant and left me wanting more. The only mistake was not doing some time-limit draws again in the build up, so it felt less of a gimmick finish and more of a legitimate potential outcome. Dynamite had a few time-limit draws in their early days that were effective.
This might be a controversial opinion but NXT 2.0 is my favourite wrestling show at the moment. AEW are doing really interesting things in isolation but the whole shows drag for me and are hard to watch.

What I like about NXT 2.0 -
  • Fast, Crash TV style pacing that doesn't leave room for boredom. It's probably a bit too jarringly quick but the rest of modern wrestling feels like it goes at snails pace. AEW especially has too many long matches aimed at the work rate fans. I have no interest in seeing, let's say, a 25 minute Brian Cage versus Angelico match; the former should beat the latter in 5. For me, having short matches on TV (bar maybe 1 match that night, i.e. the main event or a match between the top workers) is ideal with longer matches as the payoff to storylines on PPV. I know this is also done because NXT is a developmental and some of the recent debutants are really green.
If that’s your view then enjoy it. Hard to take someone too seriously though who is lamenting AEW for their entirely fictional Brian Cage vs Angelico 25 minutes matches though, and then seems to think there’s any chance of Vince Russo being involved with NXT — AND THIS BEING A POSITIVE?!
If that’s your view then enjoy it. Hard to take someone too seriously though who is lamenting AEW for their entirely fictional Brian Cage vs Angelico 25 minutes matches though, and then seems to think there’s any chance of Vince Russo being involved with NXT — AND THIS BEING A POSITIVE?!

"Bro, what if we kick off NXT 2.0 by having a Drake Maverick-on-a-pole match, and what about if Goldberg is the mystery fourth man? I swear, bro, it makes the most sense. And to keep the momentum going, what about if I win the title off Goldberg the very next week in a "who can headbutt the door without getting a concussion" competition? We can then have Hogan show up the week after and I'll hand him the title, leading us to establish the NXWO."