This is England '88

Very possibly,
because there isn't enough time for her to get back with Woody
It's the only way I can see them having to all get back together...

EDIT: no sooner said than done.
Just in general or for that scene in particular? I agree though, that's the type of thing that turns a day tripper into Bob Geldof.
For that scene. It was all trippy like man. Twistin' me mellon that were. I'd forgotten Jack O Connell (bloke who played Bobby in the Munich thing) was in the film.
He's hurt the hand with her name on, now that's what I like to see. Good writing.
Forgave Milk a bit too quickly there for my liking, but it's all back on track for a unified group in '90 now.
Forgave Milk a bit too quickly there for my liking, but it's all back on track for a unified group in '90 now.

Perhaps yeah, I think smell and Shaun will feature quite heavily in that series...they'll be older and that relationship will come into play probably.

Great series though.
I couldn't really give a feck about them though. Smell is the most gormless person on the planet. Joe Gilgun & Vicky McClure should be on TV constantly. Forever.

And there's no perhaps about it. He was his best mate, he fecked his mrs, had her kid and let him stand there, gormlessly watch her give birth to it. You wouldn't just have one little argument and be over it. And considering both Woody & lol tried to top themselves, Milky seemed rather unaffected by it all considering. But it's TV, things have to move slightly faster.
feck. It's just not enough. The Milky/Woody scene at the start was incredible... It was like they were handed a script that just said 'Have a fight, be the characters'. Ridiculously natural.
I'm glad Shaun didn't feature in this episode. Him and Smells relationship isn't very compelling... it's mainly a bit of comic relief, but Smell is just so fecking irritatingly spastic and Shaun can be just as bad (although he is more bearable).
I couldn't really give a feck about them though. Smell is the most gormless person on the planet. Joe Gilgun & Vicky McClure should be on TV constantly. Forever.

And there's no perhaps about it. He was his best mate, he fecked his mrs, had her kid and let him stand there, gormlessly watch her give birth to it. You wouldn't just have one little argument and be over it. But it's TV, things have to move slightly faster.

I suspect Woody and Lol will probably be stable at that point (as far as they can)...she's perfect at being gormless though, for what that's worth.

Well exactly, the final sentence sums it up. They could probably have speeded up the process if they just hadn't lingered on some shots needlessly, like a fair amount of time seemed to be Lol just sort of wallowing, or walking to the cell.
I actually sort of agree with that. One or two wallowing scenes are powerful, but there were probably a bit too many of them. A scene with Milky blaming himself (well, or having a bit of a cry, remember he doesn't know about her dad, as far as he's concerned the reason they're both depressed is what happened with him) or apologising to Woody would've smoothed it over a little more. He just seemed a bit ballsy when Woody was going ape in the hospital.

Still top, top TV though.
Did anyone else go on a Ludovico Einaudi binge once they watched This is England? I think he used a couple more of his tracks in the 88' series. I fecking lahv it mahte.
Enjoyed much of that. Hard to watch in parts. This show seems to get darker and darker. Wonder if '90 will be more light hearted?
Almost fecking cried during the stomach pumping scene and then again during the reconciliation (:D).

Mockney, you said it, they weren't even acting. I think they've been with these characters and the way Meadows apparently completely isolated McClure and Gilgun, and it all just poured out then. That was like real people.

The funny thing is, I did the exact same thing as Gilgun after a girlfriend cheated on me with a close friend. Went mental, told everyone to feck off, punched the wall, then when they did, ran after him and tried to start it all over again hahaha.

Well done Meadows, I can't wait til 90.
Enjoyed much of that. Hard to watch in parts. This show seems to get darker and darker. Wonder if '90 will be more light hearted?

Well according to Meadows, it will be much more light hearted indeed:

Meadows intends to move on to happier times for the final chapter. This Is England ’90 will be set at the time of the acid house scene (“my Sixties,” he says). The intention had been to move from ’86 to ’90 but, the director says, “I want ’90 to land with a bang – this is the time, this is the place, the explosion of rave culture and the summer of love, and I thought, do I want to be bogged down explaining everything that happened after ’86?” He says he saw an opportunity to tell a very different story, The result is a rich character-based piece that adds new depth to the series.
The funny thing is, I did the exact same thing as Gilgun after a girlfriend cheated on me with a close friend. Went mental, told everyone to feck off, punched the wall, then when they did, ran after him and tried to start it all over again hahaha..

Did you then forgive him the next day and tell him you loved him?

It's a minor niggle, but that's the only thing that bugged me. I agree the fight scene was one of the most realistic things I've seen in drama. Incredibly well done. Gilgun absolutely smashed it. Literally Richard.
Is this anywhere near the quality of the film or the 86 mini series? I recorded them on the sky planner and wondered if they're worth watching.
I don't want to read through the thread yet due to potential spoilers.
If you enjoyed them, you'll enjoy this, but expect greater emphasis on character development, rather than shocking action (which comes eventually anyway depending on your definition of the words)
I think it's the weakest of the 3 in terms of story. But it's probably the best in terms of stand out acting (Graham's turn in the film aside, which was peerless) Gilgun & McClure are shoe ins for Bafta noms.
If you enjoyed them, you'll enjoy this, but expect greater emphasis on character development, rather than shocking action (which comes eventually anyway depending on your definition of the words)

I think it's the weakest of the 3 in terms of story. But it's probably the best in terms of stand out acting (Graham's turn in the film aside, which was peerless) Gilgun & McClure are shoe ins for Bafta noms.

Thanks guys, I 'll check it out.
I think it's the weakest of the 3 in terms of story. But it's probably the best in terms of stand out acting (Graham's turn in the film aside, which was peerless) Gilgun & McClure are shoe ins for Bafta noms.

Vicky McClure won the BAFTA for This is England '86, and on the merit of her performances in this installment, i'd like to agree she'll be up there again.

I'd like to think that Joseph Gilgun would get at least a nomination this time around too.

On a sidenote, I thought that Gilgun was older than 27!!
That scene at the beginning with Woody and the rest was just incredible, really good acting. Though I have to say, Woody forgiving Milky that quickly was a bit silly I thought but guess it was done for the next season. Lol attempting suicide was predictable but understandable, it was all leading up to that. I initially thought that they'd find her in bed at the end of the episode and leave it as a cliff hanger but that'd be shit.

Also, wasn't sure about this but does Woody know about Lol and her dad (not the killing but the abuse)?
If we're talking about Meadows and acting, both Considine & Kebbell are sensational in that. Particularly Kebbell considering the part he's playing. I was just thinking about that oddly enough as the advert for the 3rd Black Mirror was on, in which he's starring. Meadows certainly has a knack of getting gripping, naturalistic performances out of people.
Also, wasn't sure about this but does Woody know about Lol and her dad (not the killing but the abuse)?

I saw an interview with Gilgun where he said he felt Woody knew there was something wrong but he was too much of a coward to ever say anything.


Where the feck was Meggy!
I don't to see a problem with Woody forgiving Milky, the fight would have helped to get the anger that had been building out of his system. When a close friend, or the love of your life tries to kill themselves (or does kill themselves as woody thought at the time) it puts things into perspective, i'd imagine that would be the only thing on Woody's mind in this scene.
I don't to see a problem with Woody forgiving Milky.

It seemed far too tidy for me. He might see the reason in patching things up, but the complete melting of animosity and hurt seemed too tidy,, regardless of his new found perspective. I personally could never forgive a friend betraying me like that. Let alone a best friend, let alone having my wife's baby FFS!. So the complete reconciliation felt a bit false to me. There'd, at the very very least, still be tension. I also thought he (Milky) was particularly unhumble about it. Chastising Woody for the "scene he made last night" and actually being quite agressive with him in the hospital. Cheeky little cnut. Basically Milky was the only one who seemed completely unaffected by a mess he was probably the most culpable of causing (considering lol's mental state) My affection for his character plummeted in this one. He was probably one of my top 3 in the film. Though to be fair, he didn't get much screen time.

The fact we're discussing and bitching about these people like they're real shows the level of quality it possessed.
Other than the Spielbergy sentimental everyones happy ending....I thought the final hour was top stuff, the confrontation was beyond superb, absolutely gripping, you knew it was happening, Woody was sensational in that scene...that's where 88' became his, like 86' was Lol's and This Is Englands was Shauns.....makes me wonder what they will do in 90 really, who'll become the focal point of it....would of liked a full on Combo series, but he can't be out by then can he unless Lol confesses? 3 and a half years, even with superb behaviour, possible I guess, it'd be nice to see him get a full one, but will Graham be able to fit it in? Though I guess he'd find a way considering he's good mates with Meadows.

On another note, when they went up to see the Baby+Lol, even though you knew something was up and she'd probably tried to off herself....I honestly thought they baby was dead too when they first showed it, she was so damn still in her cot.
It seemed far too tidy for me. He might see the reason in patching things up, but the complete melting of animosity and hurt seemed too tidy,, regardless of his new found perspective. I personally could never forgive a friend betraying me like that. Let alone a best friend, let alone having my wife's baby FFS!. So the complete reconciliation felt a bit false to me. There'd, at the very very least, still be tension. I also thought he (Milky) was particularly unhumble about it. Chastising Woody for the "scene he made last night" and actually being quite agressive with him in the hospital. Cheeky little cnut. Basically Milky was the only one who seemed completely unaffected by a mess he was probably the most culpable of causing (considering lol's mental state) My affection for his character plummeted in this one. He was probably one of my top 3 in the film. Though to be fair, he didn't get much screen time.

The fact we're discussing and bitching about these people like they're real shows the level of quality it possessed.

Bloody brilliant isn't it. In my experience in this sort of situation you just go completely numb and definitely wouldn't be thinking straight, though the 'banter' about the the night before was a bit far. I think we'd have to see how they were together under normal circumstances rather than the highly emotional hospital scene.

I personally could never forgive someone for doing that to me but under that sort of trauma probably wouldn't begrudge their comfort. That said, I suspect Meadows intention may have been to show that everything was fine between them again so you're probably right.

Milky was a bit of a twat in both the hospital and the confrontation scene, he seemed to have very little empathy towards Woody,
Just finished the last ep. Incredible stuff, it's the mark of a good drama when it actually affects your mood and you feel like you have to just go and sit and be quiet for a bit afterwards.

Looking forward to '90 now, assuming that's been confirmed?