"WHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..........YOU'RE SHIT, AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH" To a goalie doing a goal kick. It's something you seem to get from small time clubs, I'm talking your Ipswiches, your Bournemouths, your Blackburns, your Wrexhams. (
@Pascal Quiff )
It's fecking stupid, as they only shout "you're shit, aaaaaarrrrrrrrggggghhh" after he's already launched it down the field. I went to a Wrexham game recently, and they were doing it to an opposition goalie all game. Then the opposition scored up the other end, the goalie turned to give them some stick and they all went apoplectic with rage about him having the audacity to give a bit back.