Thiago Alcantara | Signed for Bayern Munich

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Do we know who wrote the article? I've heard Howard Nurse was looking for work...
I don't want to be "the anti-muppet" after spending the first 150+ pages as one of the worst muppets, but with our hush hush transfer policies there is no way anyone at the club who knows anything about this transfer would have said anything like that to sources at ESPN.

We are far to professional for such a leak to happen.
I don't want to be "the anti-muppet" after spending the first 150+ pages as one of the worst muppets, but with our hush hush transfer policies there is no way anyone at the club who knows anything about this transfer would have said anything like that to sources at ESPN.

We are far to professional for such a leak to happen.

You're right.
Every player we've ever signed ever has been completely out of the blue.
Stuff leaks everywhere. Fergie's retirement came out sooner than we wanted it to, and that was a much bigger deal than a transfer, all the more reason for people at the club to be professional.
You're right.
Every player we've ever signed ever has been completely out of the blue.

Did you know we were signing Bebe? We stole him under the noses of Real Madrid with our stealth mode activity.
Remember the time no one knew we were singing Berba?
We've been close before though.

Supporting United is like being a retarded Jewish kid at Christmas getting a blowjob from some inexperienced fat girl with a small mouth. You're watching all the other kids in the street blowing their loads into the warm, fleshy orifices of deep-throating porn-stars; whilst you sit there, concentrating hard, trying to arouse that tingling feeling from your Hebrew loins whilst this bint nibbles and knocks away at your circumcised nob like a chubby Tulisa trying to munch on a chip shop sausage blindfold.

Face it. All we're ever gonna be is close.
This is fecking spot on. Wow!
We're as good as it gets though. Kagawa, Smalling, Zaha, and Powell were all pretty low key considering today's transfer climate. Look at Cavani saga for comparison.
I don't want to be "the anti-muppet" after spending the first 150+ pages as one of the worst muppets, but with our hush hush transfer policies there is no way anyone at the club who knows anything about this transfer would have said anything like that to sources at ESPN.

We are far to professional for such a leak to happen.

The leak may not have been from United but from thiago's people as a hint that things are moving
That same source said that Thiago would be joining United in 48 hours around 2 weeks ago. Do refrain next time mate..
I will. My apologies. Although Shark, there seems to be a difference between confirmation of a deal being struck versus announcing the conclusion of a deal.

Who is he? Why does he deserve my trust?
Honestly I found it interesting he said it was either Thiago or Strootman.
I will. My apologies.

Honestly I found it interesting he said it was either Thiago or Strootman.

I think you believe what you want to believe, P. Not knocking you, but it's clear twitter is indulging people like you/us with this kind of stuff, the fact is you're posting it simply because you find it interesting rather than because it has any credibility. But yeah fair play for refraining in future
Hilarious. ITK's and their idiotic 'DONE DEAL's.

Yeah but this is what is drawing my attention rio. It is not so much if this lad is correct. I really do not care for that. It is the meaning and phrasing of the words he's using. For instance, in one tweet he says I have just received confirmation Thiago is an MUFC player. It just makes me wonder what is he trying to say? Are we just awaiting for Thiago to make his decision public then? If the deal is indeed done which none of us really know for sure yet, then I find it interesting the club are waiting to announce the deal and it may point to the fact that the papers are behind what's going in private.

Perhaps I should have stated it earlier but since Graham Hunter's update, I have went 90-10 with 90% being my belief that Thiago will be an MUFC player. Therefore, I feel it's only a matter of time before it's announced. There's every possibility Thiago chooses to stay but I personally do not think that will happen. Anything I read now is out of pure interest rather than thirsting for news on this transfer.
:lol: I was replying to the first "new post" since i last checked, something about wading through 12 pages and nothing new... two weeks ago :lol:
Muniesa was the guy he was taking pictures with straight after the Euros
Ah yes, finally a self-proclaimed Spanish insider who tells the truth - in English no less.

Man United sources say that a deal for Thiago is very close. Transfer could be announced at Moyes' first press conference on Friday. [espn]

In future we could also cut out twitter posts that are just quoting an article that's already been posted, like this one. Not trying to pick on this one because there are others but barcastuff has just regurgitated the ESPN report.
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