Olly is ThiagON or OFF now?

Olly is ThiagON or OFF now?
You are of course correctFor a forum that has usually has a very good sense of humour, you'd think people would know when a joke has been flogged to death
Ronald-o-meter surely?Brilliant Olly
Once he signs are we gonna get a Strootometer
What does "holiday weekend and Mon in Spain" mean?
What does "holiday weekend and Mon in Spain" mean?
Everyone in this saga is on fecking holiday. Moyes, Thiago, the entirety of Catalunya. Woodward hasn't even been heard of, full stop. The only people putting any effort into this transfer are Mazinho and the Caf.
Everyone in this saga is on fecking holiday. Moyes, Thiago, the entirety of Catalunya. Woodward hasn't even been heard of, full stop. The only people putting any effort into this transfer are Mazinho and the Caf.
Is Thiago in the United kit old news? Hard to keep up...
Everyone in this saga is on fecking holiday. Moyes, Thiago, the entirety of Catalunya. Woodward hasn't even been heard of, full stop. The only people putting any effort into this transfer are Mazinho and the Caf.
Everyone in this saga is on fecking holiday. Moyes, Thiago, the entirety of Catalunya. Woodward hasn't even been heard of, full stop. The only people putting any effort into this transfer are Mazinho and the Caf.
David de Gea took one for the team too. Or gave one from the team.
Tell me about it. Doesn't any fecker work these days? Moyes has been fecking about in Disneyland for at least a month and this Woodward is clearly a poor man's Gill. I want transfers and I want them now, before I go on holiday.
What if he doesnt get signed?, what does the caf deserve for that?I think we all deserve a cut of this "agent fee" or whatever they're calling it.