Music The worst song you've heard this week

I work at a place that has Radio 1 on, so this is my new home.

Heard two songs by The Chainsmokers this week. Horrible, horrible music.

What's bad is that an innocent mouse died in the studio. What's worse is that they kept the sound of its dying screams in the song.
You must have made it further than me, or just paid more attention :lol:

Sleepy after work, so when i put something on, i just stare at the screen till it's finished :lol:
Think it was 1:18'ish.
I'm fairly confident she's making the words up as she goes along.
Reminds me of the girl dancing in the Rebecca Black song. She's awkward.

That led me onto watching these 2

I'm getting old and that's the first time I've heard either. Both terrible to me. First one = words that don't mean anything then saying Hi Bich (sic) repeatedly for no reason? :confused: Now I've heard of Cardi B, her name pops up here and there but that's the first time I've heard her. Sounds like how Sylvester Stallone's disabled sister would sound if he had one in Rocky. Don't know how you can get anywhere with a voice like that.

Heard around a couple of years ago, thought everyone should hear this and have a laugh

I'm no stickler for being super original but I can't think of any band who've tried this hard to sound like another band. There are covers bands with more originality. Bleurgh.
Lil Pump's 'Butterfly doors' disappointed me. As bad as some of his music is he always had a fun/goofy appeal for me, but like some of his other recent songs 'butterfly doors' is too pop-rap with such a highly manufactured sound. Doesn't have any fun or catchy lyrids to boot.
I've been living under a rock but Lewis Capaldi's hit is quite bad for a chart topper. An emotional shout fest from a btec Ed Sheeran, Sheeran himself is bland imo.
I've been living under a rock but Lewis Capaldi's hit is quite bad for a chart topper. An emotional shout fest from a btec Ed Sheeran, Sheeran himself is bland imo.
I've just realised I don't think I have ever heard it - I don't listen to the radio or MTV etc these days.
Been back in the UK since December and doing a lot of driving. I've realised I'm a Radio 2 kind of person now, with the radio anyway. I still listen to loads of new stuff but the shite on Radio 1 is atrocious.