Television The Wire

Just started rewatching it for the first time since it initially came out. I seem to have forgotten it all which is actually a good thing. I’ll take it.

Same. Rewatch for me but first time for my gf. She’s really enjoying it, currently just started season 3.

I only remembered random bits from each season like S1 being Barksdale and also Kima getting shot, S2 all I remembered was Frank Sobotka and the docks.. also an egg in a beer :lol: S3 is the classic Hamsterdam and Bodie dying. Can’t really remember 4 much and I think 5 is the bodies in the houses and Omar dying.
Just started rewatching it for the first time since it initially came out. I seem to have forgotten it all which is actually a good thing. I’ll take it.
Jealous, I wish I could delete it from my brain and go in fresh again.
Same. Rewatch for me but first time for my gf. She’s really enjoying it, currently just started season 3.

I only remembered random bits from each season like S1 being Barksdale and also Kima getting shot, S2 all I remembered was Frank Sobotka and the docks.. also an egg in a beer :lol: S3 is the classic Hamsterdam and Bodie dying. Can’t really remember 4 much and I think 5 is the bodies in the houses and Omar dying.

Bodie doesn't die season 3, he dies season 4 - Stringer is the one who dies season 3. Season 4 is the strongest in my opinion, focusing on the kids (and also starts the bodies in the houses plot); season 5 finishes it with the fake serial killer
Apparently Officer Colicchio is over fighting in Ukraine:

Sounds great. Spent the last few days re-watching Generation Kill, these guys know how to do a good mini-series.
Is that Marlo as Police? Not sure how I feel about that.
2 at least, marlo and the big guy, can't remember his name. Always gave the speeches at the funerals in the Irish bar

According to Wikipedia, at least:

Marlo, O-Dog (one of Marlo's guys), Sgt. Landsman, Herc, Dukie, Donut (one of the kids) and Savino.

Wouldn't be surprised to see more, given it's created by David Simon and a guy who did a lot of work on The Wire. Ed Burns is also an executive producer, which could mean literally any amount of involvement.
Speaking of which....

How did Marlo manage to sell 'the connect' to the co-op for $10 million? That's an insane amount of money. Avon essentially paved the way for Marlo to get at the connect, but only asked for $100,000 in return for the intro. Assuming the co-op has 10 members (probably less), that's a $1 million each. Are they really gonna make their money back on that by virtue of selling drugs which are of a higher quality than their competitors? $10 million has always seemed way out of wack to me.
Speaking of which....

How did Marlo manage to sell 'the connect' to the co-op for $10 million? That's an insane amount of money. Avon essentially paved the way for Marlo to get at the connect, but only asked for $100,000 in return for the intro. Assuming the co-op has 10 members (probably less), that's a $1 million each. Are they really gonna make their money back on that by virtue of selling drugs which are of a higher quality than their competitors? $10 million has always seemed way out of wack to me.

If anything I'd say it's a low amount of money. They're absolutely going to be making it back, easily.
Speaking of which....

How did Marlo manage to sell 'the connect' to the co-op for $10 million? That's an insane amount of money. Avon essentially paved the way for Marlo to get at the connect, but only asked for $100,000 in return for the intro. Assuming the co-op has 10 members (probably less), that's a $1 million each. Are they really gonna make their money back on that by virtue of selling drugs which are of a higher quality than their competitors? $10 million has always seemed way out of wack to me.

The quality of drugs was a smaller factor compared to the wholesale price they were getting - their margins were significantly higher because the Greeks were willing to sell for a lower price given less exposure via multiple transactions. Plus on top of that, they could expand the margins further by diluting the higher quality product more.
Cheers both, makes sense... still feels like Avon should have asked for more in that case, but I guess there were a few more steps involved between him giving Marlo the intro with the Greeks and Marlo ultimately assuming the crown.
Cheers both, makes sense... still feels like Avon should have asked for more in that case, but I guess there were a few more steps involved between him giving Marlo the intro with the Greeks and Marlo ultimately assuming the crown.

I actually think you've made a great find here in pointing this out and it adds more to the character - Avon was pretty conclusively shown to be not very business savvy and his inability to see the bigger picture was his downfall. Not understanding the actual value of this connection is very much in keeping with his character, and it further reinforces his inability to be self-reflective. He was always too stubborn to take a step back and think about the broader repercussions of his actions, in contrast to Stringer.
2 at least, marlo and the big guy, can't remember his name. Always gave the speeches at the funerals in the Irish bar
Bit of The Wire trivia: Big guy was Jay Landsman in the show, based on a Baltimore real policeman called Jay Landsman. This cop is also an actor, who also ebtered The Wire (that gentle cop with a moustache that was second to Bunny in his Hamsterdam project).

So the wire had a character called Jay Landsman and an actor called Jay Landsman.

My girlfriend was absolutely endeared with Donut when I forced her to watch the Wire about a year ago. He did have an amazing smile, can't recognize him on the trailer as a grown up though.

I actually think you've made a great find here in pointing this out and it adds more to the character - Avon was pretty conclusively shown to be not very business savvy and his inability to see the bigger picture was his downfall. Not understanding the actual value of this connection is very much in keeping with his character, and it further reinforces his inability to be self-reflective. He was always too stubborn to take a step back and think about the broader repercussions of his actions, in contrast to Stringer.
He was all about the real estate, holding the corners was more important than the product to him

Yeah, I ain't no suit-wearin' businessman like you. You know I'm just a gangsta, I suppose. And I want my corners
He was all about the real estate, holding the corners was more important than the product to him

Yeah, I ain't no suit-wearin' businessman like you. You know I'm just a gangsta, I suppose. And I want my corners
Stringer be like, "Again with the corners..."
I think I've re-watched The Wire maybe five or six times.
The first 3 or 4 rounds are great and you can spot new things, characters, plots or whatever you might have missed the previous times. Last few binges I've spotted flaws mostly, maybe I need to give the show a rest for a few years.
Cheers both, makes sense... still feels like Avon should have asked for more in that case, but I guess there were a few more steps involved between him giving Marlo the intro with the Greeks and Marlo ultimately assuming the crown.

I think that was done to show Avon's naivety and how the game was already moving past him and his way of doing things since his incarceration.

Marlo was more cutthroat and was more a combination of Avon and String.
What happened to the old thread? Ah well.

Who are we living vicariously through now, is someone watching it for the first time?