So I have watched the last 2 episodes after all the praise, and I feel like I am still watching a different, very average show.
However, the scenes with Egwene in Damame training are by a considerable distance the best thing that this show has ever put out, massively superior to the mediocrity around it, and the one part of the show that actually felt like what I hoped it would be, excellent performances by the 2 actors there as well. To be fair the yellow ajah sister and her warder in Falme were pretty good as well, an actual competent warder at last.
Coming up to the end of the season 2 and it still feels like key characters, Mat, Perrin and Rand have been very poorly developed, so much time wasted on superfluous arcs, The Lan and the Alanna threesome has been a disaster, Moraine's family drama felt totally redundant, put in to give Pike some content.