Forced myself to watch season 2 after hating season 1, and finally got to the end. Some observations:
- Rosamund Pike was far and away the best thing in season 1, and that’s still the case in season 2.
-American accents for the Seanchan was a clever touch (although it does kind of contrast with the confusing mix of accents elsewhere - why do peasants Egwene and Rand sound posher than the Daughter Heir Elayne?)
-production values were MUCH better this season. Costumes actually looked lived in and not just taken off a rack immediately before shooting started.
-Why oh why, when you only have 8 episodes to adapt a massive fantasy epic book, do you waste sooo much time on pointless scenes with pointless characters? I absolutely get that any adaptation, particularly of modern fantasy books, will involve cutting out a lot of stuff. But my main complaint is what they’ve added, rather than what they’ve taken away. How many scenes of boring Lan being boring with the other boring warders did we actually need? The whole sub-plot with Moiraine’s sister and nephew? That links to my main complaint of S1 - despite being played by the best actor, Moiraine simply should not be the focus of this story. At this point, the main characters should be the EF5, with Moiraine the Gandalf-like mentor figure.
-And this meant that there was far too little time devoted to important stuff, like explaining the significance of the Horn of Valere. This in turn meant that the Horn blowing scene was a total anticlimax, and the irony of Artur Hawkwing fighting the Seanchan wasn’t even acknowledged.
-Mat has always been my favourite character in the books, and I hate the way they’ve adapted him, basically reducing him to a glorified extra. By having him healed so early, back in S1, they missed the opportunity to make his story a real focus in S2, with the obvious parallels to addiction, and giving Rand and the others personal motivation to track down Padan Fain (who has also been reduced to an extra here). The forced recasting of Mat was obviously a reason for his story being sidelined in S1, but they had the chance to put things right in S2, and they didn’t.
-Ishamael was just not a compelling villain. He’s supposed to be this terrifying, demonic figure who is constantly haunting Rand, winding him up and driving him mad - until Rand is finally able to turn the tables on him at Falme. But in this show he’s just a man, and a pretty underwhelming, whiny man, with a really nasal voice. I also didn’t like how they had him working openly with the Seanchan. Didn’t make any sense at all.
-And I’m caught between wanting the show to focus more on Rand ie the main character, and not wanting to see more of him because the actor is just so bad.
-There are also little things that annoy me, like characters referring to LTT as ‘the Dragon Reborn’ - no, he was the Dragon, Rand is the Dragon Reborn. It doesn’t really matter, but it just shows a lack of care and a misunderstanding of the source material.
So overall, S2 was clearly better than S1, but in some ways I’m even more disappointed in it because it’s become clear that it’s not going to be the adaptation I wanted it to be. I can understand the need to make changes and cut out a lot of the superfluous stuff, especially in the later books, where Jordan got stuck in a holding pattern for ages. But the first three books were such a great, and relatively tightly written trilogy, there wasn’t really any need to make such big changes.