The Virgin League Draft | Winner: GodShaveTheQueen

Today's going to be a busy day so will have to reschedule the match unfortunately. Will this Thursday or Friday be fine with you @Michaelf7777777 ? Sorry for the inconvenience.
@Invictus Any chance of Joga and Michael today?
I'm afraid not mate, Michael is from Middle Earth...


We'll start tomorrow at 1200 BST, and aim to wrap things up by next weekend. :)
Semi-final Reinforcement
Semi-final Sheep Reinforcement


The reinforcement will be done over 2 separate rounds with managers having the chance to land a maximum of 2 reinforcements from the pool of eliminated (including Round 1) and unpicked-but-valid players...
  • Sheep Reinforcement 1: 8 hours submission time for Round 1, 6 hours submission time for Round 2, 4 hours submission time for Round 3.
  • Sheep Reinforcement 2: 6 hours submission time for Round 1, 4 hours submission time for Round 2, 3 hours submission time for Round 3.

Please submit your Sheep Reinforcement 1 Round 1 selection by 2030 hrs BST (29 August 2020). Good luck! :D

ManagerRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7Round 8Round 9Round 10Round 11Round 12Round 13Round 14
1. harmsG. NetzerM. BelodediciH. KranklR. PavoniH. WimmerP. SousaI. ChislenkoM. ReusW. SamuelD. CarvajalH. SchumacherV. MuntyanA. CuccuredduR. Prosinečki
4. Zlatan 7C. SeedorfAldairJ. KlinsmannS. BusquetsR. DonadoniM. ReizigerD. AlbertiniS. PearceD. GinolaF. BarthezA. BarzagliM. MaterazziR. ManciniP. Collina
3. PhysiocratB. SchusterF. AlbertJ. SantamariaJ. CeulemansH. CrespoM. ZagalloV. BessonovM. CarrickE. HughesJ-M. PfaffW. ZmudaPapinP. CocuE. Petit
4. King KendrickSócratesV. Van DijkM. BallackS. RamosE. CantonaE. HazardR. SterlingJuanfranW. JansenF. De BoerD. DrogbaG. PagliucaC. FabregasA. Valencia
5. SirScholesS. AgueroTostaoJ. TerryF. CollovatiM. TassotiL. BradyG. HoddleCasemiroA. OrtegaD. SeamanT. DunneEdmundoM. Van BommelJ. Riquelme
6. IndnycR. LewandowskiF. LampardRui CostaG. GattusoS. BruceR. AyalaC. PanucciV. AndersonY. ToureN. SouthhallFernandinhoJ.S. ParkG. LinekerT. Kroos
7. FortitudeT. FinneyT. CerezoA. HaanU. HoenessD. StojkovićR. VaraneG. HanappiJ. AltafiniJ. AlbaJ. KimmichG. AntognoniC. TevezK. KoulibalyM. Ter Stegen
8. HimannvK. KeeganK. DalglishB. HulshoffH. SzymaniakJ. ArmfieldJ. RepJ. LitmanenH. BlankenburgK SansomJ. GilesJ. OblakJ. WoutersR. HousemanJ. Burruchaga

Enigma_87RivellinoM. TrésorJ. PirriMaiconCarecaA. VidalS. ManeT. MüllerV. KompanyJ. CroyG. PessottoPepeH. KaneA. ChivadzeR. PavoniT. Cerezo

Edgar Allan PillowD. BeckhamD. IrwinT. AdamsG. SilvaB. MurdochR. PiresA. ColeD. YorkeB. McNeillA. ShearerS. JardineR. SimpsonB. AuldM. Le TissierE. CantonaE. Hughes

Pat_Mustard & Jim BeamMarceloR. KoemanL. KubalaE. FrancescoliE. CambiassoI. CasillasO. BergmarkT. Alexander - ArnoldN. LiedholmD. PereyraH. LarssonAlemaoR. SosaB. BoliB. SchusterM. Tassotti

Michaelf7777777R. BochiniN. GoncalvesLeandroJ. CharlesM. SalahC. GamarraT. GemmellM. KhurtsilavaG. BulgarelliG. PopescuL. SkoglundA. ZubizarretaM. OwenP. GuardiolaV. Van DIjkE. Hazard

@Joga Bonito @Theon
@Šjor Bepo @Gio
having a ref on your side in the final stages could be crucial....cheeky bid for Piereluigi?
Was hoping both rounds happen together so there is a bigger chance of blocks. Don't think we will see many or any blocks now.

Sent pick.
Sheep Reinforcement Clarification
Since there is some lingering confusion regarding the reinforcement stipulations...
  • Once blocked, the player will not be available for the entirety of Semi-final reinforcement.
  • Successful picks will be published only after the conclusion of Semi-final reinforcement Part 2, before that I will only post PASS/FAIL as applicable.
  • No Blocked list will be published in this thread.
If you want to change your picks in light of this clarification or are in need of additional details, you have until 2030 Hrs BST

@Joga Bonito @Theon
@Šjor Bepo @Gio
Semifinal Squads
Semi-final Sheep Reinforcement 2 Results

Joga Bonito & Theon: PASS
Šjor Bepo & Gio: PASS
GodShaveTheQueen: PASS


Semifinal Squads

ManagerRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7Round 8Round 9Round 10Round 11Round 12Round 13Round 14Round 15Round 16Round 17Round 18
1. Joga & TheonB.VogtsA.PicchiA.SpencerD. ZoffD. MackayB.WrightJ. VerónT. HaßlerA. GiresseBebetoG. van BronckhorstP. MonteroE. StreltsovC. MouljinTostaoC. SeedorfRivelinoD. Beckham
2. Šjor Bepo & GioA. PirloHidegkutiK. MbappéP. GascoigneN. KantéC. MozerW.SagnolW. ZengaB. DietzR. FerriC. LopezH. RahnV. CandelaR. GoughJ. SantamariaM. ReusMarceloT. Müller
3. BIG DUNKD. BergkampJ. HeynckesF. BeneL. YashinG. BuchwaldR. PerfumoJorginhoR. BenettiR. GordilloL. FernandezK. DeynaM. OlsenZ. BobanDecoG. NetzerV. BessonovD. IrwinJ. Klinsmann
4. GodShaveTheQueenK. HamrinO. SivoriD. BlanchflowerB. BremnerJ. FontaineP. LittbarskiR. BratsethA. BenarrivoGermanoG. GrosicsF. JusufiM. ChagasP FutreL. BonucciT. FinneySocratesT. CerezoMaicon
Final Sheep Reinforcement
Final Sheep Reinforcement

Sheep style reinforcement from the pool of eliminated players, unpicked-but-valid players and players with no video evidence. Maximum of 1 player as reinforcement.
  • 12 hours submission time for Round 1
  • 6 hours submission time for Round 2
  • 4 hours submission time for Round 3

You have till 0800 hrs BST (05 September 2020) to submit your Round 1 pick.

Good luck! :)