The United Stand........."Big Announcement"

Its the truth. Mark Goldbridge isnt his real name. His name is Brent Di Cesare, a financial fraud investigator from Nottingham. Not hard to research that. In the MAGA/gift youtube era, this isnt uncommon.
That's not the issue though is it, and Goldbridge himself is open about that. Where's the problem there?
Guy's a blood sucking vampire, a stooge and charlatan to boot. Utter despicable cnut stealing a living off being a fam cam channel or some shit. About as authentic as rubber dogshit. Not his real name, not the club he supports, hope he slips in a puddle of his own piss.
Its the truth. Mark Goldbridge isnt his real name. His name is Brent Di Cesare, a financial fraud investigator from Nottingham. Not hard to research that. In the MAGA/gift youtube era, this isnt uncommon.
Was about to post 10 green smileys but upon quick detective work I found out it is actually real and he is Brent Di Cesare indeed...
Well it beats sitting in a fake green screen studio I suppose.
That's not the issue though is it, and Goldbridge himself is open about that. Where's the problem there?
Never said it was a problem. He can do what he likes. If he's making money, good on him. Let's be honest about what it is.
Seems this fruit seller was not a fan of Brent and his work on United Stand..

Its the truth. Mark Goldbridge isnt his real name. His name is Brent Di Cesare, a financial fraud investigator from Nottingham. Not hard to research that. In the MAGA/gift youtube era, this isnt uncommon.

Wow. Guy with made up sounding name opts for nom de plume which is as boring as season three of HEROES.
He rants too much, way too much, and contradicts his views often. He tends to have a point at its core, but he regularly goes overboard.
He rants too much, way too much, and contradicts his views often. He tends to have a point at its core, but he regularly goes overboard.
Yes. He's a bit of a click bait merchant but it's hard to be too judgy because that also helps him get viewers and keep the show up. Same goes for his rants, helps ratings i suppose but he's often way too negative. He can find something to moan about in everything. I listen to him here and there though. Prefer United Peoples for analysis as Sam is level headed. As far as him being a "fake" united fan and supporting Forest, i've seen no evidence of that.
Never said it was a problem. He can do what he likes. If he's making money, good on him. Let's be honest about what it is.
Exactly. The idea he isn't a United fan just looks silly to me. But he's clearly a business man and gifted self-promoter. It doesn't make what he does fake or invalid. He's selling a product and it's obviously popular with a lot of United fans.

I prefer other channels myself, but they all have a place. We're a very big and diverse global fanbase.
Adults getting so wound up about him are much more bizarre than he'll ever be.

I would personally say that the adults who get wound up/ defensive over criticism of him are a bit more bizarre (especially since it's mostly mild and frequently true) to be honest.

He's more ridiculed than "hated".

I'm not even a "hater" but it's quite obvious he is "clickbaitey" and negative (as that's what sells) for views.
I would personally say that the people who get wound up/ defensive over criticism of him are a bit more bizarre (especially since it's mostly mild and frequently true) to be honest.

I'm not even a "hater" but it's quite obvious he is "clickbaitey" and negative (as that's what sells) for views.
Time for a pole....................................................
I would personally say that the people who get wound up/ defensive over criticism of him are a bit more bizarre (especially since it's mostly mild and frequently true) to be honest.

I'm not even a "hater" but it's quite obvious he is "clickbaitey" and negative (as that's what sells) for views.

Clickbait is a basic part of the business to be fair, they’re all at it. His Utd content isn’t often for me these days as he does seem to attract thick ignorant Utd fans, his comment section is painful and negative about everything. He’s a funny Bloke though.
Love the way this thread has gone the same way as every other thread on here.

“it’s sad how wound up you’re getting”
“It’s sadder how wound up you’re getting about how wound up I got”
“Well I think it’s worse how wound up you got about how wound up I got about you getting wound up”
Time for a pole....................................................

I'm not falling for that one again :lol:

Clickbait is a basic part of the business to be fair, they’re all at it. His Utd content isn’t often for me these days as he does seem to attract thick ignorant Utd fans, his comment section is painful and negative about everything. He’s a funny Bloke though.

Yeah I agree and he doesn't really annoy me because I don't have to interact with a lot of his fans (though you see his opinions parroted here frequently) and (as Im not a united fan) I don't have to worry about him being the most 'famous' face of my club on YouTube (and there for kind of being a representative of the fanbase) much like how I can enjoy AFTV etc without feeling that they are making me/ the club look like a tit! :lol:

As I've said before he's more "entertaining" than interesting and he's actually more reasonable when talking about other teams than United ( less agenda driven).
Did this guy not have a Nottingham Forest fan channel before he switched to Utd or were those just rumors?
New studio looks great

I’m a fan of the channel I’ve been watching for years /shrug
I am a die-hard fan for over 30 years, I saw his content for the first time like two months ago.

Only looking at that -- very small sample size -- I would 100% say:
*He is a great influence on the fan base
*He is funny, makes a lot of fun of himself, definitely a bit of caricature ‘show’

If someone cannot stand him or his content -- I can of course 100% understand that. Its as much "YT" quality as something gets. If you are looking for something else, nobody can blame you. Is it always informative and do I always agree with him? Of course not. I sometimes like his takes, often I have a bit or completely different view.
Did this guy not have a Nottingham Forest fan channel before he switched to Utd or were those just rumors?

Nah it’s what the haters try and throw at him but he’s posted multiple pictures as a kid wearing United tops and stuff
Its the truth. Mark Goldbridge isnt his real name. His name is Brent Di Cesare, a financial fraud investigator from Nottingham. Not hard to research that. In the MAGA/gift youtube era, this isnt uncommon.
So what does that have to do with him being a United fan? I'd prefer people use their real identity, but I also don't blame people for wanting to conceal their personal info from the internet, there are a lot of crazy people out there.
Guy's a blood sucking vampire, a stooge and charlatan to boot. Utter despicable cnut stealing a living off being a fam cam channel or some shit. About as authentic as rubber dogshit. Not his real name, not the club he supports, hope he slips in a puddle of his own piss.
You sound bitter and jealous that no one gives a feck what you think, but 1.5 million people care what he thinks. But carry on like this, you're embarrassing yourself and no one else.
Nah it’s what the haters try and throw at him but he’s posted multiple pictures as a kid wearing United tops and stuff
He was a Forest fan and United were his 2nd team. He was pretending to be a transfer ITK before he started the United Stand. There was a whole thread on an old United forum that exposed him but I think it's been deleted as I can't find it now.

The guy is an absolute leech but he's making a fortune off it so fair play. He certainly has the young fans hanging on his every word.
Did this guy not have a Nottingham Forest fan channel before he switched to Utd or were those just rumors?
I'm not sure about that but he was pretending to be a journalist until he was exposed as a fraud then he started the United stand.
What's the Caf's opinion on Goldbridge? Do we like him?

I heard of him a long time ago, but never had time to listen to him, but I've watched him a few times recently and he's pretty decent to listen to while doing other things.

Was he on the Caf or what?
I don't have a negative opinion of him really, and find some of the venom directed at him a tad strange.

I think a lot (most even) of what he says about football is absolutely moronic but as far as I am aware he's quite harmless. A friend of mine makes football content on YouTube, and I know through him that he's also willing to lend a hand to others on the platform with a smaller following than his own.

Overall I have no strong opinion on him. I don't enjoy his content so I don't watch it but as far as internet personalities go I've not seen anything to suggest he's one of the bad guys.
He was a Forest fan and United were his 2nd team. He was pretending to be a transfer ITK before he started the United Stand. There was a whole thread on an old United forum that exposed him but I think it's been deleted as I can't find it now.

The guy is an absolute leech but he's making a fortune off it so fair play. He certainly has the young fans hanging on his every word.

I have no clue, but for anyone who has been around the whole ‘internet revolution’, this is not surprising at all.

But credit is where credit is due — and he is doing a great job during the little time I’ve watched him (the last two months).

Very level headed. Putting things in perspective. Raising good arguments for not hate on this or that player (this community will get enough of that as it is).

And I mean, he is definitely of course a a bit of “a caricature of himself” and the rest of us, football fans. After the Fulham game my kid and I immediately went and saw his reaction to the Garnacho goal. As expected he was on full suicide watch going into overtime, then just explodes in extreme happiness.

I am just calling it like I see it. I would never go on YT and play a video of his, by my kid puts it on in the background often when we are hanging out, and I like the message he is giving.
No. He was an ex-copper who supported Nottingham Forest, who saw a gab in the market and ran with it.

Accusing him of being a Forest fan and not a real United because he grew up in Nottingham is extremely cringy. This forum has thousands (maybe over a million!?) members and 95% of them didn't grow up in Manchester.

The accusation was created by that scammer Howson (or someone on that channel, I don't know) to try and damage a competitor's reputation. It's not only nasty, it's insulting to 95% of United fans.
You sound bitter and jealous that no one gives a feck what you think, but 1.5 million people care what he thinks. But carry on like this, you're embarrassing yourself and no one else.
And you think them 1.5m are all real?

Yes I may sound bitter but there are many people who see him as more than entertainment. They take him and the other youtubers word as gospel. You think that the faux shock horror in pretty much every stream has no impact on how some 'fans' view players or how they abuse them. Need to step through the doors of reality.
And you think them 1.5m are all real?

Yes I may sound bitter but there are many people who see him as more than entertainment. They take him and the other youtubers word as gospel. You think that the faux shock horror in pretty much every stream has no impact on how some 'fans' view players or how they abuse them. Need to step through the doors of reality.

haha, so he’s faking subscribers on YouTube now is he?!

jesus the hate for him on here is something else
Same old, same old. The vitriol and hate Mark Goldbridge seems to elicit from some on here is very odd and over the top.
Same old, same old. The vitriol and hate Mark Goldbridge seems to elicit from some on here is odd and over the top.
Nothing like Mark towards United and it’s players though. Can’t have it one way
And you think them 1.5m are all real?

Yes I may sound bitter but there are many people who see him as more than entertainment. They take him and the other youtubers word as gospel. You think that the faux shock horror in pretty much every stream has no impact on how some 'fans' view players or how they abuse them. Need to step through the doors of reality.
Why do you care about other fans views? You do you, and don't worry about if other people are living up to your expectations of what a fan should be. And not every club has a Mark Goldbridge, but I can guarantee their players get peppered with abuse online when they do something the fans don't like.
Nothing like Mark towards United and it’s players though. Can’t have it one way
He hasn't said any worse than what's gets said on here. His heat of the moment clips, opinions, place of upbringing, real name etc doesn't require the amount of vitriol that gets said on here. Just the mere mention of his name sends some into a rage.