The Third Basketball Fantasy Draft

Let me know what you guys decide managers wise, and put the final list together please.

There's no huge rush to start this, just want to make sure everyone who's in is up for it and able to participate :)
managers so far
1. Skizzo
2. Akshay/Syrian
3. OB
4. Moby
5. AltoDevil/Kasper
6. EAP
7. Sarni
8. Mazhar/Mani


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DOB cutoff and No-Mate rules

  • Michael Jordan is blocked
  • Players much have been born on January 1st, 1960 or later.
  • Players you pick must not have appeared together in any NBA game. Internationals, Olympics etc don't count.


  • Each manager will pick 10 players for his team.
  • Two reinforcements will be made after each match, except the final where only one reinforcement will be made prior.
  • Snake draft will be in place, with reinforcements starting at the opposite end and continuing as usual.
  • 8 hours for each manager to make his pick. Deadlines don't start until July 7th 12PM. From that point on, deadlines will be strict.
  • If a manager missed his deadline, the next manager in order will pick, and carry on as such. The manager who missed his pick can make it as soon as he returns.
Any questions? Ask.

Snake order will be done shortly.
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1. OB
2. Edgar Allan Pillow
3. Sarni
4. Akshay/Syrian
5. Mazhar/Mani
6. AltoDevil/Kasper
7. Skizzo
8. Moby
Do all star games count? Sorry if stupid question.

All star games wouldn't count towards the No-Mates rule, just strictly NBA league games and playoff games.

Also, it's just about being part of the same roster, they don't have to have been on the court at the same time.
We are going with Lebron James.
If someone could please update the list and tag the next person as im on my phone.
Want in? I wouldn't mind the help :)
No thanks. I appreciate the offer. I'm going to be back at work on Monday after taking 2+ weeks vacation so I'm going to be kinda busy over the next month.
1. OB - L. James
2. Edgar - T. Duncan
3. Sarni - H. Olajuwon
4. Akshay/Syrian - K. Bryant
5. Mazhar/Mani -D.Wade
6. AltoDevil/Kasper
7. Skizzo
8. Moby

@altodevil86 @Kasper

1. OB - L. James
2. Edgar - T. Duncan
3. Sarni - H. Olajuwon
4. Akshay/Syrian - K. Bryant
5. Mazhar/Mani - D.Wade
6. AltoDevil/Kasper - S. O'Neal
7. Skizzo
8. Moby


1. OB - L. James
2. Edgar - T. Duncan
3. Sarni - H. Olajuwon
4. Akshay/Syrian - K. Bryant
5. Mazhar/Mani - D.Wade
6. AltoDevil/Kasper - S. O'Neal
7. Skizzo - D. Robinson
8. Moby
