The Social Network and other mysteries on planet earth

Sounds like you've given up on life Pogue. That or you're being ironic by hating movies that most people love simply because they're popular!

You can see my 5 favourite films from 2010 in the thread of that name. They're all popular films. I'm not a poncey film buff like Spoons.

Lots of good films out there. I just happen to think Hurt locker and Inception are pants.
The moment Spoony becomes involved in a film thread, the topic dies, because unless the film has been made by some unheard of Japanese director then he thinks it's shite :p
The moment Spoony becomes involved in a film thread, the topic dies, because unless the film has been made by some unheard of Japanese director then he thinks it's shite :p

I'm not having that at all. My top ten films from 2010 were all pretty popular.

And Takashi Miike's not unheard of. So there.
I didn't see The Social Network, but I thought Inception was quite good, but it was clearly one of those films were everyone starts saying its great and then everyone else agrees so as not to be left behind and everyone gets to feel good about watching a 'smart' movie that wasn't that smart. I mean, it was entertaining, but one of the best of the year? Or of all time?? It wasn't that much better than Tron.
You can see my 5 favourite films from 2010 in the thread of that name. They're all popular films. I'm not a poncey film buff like Spoons.

Lots of good films out there. I just happen to think Hurt locker and Inception are pants.

Personally I thought Hurt Locker was good, but not as good as others seemed to think. I heard it wasn't accurate too. But Inception was my favourite movie by a long way... And I even saw the last 40 minutes first (when they were on the bridge in the car) because the daft bitch at the counter printed me the wrong tickets.
That's easy to answer isn't it???????

Godfather 1&2
In the Mood for Love
Das Boot

But that's probably in correct. You ask impossible questions to answer.

Be grateful I never asked for an order!

I was just seeing if Count's theory was right. Then again it could just be my ignorance that I only know the Godfather 1 & 2 out of those.

Be grateful I never asked for an order!

I was just seeing if Count's theory was right. Then again it could just be my ignorance that I only know the Godfather 1 & 2 out of those.

Yes, but others are pretty well known too. Unless the likes of Kurosawa have become obscure low budget directors that is.
Yes, but others are pretty well known too. Unless the likes of Kurosawa have become obscure low budget directors that is.

Yeah, my my knowledge on movies doesn't seem to be the best. I guess my well known and you guys' well known will be a bit different.
Just watched the social network and quite liked it. I also hate facebook and refuse to use it.