The Saw franchise

Seriously though. It really was some earth-shattering innovation in the realm of storytelling. After all, it's not like the inspiration for the Jigsaw character is as old as the blueprints for the bag of meat that lies between the ears. And no one's ever written a story about a dying man wishing to impart his life's lessons to others in a fear-of-death induced last-gasp attempt at relevance. And no one's ever tried contriving extreme situations to impart artificial weight to such mundane musings. And damn sure no one ever expected you-know-who to be you-know-who at the end. No one ever expected that. Ever.

Shakespeare, Dickens, Melville, Hemingway, Dostoevsky, Steinbeck, Faulkner, Golding, Scherezade, Twain... Face it. n00bs got pwned.
I think the problem with SAW is a similar one to that which affected LOST. Greed of the producers, SAW would have been a really really good 3 film set, and LOST would have been an amazing 3 series programme.

But success brought greed, and ultimately both productions suffered as a result. As they were stretched, lengthened, bits added, in the pursuit of money. The result was that the story was lost. It's a shame.
Seriously though. It really was some earth-shattering innovation in the realm of storytelling. After all, it's not like the inspiration for the Jigsaw character is as old as the blueprints for the bag of meat that lies between the ears. And no one's ever written a story about a dying man wishing to impart his life's lessons to others in a fear-of-death induced last-gasp attempt at relevance. And no one's ever tried contriving extreme situations to impart artificial weight to such mundane musings. And damn sure no one ever expected you-know-who to be you-know-who at the end. No one ever expected that. Ever.

Shakespeare, Dickens, Melville, Hemingway, Dostoevsky, Steinbeck, Faulkner, Golding, Scherezade, Twain... Face it. n00bs got pwned.

The first film was pretty new and inventive, not overly so, but the rest have just been carbon copies of it, and they're shit.
The Leprechaun - now theres a film franchise with rich tapestry

Saw indeed, pfft come back when you've been to space Mr Jigsaw you big dickhead
The first film was pretty new and inventive, not overly so, but the rest have just been carbon copies of it, and they're shit.

Thats the whole idea - its supposed to be the same theme for God sake :wenger:

"Not overly so" - Name me another film thats remotely like Saw?

Jesus, I've never seen so many film "experts" in any one place than this thread!
Jesus, I've never seen so many film "experts" in any one place than this thread!

Nah. You don't need to be a film expert to realise that there are serious issues with the story line in the SAW series. I personally don't mind the films (as i've said) but I take the film for what it is, a gruesome horror. I don't proclaim that it has a great storyline because to be honest, it doesn't.
The first one was good. The second one was ok. The rest were shit out during coffee breaks.

I made it to four, because I like machines, blood, and the chick with the great rack from 'Becker.'
Nah. You don't need to be a film expert to realise that there are serious issues with the story line in the SAW series. I personally don't mind the films (as i've said) but I take the film for what it is, a gruesome horror. I don't proclaim that it has a great storyline because to be honest, it doesn't.

Good lad. Thats exactly what I mean. Folk should just watch & enjoy a flick without over-analysing it!

A mate of mine is so feckin hard to please with films that it does my head in. Its like he compares every film to modern classics & if it doesnt live up to that standard then its shit. Absolutely does my nut in. He just cant sit down & watch a flick & say "yeah that was fun" or "i enjoyed that", its always - "it wasnt as good as blah blah blah..."

I dont know about you, but most folk I know thought "Superbad" and "Old School" were excellent comedys's?

He thought Superbad was shit & Old School wasnt the best :wenger:
Has there ever been a series of two or more films that could be described as a "franchise" which had even a half-decent decent storyline ?

I can't think of any.

I'll give ya a clue:

Has there ever been a series of two or more films that could be described as a "franchise" which had even a half-decent decent storyline ?

I can't think of any.

Lord of the Rings maybe, though tbh its basically one big film rather than 3 parts

Star Wars had 3 reasonable films
From what I remember Saw I was ok, Saw II was a bit shit and from then on they got worse.
I dont know why so many of you are so critical about films in general. Not every film has to be an epic - the Saws were all worth a view & were very entertaining & fecking gruesome also...

I always try to find some enjoyment in watching a flick - apart from that nonsensical "Burn after Reading" - which should have been called "Burn after watching"!

First of all, the continuation of the Saw series just about encapsulates everything that is wrong about the film industry in general. The first film was good, and that's where it should have ended (or possibly after the second). But no, they had to drag it on to squeeze every last drop of revenue out of it with lacklustre sequels which the general public seems to lap up. For someone to label it as the best storyline ever is laughable.

Secondly, Burn after Reading is twice as good, in originality and just plain quality, than any of the Saw sequels.
Dirty Harry series are all good, although the last two aren't a patch on the first three. Magnum Force is a good follow-up and stands on it's own from DH.
I usually don't have a problem with horror films, but I have to admit I watched most of the Saw films from behind my fingers that were covering my eyes in horror and dismay.

That bit when the bloke is in that machine that twists his arms and legs around? Oh dear God. And when the woman is in that device that's opening her ribcage? Aaaargh! And don't even get me started on that hook guy!

I don't really see the point in a film just bringing out as much of the 'shock' and 'cringe' factor as they can... they weren't great stories, it was just there to be shocking. I don't mind horror movies that are gory, particularly, but they should have a bit of an interesting story to them.
First of all, the continuation of the Saw series just about encapsulates everything that is wrong about the film industry in general. The first film was good, and that's where it should have ended (or possibly after the second). But no, they had to drag it on to squeeze every last drop of revenue out of it with lacklustre sequels which the general public seems to lap up. For someone to label it as the best storyline ever is laughable.

Secondly, Burn after Reading is twice as good, in originality and just plain quality, than any of the Saw sequels.

Who said that?
I don't really see the point in a film just bringing out as much of the 'shock' and 'cringe' factor as they can... they weren't great stories, it was just there to be shocking. I don't mind horror movies that are gory, particularly, but they should have a bit of an interesting story to them.

im not a fan of the excessive gore in the recent films, but i disagree about them not being interesting stories. The storyline in the Saw films are probably their best features, in my opinion, what with finding out the background to jigsaw, the concept of why people get put in the traps. Then the films leave people guessing, for instance the last film's ending, also questions about Doctor Gordon.
And im sure it was always the idea to do a shit load of films. In the very first one, the doctor was a jigsaw suspect, and his very own pen was found at a jigsaw murder. How did it get there? We never knew this until the 4th one i believe, where its revealed xxx put it there.
The 1st one was the best but it has gone downhill since then. Saying that as have watched every single one, i will watch this most likely as well
Secondly, Burn after Reading is twice as good, in originality and just plain quality, than any of the Saw sequels.


We've a massive difference of opinion on this one....

That flick bored the complete shit out of me. My Missus, who was dying to see it, still to this day - is apologising for putting me through it.. she hated it also...

So thats 2 against 1 big lad. Officially its shit :p