Gaming The RedCafe NBA Simulation 34/35 | 1st Round of Playoffs | This will never end (FALSE) | BasketballGM

32/33 Season Review New
32/33 Season Review

@BenitoSTARR @Dr. Dwayne @P-Nut @Salt Bailly @Skizzo @Solius @The Cat @V.O. @altodevil @hobbers @oneniltothearsenal @reelworld @weetee @Heine

I am dedicating this update to anyone who is still reading these. feck the firefighters - you're the real heroes.













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Sorry nimic. This was a goated experiment that sadly ended when you brought real players back.
Sorry nimic. This was a goated experiment that sadly ended when you brought real players back.

Let's be honest, that's not why it's fizzling it out. This just happens to literally all experiments because the participants lose interest, and then the host loses interest. I'm happy it lasted as long as it did, and it's still not over. I'm not tagging you though, so you don't have to give your opinion about why it got bad.

I got clean swept (?) once too often in a final.

But thanks for the updates nimic, good to see MJ made the comeback he deserves.
Let's be honest, that's not why it's fizzling it out. This just happens to literally all experiments because the participants lose interest, and then the host loses interest. I'm happy it lasted as long as it did, and it's still not over. I'm not tagging you though, so you don't have to give your opinion about why it got bad.

You did tag me
33/34 Season Preview New
After everyone is retired I'll run it for like 500 seasons and make one last final update (or hell, why not 1000), and I sincerely doubt any player will ever match that assist total.
The Cub will probably still be playing.
After everyone is retired I'll run it for like 500 seasons and make one last final update (or hell, why not 1000), and I sincerely doubt any player will ever match that assist total.
Rebounds too, for snr
Seems like we are coasting a bit. Hope we are ready for the playoffs when they come around. Another ring would be nice :D
Goat Jordan. Strange pic they took for Kobe.
I'm really having a small role offensivly on this team... I can live with that as long as I get my tenth ring

If I was the GM of the Suns I would trade me, but thats another story (And with 3 Volume scorers in AI, KAJ and MJ the team really dosen't need anyone more to score, so might be they just like having an old guy play defence)