Gaming The RedCafe NBA Simulation 34/35 | NBA Final - who won?! | This will never end (FALSE) | BasketballGM

Okay I lied, one more update before going straight to the end of the season.

All teams in descending order of power ranking. Only players 60+ rating.










Got this all star thingy locked down.
Highest plus-minus on the team somehow.
With zero points that is.

Winning 3p contest and all star-mvp is all I care for now - doesn‘t seem likely I’ll make it though.
31/32 End of Regular Season
my boy is on Sacramento, that's nice good for him. I won a ring there. Bet he doesn't.
I really hope I am not the only one finding it funny that we got both Pooh and Dick on the same team

6 Year old out
How close is that 47 game Score to the highest we've had?
How close is that 47 game Score to the highest we've had?

All time 47+ from Cafites (BenitoSTARR has the #1 of any player)

It seems like a lot, but we're talking the combined games of like 30 superstars over 15-20 year careers. 47 is really good.
  1. --63.8 BenitoSTARR
  2. --56.8 Pepper Bailly
  3. --56.6 Nobbers
  4. --54.1 hobbers
  5. --54.0 Nobbers
  6. --53.7 hobbers
  7. --53.6 hobbers
  8. --53.6 Solius
  9. --53.5 Heine
  10. --53.3 weeweetee
  11. --53.3 weeweetee
  12. --53.1 weeweetee
  13. --52.9 BenitoSTARR
  14. --52.9 Lil-Nut
  15. --52.8 weeweetee
  16. --52.5 Nobbers
  17. --52.2 BenitoSTARR
  18. --52.0 BenitoSTARR
  19. --51.8 weeweetee
  20. --51.5 hobbers
  21. --51.4 weeweetee
  22. --50.8 hobbers
  23. --50.8 hobbers
  24. --50.8 weeweetee
  25. --50.7 BenitoSTARR
  26. --50.6 hobbers
  27. --50.6 reelworld II
  28. --50.4 weeweetee
  29. --50.3 weeweetee
  30. --50.2 The Cub
  31. --49.9 Solius
  32. --49.9 weeweetee
  33. --49.8 hobbers
  34. --49.7 SebJr
  35. --49.6 oneniltothearsenal
  36. --49.6 Nobbers
  37. --49.6 weeweetee
  38. --49.5 Solius
  39. --49.5 Sonius
  40. --49.5 weeweetee
  41. --49.4 reelworld II
  42. --49.3 Solius
  43. --49.1 Lil-Nut
  44. --49.1 hobbers
  45. --49.1 Nobbers
  46. --49.1 weeweetee
  47. --48.9 BenitoSTARR
  48. --48.9 hobbers
  49. --48.9 weeweetee
  50. --48.8 Two Nil
  51. --48.6 hobbers
  52. --48.6 The Cub
  53. --48.4 Solius
  54. --48.3 BenitoSTARR
  55. --48.3 Heine
  56. --48.3 weeweetee
  57. --48.2 BenitoSTARR
  58. --48.2 BenitoSTARR
  59. --48.2 Two Nil
  60. --48.1 BenitoSTARR
  61. --48.1 Nobbers
  62. --48.1 weeweetee
  63. --48.0 hobbers
  64. --47.9 Solius
  65. --47.9 Solius
  66. --47.9 Nobbers
  67. --47.8 BenitoSTARR
  68. --47.8 P-Nut
  69. --47.8 Nobbers
  70. --47.8 reelworld II
  71. --47.7 P-Nut
  72. --47.7 weeweetee
  73. --47.5 BenitoSTARR
  74. --47.4 hobbers
  75. --47.4 Two Nil
  76. --47.3 hobbers
  77. --47.3 Solius
  78. --47.3 Solius
  79. --47.3 Nobbers
  80. --47.3 weeweetee
  81. --47.3 Lil-Nut
  82. --47.1 Solius
  83. --47.1 P-Nut
  84. --47.1 Lil-Nut <---------------------------- versus the Nuggets (for the Timberwolves)
  85. --47.0 P-Nut <--------------------------- versus the Timberwolves (for the Nuggets)
  86. --47.0 weeweetee
Last edited:
That's great and all but what about rebounds
That's great and all but what about rebounds

I'm going to a full reckoning of all this shit when the Experiment ends, but suffice it to say that you have 8 out of the 10 "game highs per season", which means that there will be only one game per season. So 2009 only shows up with 36 in one game, when you might have had 35, 34 or 33, which the rest of the top 10 consists of, in other games .

sontodevil has the highest.
31/32 Playoffs - Conference Finals
31/32 Playoffs Conference Finals

@Heine @P-Nut @The Cat



Lil-Nut taking the most shots is definitely the only chance the Timberwolves have of winning this series. Honestly he should probably be taking more than 21, and of course he will need to actually hit some of them.


Kerry Kittles, Fat Lever and Donald Hodge is an all-time trio of names.


30 shots this time! Definitely moving in the right direction. The Cub with 10 points deep from the bench too. I mean, it's still the Phoenix Suns, but allow me to maintain the illusion of a competitive tie.



38 shots for Lil-Nut, and Minnesota take game 3! Can we see 40+? Heine's injury makes that more likely, as he's a strong defensive presence for the Suns. They usually don't need it.



"Only" 30-5-15 from Lil-Nut this time, with 6 turnovers. But it's 2-2! The Cub also makes the most of his limited minutes.


Well, this one is over.


40 points from Jordan, but it's not enough! Is it truly possible that Heine was the glue that kept this Phoenix side together? My immediate reaction is to say "lol no", but...



31/32 Playoffs Conference Finals

@Heine @P-Nut @The Cat



Lil-Nut taking the most shots is definitely the only chance the Timberwolves have of winning this series. Honestly he should probably be taking more than 21, and of course he will need to actually hit some of them.


Kerry Kittles, Fat Lever and Donald Hodge is an all-time trio of names.


30 shots this time! Definitely moving in the right direction. The Cub with 10 points deep from the bench too. I mean, it's still the Phoenix Suns, but allow me to maintain the illusion of a competitive tie.



38 shots for Lil-Nut, and Minnesota take game 3! Can we see 40+? Heine's injury makes that more likely, as he's a strong defensive presence for the Suns. They usually don't need it.



"Only" 30-5-15 from Lil-Nut this time, with 6 turnovers. But it's 2-2! The Cub also makes the most of his limited minutes.


Well, this one is over.


40 points from Jordan, but it's not enough! Is it truly possible that Heine was the glue that kept this Phoenix side together? My immediate reaction is to say "lol no", but...



Wow. What a turnup.
Apropos nothing, when The Cub's dad, The Cat, won his 3rd ring it was with the Minnesota Timberwolves. They beat the heavily favoured top seed the Lakers 4-2 in the Conference Finals, and met the East's 4-seed in the Final, who had beaten the heavily favoured East 1-seed in the 2nd Round.

Just sayin'