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looking good after that pre season training sessions


The only things weeweetee is worse at than dunking are jumping and rebounding, so you might need a different gif.
The only things weeweetee is worse at than dunking are jumping and rebounding, so you might need a different gif.
It always works in the training sessions! I swear!
Weeweetee looking amazing :o

While I have a higher OVL than nobbers noe I doubt I am a better player :p it sounds like the team will break up soon so we need to get that repeat ring and cement our position as the best team ever
Weeweetee looking amazing :o

While I have a higher OVL than nobbers noe I doubt I am a better player :p it sounds like the team will break up soon so we need to get that repeat ring and cement our position as the best team ever
4-peat Lakers against prime Durant still more iconic/important.
20/21 Season Preview Part 2
20/21 Season Preview Part 2

@Skizzo @Dr. Dwayne @hobbers @V.O. @weetee @The Cat @altodevil @BenitoSTARR @P-Nut @Salt Bailly

Skizzlet - Atlanta Hawks (31-51)



Skizzlet is a strange player. His rating is steadily improving, if a bit slowly, but he's not putting up the numbers. He might very well be one of those "intangibles" players. It's difficult to judge for sure, though, since he's never been on anything resembling a good team. This version of the Atlanta Hawks doesn't look too bad on paper, so if they want to keep Skizzlet's expiring contract they're going to have to prove to him that they're going somewhere. Like the playoffs, maybe?

Dr. Junior - Cleveland Cavaliers (43-39, 2nd Round)


Dr. Junior still finds himself in the unenviable position of being the best player on a team that isn't good enough to be good, but not bad enough to get good by having very high draft picks. That said, the Cavs seem to be improving, so given they made the playoffs last season, it shouldn't be too much to expect them to repeat the feat?

hobbers - Golden State Warriors (40-42, 1st Round)


Considering he's the joint oldest player in the league (with fellow draft-class alumnus altodevil), hobbers is keeping pretty well. He's getting very close to the end now, surely, but why not stick around and be paid $4.81M for his troubles? At 1799 career regular season games, he has surely got a few dozen more in him?

weeweetee & Lil' V.O. - Houston Rockets (60-22, 2nd Round)



weeweetee has clearly been hitting the gym over the off-season, and has come back as an even better version of himself. It'll be interesting to see just how impactful his overall rating is in reality, since we've seen that players with lower ratings (in their 70s or even high 60s) have performed better than some players with higher ratings. By rating he's now the best player in the league - does this translate?

He'll need the help of Lil' V.O. to do anything with the Rockets in any case. He declined slightly over the summer, but at worst that puts him as like #4 for DPOY instead of actually winning it. Or maybe he still wins it, I don't know!

sontodevil & The Cub - Memphis Grizzlies (52-30, 2nd Round)



The Memphis Grizzlies are good, but are they good? It's still hard to tell. Most of their team got worse since last season, except their one new signing who got a lot better, and sontodevil who got a little bit better. But given his drop from 83 to 80 was enough to put him out of running for DPOY, going back up to 81 means more than it might seem. The Cub got his -3 rating drop this season, but he's always been one of those players who is better than their rating suggests. And 68 is still a very good rating. He's not going to be in the MVP running anymore, I suspect, but making a playoff run? Sure, why not?

Lil-Nut & BenitoSTARR - Miami Heat (30-52)



The Miami Heat are basically a completely different team to what they were in SebJr's days in Miami. They didn't have such a great time of it last season, but since then they've added Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, a very good player. They've also added BenitoSTARR, who might be getting on a bit, but who still performs solidly almost every game. It'll be up to Lil-Nut to be the best or 2nd best player on the team, though, if they want to get the Heat back into the playoffs.

P-Nut - Milwaukee Bucks (33-49)


P-Nut is getting old. He might not be one of those 42-year old mummies that are clinging on to their NBA career with what I can only assume is some kind of dark magic, but he is 36 years old. That puts him as the joint 7th oldest player in the league, and some of the older ones don't even have teams. He's taken a ratings fall since last year, but even at 48 overall rating he's a steady contributor. Not enough to get to the playoffs, goodness no (reelworld II just got sad for no clear reason, wherever he is), but then he's no longer being paid playoff-money.

Pepper Bailly - Minnesota Timberwolves (48-34, 1st Round)


It's hard to know where the Minnesota Timberwolves stand. They were pretty good last year, though not good enough to get out of the 1st Round in the playoffs, but it remains to be seen how they'll cope with the loss of Michael Kidd-Gilchrist. Pepper Bailly will have to step up, but if anything he's taken a step back since last year. At least ratings wise, though he seems to be one of those players who is more impactful than his rating would suggest. Impactful enough to get back into the playoffs? We'll see.
Made a big mistake not giving weeweetee the shirt #100

Any other player in the history of this sport perfected so many attributes? You don't have to answer this nimic.

Although sontodevil isn't far off I see.
Made a big mistake not giving weeweetee the shirt #100

Any other player in the history of this sport perfected so many attributes? You don't have to answer this nimic.

Although sontodevil isn't far off I see.

I think this is right, since basically only you guys end up with multiple 100 ratings (even Kevin Durant only had 1 when he was killing you lot):

4 or more
  1. --- 6 BenitoSTARR (00-04, 07-09)
  2. --- 6 weeweetee (21)
  3. --- 5 altodevil (05)
  4. --- 5 Dan II (15)
  5. --- 5 sontodevil (19)
  6. --- 4 Solius (04-06)
  7. --- 4 P-Nut: (08-10)
I think this is right, since basically only you guys end up with multiple 100 ratings (even Kevin Durant only had 1 when he was killing you lot):

4 or more
  1. --- 6 BenitoSTARR (00-04, 07-09)
  2. --- 6 weeweetee (21)
  3. --- 5 altodevil (05)
  4. --- 5 Dan II (15)
  5. --- 5 sontodevil (19)
  6. --- 4 Solius (04-06)
  7. --- 4 P-Nut: (08-10)
*high fives with @BenitoSTARR*
Maybe if we keep on losing to Spurs I'm motivated enough to make #1

Kinda strange though that the og hobbers isn't even in the top 7?
He was always more spread out. Only ever had 2 ratings at a 100, but tbf they were offensive QI and defensive IQ.
Are you saying he was average? Dunno, never won anything meaningful but that's an absurd take, nimic. Credit were it's due.
20/21 Season Preview Part 3
20/21 Season Preview Part 3

@sebsheep @BenitoSTARR @Solius @Stobzilla @reelworld @oneniltothearsenal @Dan @altodevil @hobbers @Heine

BenitwoSTARRLET & SebJr - New Orleans Pelicans (28-54)



It's difficult to gauge how good the New Orleans Pelicans are, or how bad they are. Last season they were very bad, but this is largely a new team. They've started the season poorly, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Their two best players got even better, and they added SebJr. He got worse, technically, but only physically - no surprise given he just entered his 30s (tick-tock). His skills actually got better, though. We'll see if the Assist King is still the Assist King in New Orleans, given the two better players are both also guards. The true star(let) is BenitwoSTARRLET, who is coming into her own. At least as far as her rating is concerned; it's still not entirely clear how her insane dad-inspired build is going to translate to the league.

reelworld II, Two Nil, Stobzilla II & Solius - New York Knicks (63-19, Conference Finals)





Solius just loves RedCafe. There's no other explanation for the fact that he so frequently finds himself on teams with one, two and now three other Cafites. The craziest part is that he's actually still a pretty good player, despite being the 3rd oldest player in the league. He's declining, obviously, but he's going to be a decent back-up scorer if the Knicks need one, though there are many good players to get it done. reelworld II is perhaps at his peak, as is Two Nil, who was already one of those better-than-his-rating players. Now that is rating is 80, what does that mean for the league? The only negative is that Stobzilla II got quite a bit worse over the summer, now that he's into his 30s. He's still a very good player, mind, and the Knicks have DeAndre Ayton coming up too, to relieve the pressure.

The Knicks are some way off the pure firepower of the other Caf-Quad team, the Spurs, but with a significantly deeper team. I don't think that makes them favourites or anything, but I'd be very surprised not to see the New York boys in the NBA Final this year. They haven't been there since 2002, in BenitoSTARR's heyday. Actually, before BenitoSTARR's heyday, given he won all 5 of his MVPs after that. In fact, the MVP getting a ring is a rare occurrence, only having happened 4 times since we started in 1996.

Dan II - Philadelphia 76ers (44-38, 1st Round)


You know, the 76ers don't look too shabby this year. The addition of John Collins was shrewd. The biggest worry will be that they're lacking a good Center. The scoring should already be taken care of, as Dan II will certainly be in the running for scoring leader this season. He's not going to give you a lot else, though his physicality is improving to the point where he might not be a complete defensive liability either. It'll be interesting to see what Dan II can do on a non-terrible team.

Nobbers, Heine, Sonius & altodevil - San Antonio Spurs (79-3, Champions)





What is there to say about the Spurs that I didn't already say last time, and the time before that, and before that? They've got the best starting 5 in the history of the NBA. It seems to have gotten even better, particularly with non-Cafite (presumably) Jamal Murray improving nicely himself. Heine takes the step up into the very elite of the league, ratings wise. Though I suspect that Nobbers' decline will hurt them more than Heine's improvements will help them. Sonius also got significantly better, though, and he's now consistently adding scoring to his great defensive skills. The Spurs will hope that this offsets the continued decline of altodevil. Though if you're relying on a 42-year old to win, you've got bigger problems.

It's hard to predict anything other than a repeat championship for a team that went 79-3 in the regular season and 16-0 in the playoffs last season. Though if we're going by tradition they're going to lose, it being an odd year. It also remains to be seen how potentially no longer having the best player on the court is going to affect them in the playoffs.
1-5.... can this lot even shoot when I create the chances?
6-0 and our team looks great still. Hopefully we can repeat even though nobbers spent the offseason partying rather than training. Looking at myself I should be able to really compete for DPOY this year, but I guess someone with more rebounds will get it
I think this is right, since basically only you guys end up with multiple 100 ratings (even Kevin Durant only had 1 when he was killing you lot):

4 or more
  1. --- 6 BenitoSTARR (00-04, 07-09)
  2. --- 6 weeweetee (21)
  3. --- 5 altodevil (05)
  4. --- 5 Dan II (15)
  5. --- 5 sontodevil (19)
  6. --- 4 Solius (04-06)
  7. --- 4 P-Nut: (08-10)
hmm, couldn't know at the time I asked this but @BenitoSTARRLET also in a shared second place with 6x100

minor detail here but shouldn't go unacknowledged
20/21 30-Game Update
20/21 30-Game Update

@BenitoSTARR @Dan @Dr. Dwayne @P-Nut @Salt Bailly @Skizzo @Solius @Stobzilla @The Cat @V.O. @altodevil @hobbers @oneniltothearsenal @reelworld @sebsheep @weetee @Heine





It's not like you've never been injured before, I just haven't included them unless they were really big. Only 6+ games included, and I may have missed some. These are not in order.




I guess Dan II is on a good team! I expected him to get to the playoffs, but that MOV is quite good. We'll see if it lasts, though. The Knicks boys are coming, for sure. Unlike P-Nut, who is most definitely not going anywhere. Except maybe to another team at the end of the season, or into retirement. Then we've got the current play-in teams of Hawks (Skizzlet), Heat (Lil-Nut, BenitoSTARRR) and Cavs (Dr. Junior). I'm loath to make a prediction, since I'm always wrong about the teams around there in the standings - at least in the East.


Now this is a surprise. I guess part of it could be explained by injuries, but as I mentioned, everyone has had injuries in previous seasons as well. There's such a massive MOV difference for the Spurs in particular. It can't all be Nobbers getting 3 points worse, can it? Or altodevil getting worse? It's possible injuries are more and more impactful, as their team gets shallower and shallower. Houston are also a bit worse than last year, but much, much closer to their rivals in any case.

Pepper Bailly is the big surprise, though I guess 10th seed is only 6 wins behind, and 6th seed is 3. The same goes for sontodevil and The Cub. It's really tight in the West, with lots of good teams and a few very, very bad ones. Like the Warriors, where hobbers is enjoying the... sun? I assume they have a lot of sun in San Francisco. BenitwoSTARRLET and SebJr should have ambitions to move up to the playoff spots, and if they do they have to get going before the gap is too big. There's no resting in the West.

League leaders




Player stats

I think I meant the latter. Career TRB% would be cool to see if there is a minimum games played caveat
Washington falling off without me and New Orleans improving with me.
Yet we have other people out here claiming to be the GOAT...
@nimic there‘s a tiny R next to my name, what does it stand for?
Not sure how you earned that tag
No idea either but still not half as time warpey as nobbers earning an A with less than 6 assists per game. If I read the table properly that is.