Gaming The RedCafe NBA Simulation 2018 | NBA Final next! | Basketball GM | Join and become the next Kevin Durant


Dec 31, 2007
Knowing how detailed alto gets in my experiment he’s definitely googled the meta stats for this game.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
@nimic is there some sort of brief career overview you can share to „honor“ those who retired?


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
Didn't Google shite all, just wanted the son to have all time assists and also be a defensive god. So between them both they will hold all non points records. Remains to be seen if it will work as sontodevil ain't as athletic.
Stat Bonanza (2013) New


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
Stat time!

(@BenitoSTARR @Dan @Dr. Dwayne @P-Nut @Salt Bailly @Samid @Skizzo @Solius @Stobzilla @The Cat @V.O. @altodevil @hobbers @oneniltothearsenal @reelworld @sebsheep @weetee)

Stats are regular season unless stated otherwise

Total regular season points (per game)

Top 5
  1. --- 38 387: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (24.6)
  2. --- 33 272: Solius (27.3)
  3. --- 31 419: Wilt Chamberlain (30.1)
  4. --- 30 791: Michael Jordan (24.9)
  5. --- 28 704: Tim Thomas (24.0)
Cafites in the top 100
  • #6 --- 28 669: hobbers (22.7)
  • #13 --- 26 581: Dr. Dwayne (20.1)
  • #19 --- 25 437: BenitoSTARR (23.0)
  • #24 --- 24 184: V.O. (20.7)
  • #30 --- 22 668: Samid (24.6)
  • #32 --- 22 396: P-Nut (26.9)
  • #39 --- 21 444: oneniltothearsenal (16.6)
  • #84 --- 16 818: Dan (12.2)
  • #86 --- 16 529: Salt Bailly (11.9)

Total playoff points (per game)

Top 5
  1. --- 5 762: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (24.3)
  2. --- 5 044: Michael Jordan (28.0)
  3. --- 4 457:Jerry West (29.1)
  4. --- 4 044: Solius (29.3)
  5. --- 3 985: Magic Johnson (17.6)
Cafites in the top 100
  • #14 --- 3 173: BenitoSTARR (22.8)
  • #29 --- 2 462: hobbers (23.7)
  • #88 --- 1 478: P-Nut (28.4)

Total assists (per game)

Top 5
  1. --- 14 971: John Stockton (10.3)
  2. --- 13 331: V.O. (11.4)
  3. --- 11 007: Anfernee Hardaway (7.3)
  4. --- 11 000: Magic Johnson (9.3)
  5. --- 10 460: hobbers (8.3)
Cafites in the top 100
  • #6 --- 10 123: Solius (8.3)
  • #9 --- 9 905: weetee (8.6)
  • #14 --- 7 840: oneniltothearsenal (6.1)
  • #15 --- 7 754: BenitoSTARR (7.0)
  • #16 --- 7 734: P-Nut (9.3)
  • #35 --- 6 444: reelworld (8.4)
  • #75 --- 5 147: Dan (3.7)

Total rebounds (per game)

Top 5:
  1. --- 25 252: altodevil (20.0)
  2. --- 23 924: Wilt Chamberlain (22.9)
  3. --- 21 620: Bill Russell (22.5)
  4. --- 17 440: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (11.2)
  5. --- 16 279: Elvin Hayes (12.5)
Cafites in the top 100
  • #7 --- 15 184: oneniltothearsenal (11.7)
  • #30 --- 10 379: Salt Bailly (7.3)
  • #67 --- 7 716: hobbers (6.1)
  • #71 --- 7 601: Dr. Dwayne (5.7)
  • #72 --- 7 584: Stobzilla (10.9)
  • #83 --- 7 277: BenitoSTARR (6.6)
  • #94 --- 6 985: Dan (5.1)

Total steals (per game)

Top 5
  1. --- 5 457: altodevil (4.3)
  2. --- 3 744: hobbers (3.0)
  3. --- 2 956: John Stockton (2.0)
  4. --- 2 427: Michael Jordan (2.0)
  5. --- 2 372: Scottie Pippen (1.9)
Cafites in the top 100
  • #10 --- 2 028: oneniltothearsenal (1.6)
  • #12 --- 1 988: Solius (1.6)
  • #15 --- 1 888: V.O. (1.6)
  • #29 --- 1 630: Dan (1.2)
  • #30 --- 1 627: Salt Bailly (1.2)

Total blocks (per game)

Top 5
  1. --- 5 917: altodevil (4.7)
  2. --- 4 379: BenitoSTARR (4.0)
  3. --- 3 581: Hakeem Olajuwon (2.8)
  4. --- 3 189: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (2.0)
  5. --- 3 064: Mark Eaton (3.5)
Cafites in the top 100
  • #8 --- 2 513: hobbers (2.0)
  • #12 --- 2 202: Salt Bailly (1.6)
  • #24 --- 1 712: oneniltothearsenal (1.3)
  • #100 --- 910: Dan (0.7)

Total Minutes played (per game)

Top 5
  1. --- 57 446: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (36.8)
  2. --- 50 662: hobbers (40.0)
  3. --- 50 000: Elvin Hayes (38.4)
  4. --- 49 423: altodevil (39.2)
  5. --- 49 232: Anfernee Hardaway (32.6)
Cafites in the top 100
  • #7 --- 47 377: Solius (38.9)
  • #8 --- 46 642: Salt Bailly (33.7)
  • #10 --- 45 665: oneniltothearsenal (35.3)
  • #14 --- 44 717: V.O. (38.4)
  • #15 --- 44 644: Dan (32.5)
  • #21 --- 42 608: Dr. Dwayne
  • #34 --- 38 970: BenitoSTARR (35.3)
  • #42 --- 37 414: weetee (32.4)
  • #76 --- 32 755: P-Nut (39.3)

Total Three Pointers Made (per game)

Top 5
  1. --- 3 390: Solius (2.8)
  2. --- 2 685: V.O. (2.3)
  3. --- 2 548: Samid (2.8)
  4. --- 2 337: Dr. Dwayne (1.8)
  5. --- 2 300: BenitoSTARR (2.1) and P-Nut (2.8)
Cafites in the top 100
  • #10 --- 1 641: hobbers (1.3)
  • #22 --- 1 193: reelworld (1.6)
  • #24 --- 1 168: Skizzo (1.1)
  • #33 --- 1 046: The Cat (1.0)
  • #52 --- 959: weetee (0.8)
  • #55 --- 949: Salt Bailly (0.7)

Total Personal Fouls (per game)

Top 5
  1. --- 4 657: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (3.0)
  2. --- 4 319: Karl Malone (3.2)
  3. --- 4 281: Hakeem Olajwuon (3.3)
  4. --- 4 195: Robert Parish (2.9)
  5. --- 4 193: Elvin Hayes (3.2)
Cafites in the top 100
  • #6 --- 4 183: BenitoSTARR (3.8)
  • #9 --- 3 915: Salt Bailly (2.8)
  • #10 --- 3 905: oneniltothearsenal (3.0)
  • #18 --- 3 631: Dan (2.6)
  • #25 --- 3 514: Dr. Dwayne (2.7)
  • #67 --- 2 931: Skizzo (2.7)
  • #70 --- 2 919: Solius (2.4)
  • #97 --- 2 754: weetee (2.4)

Guaranteed Career Earnings
  • #1 --- $237.81m: Solius
  • #2 --- $232.72m: BenitoSTARR
  • #3 --- $230.31m: hobbers
  • #4 --- $226.99m: altodevil
  • #6 --- $203.52m: Dr. Dwayne
  • #8 --- $193.69m: V.O.
  • #10 --- $185.51m: oneniltothearsenal
  • #11 --- $177.75m: P-Nut
  • #16 --- $158.79m: Salt Bailly
  • #18 --- $152.91m: weetee
  • #31 --- $121.41m: Dan
  • #39 --- $109.82m: The Cub
  • #42 --- $106.02m: Samid
  • #55 --- $97.39m: sebsheep
  • #63 --- $91.25m: Stobzilla II
  • #70 --- $87.88m: Skizzo
  • #80 --- $85.50m: reelworld II
  • #88 --- $82.12m: reelworld
  • #100 --- $77.46m: Two Nil

Most games injured (combined)

Top 5
  1. --- 322: Jermaine O'Neal
  2. --- 262: Shaquille O'Neal
  3. --- 256: Tim Thomas
  4. --- 247: Dan
  5. --- 246: Allen Iverson
Cafites in the top 100
  • #9 --- 213: altodevil
  • #10 --- 212: Dr. Dwayne
  • #13 --- 199: hobbers
  • #18 --- 170: Solius
  • #21 --- 160: V.O.
  • #27 --- 146: Salt Bailly
  • #29 --- 142: oneniltothearsenal
  • #51 --- 123: weetee
  • #65 --- 114: P-Nut
  • #69 --- 112: Samid

Worst Playoff Teams since we started by MOV (average margin of victory in the regular season)
  1. -3.4: Denver Nuggets 2013
  2. -2.9: Seattle Supersonics 2006 (with oneniltothearsenal)
  3. -2.6: Sacramento Kings 2005 (with altodevil)
  4. -2.5: Memphis Grizzlies 2008 (with P-Nut)
  5. -2.4: Cleveland Cavaliers 2009 (with Samid)
Best Non-Playoff Teams (same as above)
  1. +1.0: Golden State Warriors 2002
  2. +0.8: Denver Nuggets 1999 (with Salt Bailly)
  3. +0.4: Denver Nuggets 2005 (with Dr. Dwayne)
  4. +0.3: New York Knicks 2011 (with BenitoSTARR)
  5. +0.2: Portland Trailblazers 2003 (with sebsheep)
Worst NBA Final Teams (same as above)
  1. -0.0: Phoenix Suns 2005 (with reelworld, lost)
  2. +3.2: New Jersey Nets 2001
  3. +3.3: Toronto Raptors 2003
  4. +3.8: Chicago Bulls 2006
  5. +3.8: Minnesota Timberwolves 2006 (with The Cat, won)
Best Teams (same as above)
  1. +14.5: Los Angeles Lakers 2011 (with altodevil, Champions)
  2. +14.3: Boston Celtics 2013 (with hobbers, runners-up)
  3. +13.9: Los Angeles Lakers 2008 (with altodevil, Champions)
  4. +12.9: Orlando Magic 1996
  5. +12.3: Los Angeles Lakers 2009 (with altodevil, Champions)
Worst Teams (same as above)
  1. -11.8: Charlotte Bobcats 2011 (with Samid)
  2. -11.6: Boston Celtics: 2008
  3. -9.8: Cleveland Cavaliers 2000 (with V.O.)
  4. -9.3: Charlotte Bobcats 2013 (with Samid)
  5. - 9.3: Seattle Supersonics 1997

Best Players Without a Ring (not sure how the game decided this, but it did)
  • #1: hobbers
  • #3: P-Nut
  • #5: Dr. Dwayne
  • #6: oneniltothearsenal
  • #16: Salt Bailly
  • #33: Samid
  • #34: Dan
  • #37: reelworld:

Best Players Without an MVP
  • #1: altodevil
  • #4: P-Nut
  • #6: Dr. Dwayne
  • #7: oneniltothearsenal
  • #9: V.O.
  • #17: Salt Bailly
  • #44: Samid
  • #46: Dan
  • #62: weetee

Oldest Peaks
  • #10 --- 33: Salt Bailly

Youngest Peaks
  • #9 --- 22: oneniltothearsenal and weetee
  • #23 --- 23: V.O. & Dan
Last edited:


fan of well-known French footballer Fabinho
Oct 16, 2015
Oldham, Greater Manchester
I'm still adamant I'll get a ring before the end of this. Probably more chance of signing to a decent team next now I'm shit.


Dec 31, 2007
Great work nimic!

Some say I sit in my massive mansion shooting threes all day.
13/14 Season Preview - Part 1 New


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Keep in mind he's built another player who can't score any points, so this doesn't necessarily mean he'll actually... you know, win anything. His dad only started really winning once he got a perfect team around him, though then he became unstoppable (until Solius stopped him).
Solius should be okay at that though


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway
Most games injured (combined)

Top 5
  1. --- 322: Jermaine O'Neal
  2. --- 262: Shaquille O'Neal
  3. --- 256: Tim Thomas
  4. --- 247: Dan
  5. --- 246: Allen Iverson
Cafites in the top 100
  • #9 --- 213: altodevil
  • #10 --- 212: Dr. Dwayne
  • #13 --- 199: hobbers
  • #18 --- 170: Solius
  • #21 --- 160: V.O.
  • #27 --- 146: Salt Bailly
  • #29 --- 142: oneniltothearsenal
  • #51 --- 123: weetee
  • #65 --- 114: P-Nut
  • #69 --- 112: Samid
Can't get injured if I'm never getting minutes.


Dec 31, 2007
Looking good. Although me and sontodevil are both PGs


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Jun 1, 2014
Decent improvement for the team this year. Wonder if it will translate into actual results.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
Why are you spoilering (?) our names, @nimic? I need to know!!

My char still in limbo-land..and young alto teaming up with ol‘ sol seems weird.


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
I also won with Sacramento without an awesome team I hasten to add. Lakers won shite all before I arrived.


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
When did the grizz get the #1 pick, for god sake sontodevil kills fatherdevil


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
When did the grizz get the #1 pick, for god sake sontodevil kills fatherdevil
The Suns traded it to the Spurs in 2011 for Jackie Butler, and then the Spurs traded it to the Grizzlies the year after for their 2016 pick. Then Phoenix had the 4th worst record, but won the draft lottery.

Nobbers going to Spurs was also unlikely. They had the 8th worst record but got the 2nd pick with a 2.7% chance.
13/14 Season Preview - East New


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
13/14 Season Preview East

@hobbers & @Skizzo - Boston Celtics (72-10, Conference Finals)

The Celtics are worse than last year, let's get that straight. hobbers, Skizzo and most of the best players got a little bit worse. Well, let's be clear again: both hobbers and Skizzo got quite a bit worse, particularly athletically. They're still on the best team in the league, though, and their depth did get a little bit better. There's definitely still a chance for them to get their ring.

@reelworld - Milwaukee Bucks (37-45)

reelworld II is having the season that everyone has had so far, where they've improved the previous seasons and suddenly get a little bit worse. If he was 35 I'd be worried for him, but at 20 he'll almost certainly get better still. The youngest peak so far has been at 22, so our man should easily be pushing the 70s in overall rating.

@sebsheep - Miami Heat (34-48)

SebJr has yet to take that leap forward that we've been waiting for, though he's still actually playing quite well. He's also got plenty of time to improve. His team seems better than in a while, at least on papers. The Heat have built a very deep team, even if they don't quite have a superstar to lead them.

@weetee - Atlanta Hawks (39-43, 1st Round)

weetee scraped into the playoffs last season with the Hawks, and I guess there's no reason he couldn't do the same this time. It would probably be another scrape job, however. weetee himself declined a bit over the summer, but only physically (and also dunking, which I reckon he wasn't doing too much of anyway).

@V.O. - Brooklyn Nets (58-24, 2nd Round)

It's an epidemic. V.O. is another example of the looming specter of infirmity as players approach their mid 30s. Most of that is still in physicality, though, and those have never been the most important parts of his game. As long as he's an elite dribbler, shooter and passer, with high offensive IQ, he's going to be able to find assists and points. The Nets did get worse, but it's not like they were "the best" when they won their ring anyway.

@oneniltothearsenal - Toronto Raptors (37-45)

Two Nil is doing the same thing as reelworld II, namely taking a break in improvement. In his case it's more like he hasn't started it yet, as he's only 18. He's got all the time in the world, essentially. He's found a spot on the Raptors, and it's not like they'll need him to be great right away, so that's... good?

@BenitoSTARR & @Stobzilla - New York Knicks (55-27, 1st Round)

BenitoSTARR is into his 15th year with the New York Knicks now. It's been a while since he was winning MVPs and challenging for (and winning) championships, but you get the impression it could suddenly happen. He got a little bit worse over the summer, but he's still good. His teammate Stobzilla II seems to have settled as a very good - but not superstar - Center. Although I've noticed that particularly Centers can have quite the impact without ridiculous overall ratings.

@Samid - Charlotte Bobcats (19-63)

Samid has been part of some truly awful teams so far this experiment. I mean really, truly horrible teams. And last season was no exception, as his Bobcats finished with a dismal 19-63 record. They didn't even have their own pick to profit off it. They've seem to have done some work over the summer, though, as most of the team got better. Even old man Samid improved his skills somewhat.