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2006 Playoffs - NBA Final


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
2006 NBA Final

Chicago (0) - Minnesota (1) 89-105 | The Cat: 11/9/3 (4blk)

Chicago (0) - Minnesota (2) 91-106 | The Cat: 14/3/5 (4blk)

Chicago (0) - Minnesota (3) 91-108 | The Cat: 13/14/3 (3blk)

Chicago (1) - Minnesota 104-103 (3) | The Cat: 27/10/2

Chicago (2) - Minnesota 116-106 (3) | The Cat: 14/10/3 (2blk)

Chicago (2) - Minnesota (4) 92-112 | The Cat: 31/6/2 (3blk)

Congratulations to @The Cat, he's our first three-time Cafite NBA Champion! I guess he didn't need Solius and @weetee after all, though I'm sure he still misses them.

Playoff stats:
  1. @BenitoSTARR: 30/8/10 (1stl/7blk)
  2. @Dr. Dwayne: 25/8/4 (2stl)
  3. @Solius: 31/5/9 (2stl/2blk)
  4. @The Cat: 17/11/4 (1stl/2blk)
  5. @altodevil: 4/24/1 (4stl/7blk)
  6. @hobbers: 21/8/11 (2stl/3blk)
  7. @oneniltothearsenal: 18/12/5 (2stl/2blk)

Best Game:
  1. BenitoSTARR: 43.4 GameScore on 40/12/17 (1stl/10blk) in a 111-97 win over the Orlando Magic in the 2nd Round
  2. Dr. Dwayne: 31.2 GmSc on 35/9/5 in a 107-93 win over the Los Angeles Clippers in the 1st Round
  3. Solius: 43.9 GmSc on 46/6/9 (2stl/5blk) in a 120-113 win over the New York Knicks in the 2nd Round
  4. The Cat: 25.3 GmSc on 21/12/6 (1stl/3blk) in a 111-96 win over the Sacramento Kings in the 1st Round
  5. altodevil: 27.6 GmSc on 6/30/3 (2stl/10blk) in an 87-80 win over the Denver Nuggets in the 2nd Round
  6. hobbers: 37.0 GmSc on 32/9/14 (4stl/4blk) in a 95-102 defeat to the Chicago Bulls in the 1st Round
  7. oneniltothearsenal: 28.2 GmSc on 31/12/3 (4stl/4blk) in a 94-98 defeat to the Los Angeles Lakers in the 1st Round
Season Review coming up, then Draft & Free Agency
05/06 Season Review


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
05/06 Season Review

Congratulations to The Cat and his Minnesota Timberwolves for winning the NBA! With altodevil, hobbers, BenitoSTARR and Solius in it, as well as two very strong non-Cafite teams in the East (Bucks and 76ers), this was quite the upset!

Final regular season standings


Lots of Cafite recognition here! altodevil and hobbers in the All-Defensive 1st Team as always, with oneniltothearsenal making the 3rd team. hobbers, Solius, BenitoSTARR and altodevil make it an almost all-Cafite All-League 1st Team, with oneniltothearsenal in the 2nd and P-Nut, reelworld and Dr. Dwayne making the 3rd Team.

We also have yet another Cafite MVP, hobbers winning his second one! On top of that altodevil (obviously) won Defensive Player of the Year, and The Cat was both Semifinals MVP and Finals MVP.

Stats (click to expand) @weetee @sebsheep @reelworld @oneniltothearsenal @hobbers @altodevil @V.O. @The Cat @Stobzilla @Solius @Skizzo @Samid @Salt Bailly @P-Nut @Dr. Dwayne @Dan @BenitoSTARR


Imprisoned in a mirror

We have to say goodbye to Stobzilla, but luckily he has a younger brother named Stobzilla II who was ready to step up for the sake of the family.

In completely unrelated news, I'll allow anyone below 60 rating to retire early if they want, and then your brother/son (depending on how old you are, we can't make it too weird) can come in the next draft, either identical or re-worked. You can't do this before 25 in any case. This time Stobzilla II just took his older brother's spot on the Grizzlies (though with a shorter contract), but that may or may not have been because I forgot to create him before the draft.

Coming up: Draft & Free Agency


Dec 31, 2007
When my son is eventually born I want him to be called Sonius.
2006 Draft and Free Agency


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
2006 Draft and Free Agency

The following players' contracts are running out: @V.O., @sebsheep, @weetee, @Dr. Dwayne

  1. Rudy Gay (F 54/74) to Philadelphia 76ers
  2. Ersan Ilyasova (PF 47/73) to Houston Rockets
  3. Paul Millsap (FC 54/73) to Utah Jazz
  4. Brandon Roy (SG 59/68) to Dallas Mavericks
  5. Rajon Rondo (PG 53/68) to Los Angeles Lakers
  6. Ronnie Brewer (GF 52/69) to Chicago Bulls
  7. Andrea Bargnani (FC 54/67) to New Orleans Hornets
  8. Tarence Kinsey (SG 54/64) to Indiana Pacers
  9. Adam Morrison (F 51/63) to Memphis Grizzlies
  10. Randy Foye (G 54/62) to Washington Wizards

Free Agency:

  • Dr. Dwayne has left the Denver Nuggets signed with the Indiana Pacers for $17.5M/yr through 2011
  • weetee has left the Indiana Pacers and signed with the Cleveland Cavaliers for $13.14M/yr through 2011
  • V.O. has left the Cleveland Cavaliers and signed with the New Jersey Nets for $17.55M/yr through 2011
  • sebsheep has left the New Jersey Nets and signed with the Sacramento Kings for $6.85M/yr through 2011
But wait, there's more.

Pre-Season Trades:




@BenitoSTARR @Dan


Last Man Standing finalist 2019/20
Jan 12, 2019
Of course I've signed with one of the select few teams that might be as bad as the Cavs. :(


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
Some merry go round taking place. I‘d rather join the Harlem Globetrotters.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
Season Preview is coming today, but in the meantime here are some more pre-season trades.

@V.O. - The Nets getting... stronger? Worse? The same? At least they got an extra 1st round pick out of whatever this is. I'll mention that this actually takes place before the one I posted earlier, so Eddie Gill is already gone.

@Samid, @P-Nut, @Stobzilla, @weetee. Our new Caf-trio didn't last long! I don't know what it is about Samid that makes everyone trade him (or trade for him). In this case it definitely seems like a clear attempt by the Grizzlies to get worse in exchange for some picks.

@Dan - Utah getting better, I think? But also picks going both ways, so hard to gauge this one until those turn into players.

@Skizzo and @sebsheep didn't get to be teammates for long, but @Solius has a new teammate - again. Not sure how to interpret this trade either. Orlando get the pick, but also get two younger players with decent potential. But Skizzo plays the same position as Solius? It's Cleveland/V.O. all over again for Skizzo.

I'm so sorry @hobbers. But hey, at least he's younger?


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
What the feck happened to Gasol? He was good when I was at Spurs.

Must have fell off several wagons when I left.
06/07 Season Preview - West


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
06/07 Season Preview - West

A new season! Anything can happen!

Power Rankings

Quite an even spread this season. We've got players on good teams and players on bad teams. More of the former than the latter, thankfully. We have more in the East, and again the East seems stronger than the West - though we still had a winner from the West last year!

Team Finances and Strategy

The game has helpfully created some categories of stats to take a look at before the start of the season.


@The Cat and the Minnesota Timberwolves (49-33, NBA Champions)

I'd say the Timberwolves are a superstar away from having a chance at the title, if it weren't for the fact that they won it last year anyway. The Cat got a tiny bit worse, but not significantly so. And in general his team seems to have quite a solid bunch of players. Who knows, could he repeat?

@P-Nut & @Stobzilla on the Memphis Grizzlies (36-46)

This isn't going to be a particularly impressive season for Memphis, if I had to guess. And I do have to. P-Nut is still a very strong player, but beyond him the starting 5 is getting very old. Though a 35-year old player having 65 rating should be encouraging to our older players, some of whom are starting to decline. One guy who never really got anywhere in the first place was Stobzilla, but ever since his unfortunate trapped-in-a-mirror situation, his brother Stobzilla II is ready to go places.

@reelworld on the Phoenix Suns (38-44)

Are the Suns good? I don't know. Will they make the playoffs? I don't know. Is reelworld a decent player? Yes. There's not a lot more to say about his team this year.

@Dan on the Utah Jazz (27-55)

Utah seems to have hit on their draft pick, as Paul Millsap took quite a leap. They don't have a superstar, not quite, but Dan is close enough that they might just be good enough to go somewhere anyway. He lost a bit of speed and a bit of spring, but he's not quite as old as his silver foxitude would have you believe.

@altodevil and the Los Angeles Lakers (60-22, Conference Final)

can count himself lucky that he's on the Lakers and not the Kings, since the better-funded coaching in LA has helped some of his teammates improve quite a bit. It's looking like exactly the kind of superstar + solid starters team that could (should) challenge for the championship.

@oneniltothearsenal and the Seattle Supersonics (38-44, 1st Round)

Speaking of challenging for championships... is not a phrase I'm going to be using now, because while oneniltothearsenal himself has maintained his focus and skills admirably even while rapidly approaching 30, the same can not be said for his teammates. Who are all older than the old man himself, incidentally. They still have some money to spend, maybe they could make something happen?


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
06/07 Season Preview - East

@weetee and @Samid are on the Cleveland Cavaliers (29-53)

You know, the Cavs don't actually seem like such a trainwreck anymore. Admittely they are tipped to finish 12th in the East, well off a playoff spot, but they'd be on for 7th if they played in the West. They've also got a fairly solid set of core players (weetee and Samid included), who all have a few years left on their contracts and are more importantly young enough where improvement is expected (if not certain). While some teams are on a clock, the Cavs might get better and better. Until Samid is inevitably traded again, that is.

@Solius and @Skizzo are on the Orlando Magic (45-37, Conference Final)

This is an important season for the Magic. While Solius is still easily a superstar, as he gets further into his late 20s we can probably expect more decline than improvement. His team also has a lot of expiring contracts, so who knows what the team will look like next year. Right now they are still a really good team, with a good mix of stars and solid players. This might be Skizzo's best chance to win a title.

@Dr. Dwayne and the Indiana Pacers (33-49)

Dr. Dwayne has had a very good career so far, with great numbers and All-League and All-Star performances aplenty. But he still hasn't made it further than the 2nd Round in the playoffs. Will that change this season? Probably not, but he's on that interesting type of team where there are lots of perfectly playable players for the Pacers to play.

@BenitoSTARR is still on the New York Knicks (53-29, 2nd Round)

Did the Knicks get better over the off-season, or did they get worse? It's a matter of perspective, I suppose. BenitoSTARR improved further, as did some of the young-ish players on the team. Some didn't, though. I don't know what that amounts to in the end. Benito likes it in New York, but his contract expires after the season, so for their own sake they better show him they can still make playoff runs.

@Salt Bailly is on the Washington Wizards (37-45)

Look at all that green! It seems like Salt Bailly has found himself on a team on the up, with lots of players taking very significant steps. He himself took a minor step, but improving at 29 is not a given in the first place. The Wizards also seem to have good players for all positions (instead of several PGs in the starting line-up, like some other teams I could mention).

@V.O. has found a new home on the New Jersey Nets (31-51)

Lots of green here too. Perhaps the most important improvement is from V.O. himself, as when you start getting into the 70-75 range you suddenly have the potential to do a lot more for your team. The Nets have been bad for a while, but they don't see that bad anymore, do they? I'm sure V.O. would really like to see the playoffs again.

@hobbers is trapped on the Charlotte Bobcats (51-31, 1st Round)

Are the Bobcats good? Yesn't. While hobbers continues to decline slightly, we're still talking the best player in the league by some margin. It's possible that his teammates are just good enough to make something happen this season. They probably can't make a deep run in the playoffs, unless hobbers goes nuclear, but their starting 5 seems at least almost not incompetent.

@sebsheep and the Detroit Pistons (38-44)

sebsheep is another one who took a slight step backwards over the summer, though he's only 26 years old. Beyond that there's not a lot of change on his Pistons, as far as skill goes. A bit up, a bit down. In the end it probably doesn't amount to a great season in a very strong East, but the squad is deep enough that anything could happen. We've seen how injuries can derail seasons before, which Detroit seems inoculated against.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
You’re such a mercenary, @Samid :lol: Let‘s do this! Quite the international team too.


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
Another great chance despite declining overall.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
What a fecking joke. Only half way through this contract?

Trapped in a team that recruited a bunch of crap 30 year olds to start off, maxed their budget on me and is never bad enough to get good drafts.