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something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
@nimic what's with that salary c(r)ap .. and the fact we're not meeting it for some years now. Can see others being a wee bit upset about it down the line. Good thing we're not crushing the conference as it stands.
If your team is over the salary cap they may only sign players to the minimum wage, except for re-signing players (so don't worry, you'll get paid). If the team gets over a certain amount they have to pay an increasing amount in luxury tax. I'll include a financial overview on the All Star update, but basically you guys are spending as much more than #2, as they are spending more than #29. You're still probably making a profit since Seattle aren't actually spending that much on facilities and stuff. But if you stop winning it will get ugly.
All Star Weekend part 1


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
All Star Weekend Part 1

I'm going to have split this update in two, for... reasons.

First a regular season update:

Slam Dunk Contest

@BenitoSTARR & @Salt Bailly were involved, but sadly still no Cafite winner. You're all three-point shooting scum. Speaking of which...

@Samid, @BenitoSTARR, @P-Nut, @reelworld, @Solius, @V.O. Quite a bunch this year. One of you better win.

Round 1 (4 advance)
"you bastards"

Chauncey Billups: 22
Michael Finley: 24

Really good shooting so far.

reelworld with the 19, he's the first confirmed to be out.

28 for Solius means V.O. needs at least 28 to force a tiebreak.

He did it! That means a tiebreak of all the 28-ers, Samid, Solius, V.O & BenitoSTARR. 3 to advance, so we'll lose another Cafite here.


Normally not a bad start, but everyone involved shot better last round.


Another 26, that means V.O. needs at least a 26 to advance. If he gets more we'll have another tiebreak with Solius and Samid.

V.O. is through together with BenitoSTARR and P-Nut. We'll have to have a second tiebreak to decide who goes through of Samid and Solius. Will we lose the winner of the last contest already in the first round?

2nd tiebreak

Ooh, 25 is good but not great. Surely Solius won't choke.

For feck's sake, why are you making me take so many screenshots? I didn't sign up for this. To the third tiebreak we go.

3rd tiebreak

Samid and Solius have both shot worse and worse. Will Solius continue the decline, or will he save me from another tiebreak?

Oh thank god. Solius goes on to Round 2. Which I'll have to put in a separate post entirely since I can only do max 20 images per post.

Look at this shit

Rest of the 3-Point Contest and the All Star Game coming up a bit later.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2015
I cannot read any of that? I’m on mobile I have no idea what happened. But how the feck am I in a slam dunk contest with 19 dunk skill?


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
After this playoff run I dont want to sign with the Heat again. Jealous of the Caf partnerships so I want a team that wants the best all around player in the NBA
All Star Weekend part 2


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
02/03 All Star Weekend part 2

Round 2

Good start by our rookie, but is it enough to get into the final round?

@BenitoSTARR is a veritable veteran at this point, and 28 could well be enough to put him in his 4th straight final round.

@V.O. with the untimely misses, that means he's out. Now we only need to avoi-

I will cut you @Solius, I swear to god.


May @P-Nut have saved his final round appearance with that last set?

The first perfect shooting of the evening. I guess Solius has had a lot of practice today. That means it's - yet again - BenitoSTARR vs. Solius for the shooter crown.

Final Round

26 would be good for most, but it's the worst BenitoSTARR has shot today. Solius has shot 30, 28 twice, 27, 26 twice and 25, so who the feck knows what's going to happen.

And we have our second repeat winner! That makes two for Solius and two for BenitoSTARR out of the Cafites. Are the rest of you really going to let those two schmucks dominate this thing?

Final and full stats:

Okay, time for the All Star Game!

Let's take a look at the teams.

@Solius, @altodevil, @Dr. Dwayne and @Stobzilla return for the West. @hobbers was selected but is still injured. Will Stobzilla get to play this time? Half the team plays his position. For the East we've got @BenitoSTARR, @V.O., @oneniltothearsenal and @reelworld, who gets his first all star appearance (the number to the right in the stats).

Result and Stats

Finally, here's a sneak peak into what your teams are spending, and what they are spending on. Pay also attention to the "strategy" column, which indicates what your team is trying to accomplish. Someone should tell the Sacramento Kings that they currently lead the Western Conference.



Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
That ankle has robbed me of a guaranteed all star mvp and first ring.


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
Robbed of ASMVP, and now I find out that secretly all along the Sacramento ownership has had us training in a rented warehouse, coached by a recovering alcoholic who played high school basketball 25 years ago.

This fictional world is built entirely to torment and waste altodevils life.

Woe. Woe is me.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
Robbed of ASMVP, and now I find out that secretly all along the Sacramento ownership has had us training in a rented warehouse, coached by a recovering alcoholic who played high school basketball 25 years ago.

This fictional world is built entirely to torment and waste altodevils life.

Woe. Woe is me.
It could always get worse. Who do you not want to face in the playoffs?


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
Oh don't worry, he'll be back before the playoffs. And just to make it more interesting, the Spurs are currently the 6 seed and dropping, while you guys are the 2 seed.

I've said too much.
Stats or it didn‘t happen.

just k. You‘re doing gods work here..
2003 Playoff Bracket


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
2003 Playoff Bracket and Regular Season Standings

Okay, the regular season is over and it's time for another round of "which Cafite will win the NBA this time?" First, let's take a look at the regular season standings. I've added the Streak and Last 10 stats this time, so you can tell how close you were to making or not making the playoffs.

Eastern Conference

Almost everyone who was predicted to make it, made it. The only exception is @reelworld with the Washington Wizards. In his defence, the East turned out to be quite strong this year, or at least very even. As expected, @BenitoSTARR made it with the Knicks, trailing the scary Bulls. @Dan's back in the playoffs with Philadelphia, 5 seasons in a row where his team weren't good enough. The 3-seed is quite surprising, but it's worth noting that the5 games separate the 3-seed and the 7-seed.

@oneniltothearsenal is back in the playoffs as well, as expected. His team is actually pretty decent, but are they strong enough to take down the top 2? Cleveland is also back in the playoffs, not having made it (or been particularly close) since @altodevil's first season at the team. Now the team belongs to @V.O. and his sidekick @Skizzo.

Western Conference

We've got a lot more missing out in the West, and a couple of them are quite surprising. @Samid missing out was expected, as the Rockets are very much a work in progress. @Stobzilla and @P-Nut also ended up in their expected 9th spot, though note that their record puts them one game behind a playoff spot. It's even worse for @sebsheep, with his Trailblazers only missing out on tiebreakers (:mad:). We've also got the Nuggets with @Salt Bailly and @Dr. Dwayne as low as 12th, though they were only two games from making it.

If you look at the L10 (last ten games) stat, you can identify what happened. Both the Golden State Warriors and the Spurs went 7-3 in their last 10, while all our close calls had losing records at the same time. That also means that the Spurs were definitely out of playoff contention before @hobbers came back and dragged them back in it. Other than that, both @altodevil's Sacramento and the Seattle trio of @weetee, @Solius and @The Cat made it, as expected.

That means that the bracket looks like this:



Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
Seattle San Antonio will be a great series if hobbers is fit.


Dec 31, 2007
That’s worthy of a final and one of us will go out straight away.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Jun 1, 2014
Golden state warriors! They conceded about 80 points in the 1st half the other day and I'm pretty sure that's bad.
2003 Playoffs 1st Round


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
2003 Playoffs 1st Round


@BenitoSTARR, @altodevil and the trio of @Solius, @weetee and @The Cat are off to a very good start. @Dan and @oneniltothearsenal's teams seem evenly matched.

@hobbers is on the verge of being eliminated, but @V.O. and @Skizzo have brought one back against the 2-seed Knicks.

That's the end of hobbers in the playoffs this year, but to be fair this season is a bit of a write-off for him considering the injury he suffered for most of it. He actually played pretty well, but the rest of his team just wasn't quite up to the challenge. In the East, the Cafite v Cafite match-ups are completely even at the moment.

That's altodevil and the Sacramento Kings through, which shouldn't come as a big surprise. In the East, Miami and oneniltothearsenal have taken the lead against Dan's Philadelphia, as has BenitoSTARR's New York. Surely the 2-seed are going to put away the 7-seed Cleveland now?

Nope! V.O. and Skizzo are fighting back, and it's now 3-3. It would be a huge upset if they can defeat the recent 2-time champions. We already have a smaller upset in the East, as oneniltothearsenal has led the Heat to putting away Dan and the 76ers. Though the difference between the 3-seed and the 6-seed only amounted to 3 regular season wins, so they shouldn't feel too bad about it.

Huge upset averted. Still, under the circumstances this is an impressive return to the playoffs for Cleveland. Still, their journey ends here. We've got another Cafite match-up in the 2nd Round. Immediately you would think that the New York Knicks would be strong favourites, but then Miami did already defeat a "better" team, and the Knicks struggled to put away 7th seeded Cleveland. In the West we'll have to wait until the Conference Finals before we could get another Cafite match-up. Our two teams are the 1st and 2nd seeds so they should do it, but crazier upsets have happened.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
Dreamed about this the other conference with Alto having a vodka based drink sitting next to a huge ass chrome Smeg toaster. We also played ball I think but fortunately I forgot all about the faces. No hammers too.