Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I thought he was a schizophreniac fruit that was leading a double life but after the long scenes together with the actor that looked exactly like him I wasn't sure anymore. Then in the end I thought it could have been right that he was a nutjob when we saw that big ass spider in his room. I really have no clue though, still enjoyed it. Gyllenhaal is a great actor.

Nan man, Female Spider Aliens and Cloned Men.
Feck off, I have a really good taste in films.

Anyway, where was I, oh yeah:

Predestination - film of the year, actually no, probably the decade so far, just incredible. 10/10

Thank you for this. Made me watch it just now. Holy feck, was actually amazing. I think I called what happens quite early on, but despite the predictability of it, they created the plot fantastically. High recommendation. My brother's taste in films is very strict so I rarely recommend films to him - I shall recommend this and Prisoners to him, no doubt. Memento too, although he's probably seen it.
I watched Enemy the other night. That shit was creepy as feck. Won't reveal too much about the plot because it's probably best to go in as blind as possible. Was amusing reading the common interpretation of what it was about afterwards with what was going on in my head at the time. Gylenhaal is knocking it out the park at the moment.

Thank you for this. Made me watch it just now. Holy feck, was actually amazing. I think I called what happens quite early on, but despite the predictability of it, they created the plot fantastically. High recommendation. My brother's taste in films is very strict so I rarely recommend films to him - I shall recommend this and Prisoners to him, no doubt. Memento too, although he's probably seen it.
Err I was actually joking but ... You're welcome.
Thank you for this. Made me watch it just now. Holy feck, was actually amazing. I think I called what happens quite early on, but despite the predictability of it, they created the plot fantastically. High recommendation. My brother's taste in films is very strict so I rarely recommend films to him - I shall recommend this and Prisoners to him, no doubt. Memento too, although he's probably seen it.

You predicted that he/she went back in time and fecked his/herself?

Fair play.
You predicted that he/she went back in time and fecked his/herself?

Fair play.


We all saw it coming, to be fair. Almost three separate people created from one/or nothing. Why was this paradox created in the first place!? How it was created is beyond even Steven Hawkins. What was the original timeline? Do even they care? Why did she feck herself? But heh, the movie was convoluted, it had an unravelling plot, it kept us guessing. It had me bloody depressed that's what it managed. "
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You predicted that he/she went back in time and fecked his/herself?

Fair play.


I think I predicted that the barman, John and Jane were the same person. I guess I didn't think that far in advance that they all fecked each other :lol:

We all saw it coming, to be fair. Almost three separate people created from one/or nothing. Why was this paradox created in the first place!? How it was created is beyond even Steven Hawkins. What was the original timeline? Do even they care? Why did she feck herself? But heh, the movie was convoluted, it had an unravelling plot, it kept us guessing. It had me bloody depressed that's what it managed. "

Him feckin him/her self was the obvious bit. It was the fact that after he fecked himself he snuck into the hospital to kidnap himself as a baby so that would create the entire paradox over and over again that fried my brain.... not even touching on the part where he kills himself.

It is the work of either a genius or a lunatic.
Him feckin him/her self was the obvious bit. It was the fact that after he fecked himself he snuck into the hospital to kidnap himself as a baby so that would create the entire paradox over and over again that fried my brain.... not even touching on the part where he kills himself.

It is the work of either a genius or a lunatic.


But why?? Perhaps I shouldn't have asked that question...
So I watched Barton Fink for about the fifth time and think I've finally got most of it worked out, at least to my satisfaction.

The obvious: a Faustian tale, Goodman as devil. City of Angles, Hollywood writers hell, selling soul to movies. Dichotomy of art and commerce, etc.

It tackles the classic idea of selling your soul for financial gain but it also astutely addresses the more complex dilemma of exploiting ones soul for creative gain. Fink by the end manages to still have one hand on his soul (his head in the box), although he is still under contract to Hollywood, he isn't writing what they want (at the end he replies that he is not sure if what is in the box actually belongs to him). Munt's beheadings are simply him collecting on the insurance policies (he's just trying to help people out). He gives fink back his soul/head in the box.

It's also about the clash of art, truth and creation, a gap that Fink grandly talks about wanting to bridge. There's that brilliant line at the end "you are beautiful, are you in pictures?" and the girl from the hotel picture says "Don't be silly"- a questioning of the line between the depiction of beauty (the artifice) and worldly beauty. Also there is the scene when Mayhew describes his process as just making things up and he uses drink to "levee" against what he sees as the "bullshit" of the creative struggle.

The writing is frigging great, a precise, absurdist dissection of the creative process. That they went on to do the same for grief - in Llewyn Davis, and purpose and meaning - A Serious Man, just cements their genius. The best writers working today in my view.
Gone Girl

Was ok but far, far too long and as a result it felt a bit flat at the end after the 'twist' was out of the way. Fincher probably made it more watchable than it would have been in the hands of another director though so horses for courses I guess.
Under The Skin:

Very good film. I can't believe I felt sympathy towards Johansson's character at the end, despite all of her wrongdoing!
No it wasn't. Stop being silly.

I enjoyed it far more than The Double for starters.

I haven't seen that but Enemy was the biggest load of arty drivel I've had the displeasure to experience in forever. One of the few films this year that actually annoyed me because I wasted my valuable time watching it. The ending was laughably bad. Something a 6th form art student might write in the mistaken belief that it was deep.
Wibble doesn't do subtlety as far as movies are concerned.

I love subtlety and I love a good arthouse film. 3 Colours Blue is my favorite film (today and always top 5) for example. Utter bollocks like The Enemy I hate.
I, Frankenstein
I watched this intending to hate it but surprisingly I didn't. I liked the gothic setting, which was similar to the Underworld series and some of the action and CGI was pretty nice. I have no idea what the film was about though but I didn't mind as they showed a lot of Yvonne Strahovski's legs 5/10
So just to confirm, did anyone actually like Predestination apart from me?!?! :lol:

How could you not like it. Fantastic original film.

Again, it was pretty obvious what was going on early on, but still a really good film. Anyone who couldn't see the twist though is, like my missus, a bit thick.

Really don't see what all the hoopla was about. It wasn't awful or anything, but certainly not the masterpiece it was received as by most critics.

Feels like I aged a few years watching this too. It was at least an hour too long. It just kept dragging on and on without anything that resembles a plot.

Not completely hated it either though, slightly above average film, but don't expect anything more or you'll be disappointed. 5.5/10
These days, with all the prequels, sequels and movie rip-offs, it's impossible to be too original.

what i meant is that the logic in the movie is flawed... so despite being good fun (for a while), its not a good movie because it doesn't make sense. Its something the Manatees from South park might have come with.
what i meant is that the logic in the movie is flawed... so despite being good fun (for a while), its not a good movie because it doesn't make sense. Its something the Manatees from South park might have come with.

What a ridiculous comparison, I can only imagine you've been sat on that line for a while now and just wanted to get it out there. In fact, putting that sentence alongside this movie is ironically like something the Manatees from South Park might have come up with.

You can poke holes into absolutely any work of fiction. Predestination is a great watch though and doesn't have as many loose ends as you'd expect from such an 'out there' concept.
What a ridiculous comparison, I can only imagine you've been sat on that line for a while now and just wanted to get it out there. In fact, putting that sentence alongside this movie is ironically like something the Manatees from South Park might have come up with.

You can poke holes into absolutely any work of fiction. Predestination is a great watch though and doesn't have as many loose ends as you'd expect from such an 'out there' concept.

i think you didn't "understood" the movie. And by this i mean you somehow did make sense out of what was going on in screen. Somehow...