Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Testament of Youth

2014 adaptation of Vera Brittain's autobiographical novel about her experiences in the great war. Stars Alicia Vikander, who does a flawless English accent. It's a profoundly sad story that is beautifully told. 8/10

A very strange film,a girl goes to a party and has sex with a stranger, this stranger is wanted buy the Police for reasons unknown. This girls thinks she has contracted a sexual transmitted disease, but its not it is something much worse.
It was very slow in parts, to be honest never really got going.


Contracted Phase 2

Follows stright on form the first one
Dont bother , it is complete shite, tuned it off before the end.

Contracted Phase 2

Follows stright on form the first one
Dont bother , it is complete shite, tuned it off before the end.



About to head off...and saw a post from you in the movie review thread. Couldn't resist! Although, after a 3/10, not sure what you could expect!
You are aware that it's based on a true story?

Revenant: noun : A person who has returned;especially supposedly from the dead.

No only return from the dead but apparently
His lower leg that had an obvious compound break got better all on it's own. Annoyingly stupid. Even more annoying than the crawling and grunting. It looked great but the real weakness is the hollowness and pointlessness of the last hour.

Also interesting that in the true story there was no son involved and by the time he reached civilisation his desire for revenge had gone and nothing happened. So maybe the last hour had it spot on ;)

Oh this is so good. So good. I am actually in love with this movie. One of the key strengths of the Rocky films was Sylvester Stallone just being ridiculously likable, so what do they do here? They get Michael B. Jordan, who just radiates likability.

There's two things that I think this film does really well, in particular. The first being the marriage between the Rocky films, and this new direction. Take the soundtrack, for example, there's the classic Rocky tracks, but there's also a selection of more modern hip hop tracks (although having checked Wikipedia I see 2Pac's name on the soundtrack, so I don't know how modern they actually are). I'm not great with the whole technical side of film, but I'm basically trying to say that while there's strong links to Rocky, and it's definitely a spin-off, they could easily carry on from here and establish Creed as a series in its own right, one as good as the Rocky films (and hopefully with less robot sex slaves (although I just had a great idea for an Ex Machina crossover fan fiction)).

The second thing that I really liked about this was how legitimate it all felt. My knowledge of boxing is minimal, and I honestly don't think I've ever watched an actual match in my life, but the training looked great, they throw in statistics about the fighters, and I think the antagonist being played by an actual boxer only helped matters. Tony Bellew does fine, by the way, although I suspect that may be down to sticking with what he knows.

What this legitimate feel does brilliantly is help the main match of the movie. It's genuinely fantastic edge of the seat stuff. It's gripping, it's emotional, it's exciting, it's violent, it's shot beautifully, and I love it. It's one of my favourite things I've seen in film.

This movie though.

No only return from the dead but apparently
His lower leg that had an obvious compound break got better all on it's own. Annoyingly stupid. Even more annoying than the crawling and grunting. It looked great but the real weakness is the hollowness and pointlessness of the last hour.

Also interesting that in the true story there was no son involved and by the time he reached civilisation his desire for revenge had gone and nothing happened. So maybe the last hour had it spot on ;)
It wasn't gone, it was just impossible to do. The two people he wanted to exact revenge on had joined the army and were protected.
Watch the Hateful Eight yesterday. I really enjoyed it, my friends complained about there was too much talking but I love the dialogue and general chit chat in Tarantino films and this is no different!

All of the film is shot in a carriage and a cabin so it is the excellent performances and great writing which carries it through. 8/10
It wasn't gone, it was just impossible to do. The two people he wanted to exact revenge on had joined the army and were protected.

He forgave one and possibly didn't kill the other for fear of the penalty for killing a soldier. Piss poor revenge tale either way.
Watch the Hateful Eight yesterday. I really enjoyed it, my friends complained about there was too much talking but I love the dialogue and general chit chat in Tarantino films and this is no different!

All of the film is shot in a carriage and a cabin so it is the excellent performances and great writing which carries it through. 8/10

This. Saw it today, and it's a solid 8 out of 10. I guess if you don't like long periods of dialogue, then you don't like Tarantino films. The dialogue was excellent, as was the delivery; the accents and phrasing were all really great. I can't say I am a big fan of Kurt Russell, but he was excellent. Great violence as always, with those explosive gunshots, as expected. Very good.
Joy - I would say I'm a fan of David O Russell and his team (Jen, Brad and DiNiro) and I think Silver Linings Playbook is a wonderful movie, not keen on American Hustle. This though I thought was good, just not that good. Lawrence was pretty good throughout, as was De Niro and I also thought Cooper was okay in what seemed like a little part to me. I just think the movie overall wasn't as sharp/witty as SLP or even American Hustle. I think Lawrence/Cooper can be pretty funny as a pair and there wasn't really much of this if any. I enjoyed the screening and although I left the cinema a little underwhelmed I would still give it at least 7.5
The Drop. I like Tom Hardy, he's a good actor and he has an unusual presence that is intriguing on screen. Personally I like my acting slightly overcooked too but is it time that we all just admit that he's sometimes a little bit rubbish. Not in this film in particular but generally.

Give it six months then.
The Drop. I like Tom Hardy, he's a good actor and he has an unusual presence that is intriguing on screen. Personally I like my acting slightly overcooked too but is it time that we all just admit that he's sometimes a little bit rubbish. Not in this film in particular but generally.

Give it six months then.

I think it most of his hype stems from gushy teenage & middle aged women who wet themselves no matter what he's in on screen now. His love for dogs, rugged tattooed manly looks that appeal to the lad generation, women get off that shit and look past his acting. He is a decent actor but most of his stuff lately is very samey. I've not seen Legend yet but from snippets I've seen the twin with the glasses (Ronnie? i think) where he puts on simpleton mannerisms and talks away from a person close up, he's played similar roles like that before in succession, Lawless, Peaky Blinders, The Drop included. Mad Max he had the look for the part, but didn't really say much. For me personally, I think The Take is the best villainous role he's played and thats not even a film.
I like Tom Hardy. He is a trier and much more interesting then most other actors out there. He was good in Locke, Bronson, Legend, Inception, The Drop and now The Revenant it seems. He wasn't so good in Child 44, Lawless, and The Dark Knight. He didn't really do much in Mad Max.

He needs a real role to curb his overacting and make his character believable. Otherwise, shit like Bane can happen.
I like Tom Hardy. He is a trier and much more interesting then most other actors out there. He was good in Locke, Bronson, Legend, Inception, The Drop and now The Revenant it seems. He wasn't so good in Child 44, Lawless, and The Dark Knight. He didn't really do much in Mad Max.

He needs a real role to curb his overacting and make his character believable. Otherwise, shit like Bane can happen.

Yeah, I'd generally agree with that. Even if he's usually playing a tough guy of some variation, he's usually quite good at switching it up. I mean, I've not seen The Revenant yet, but his character in that looks massively different to his character in Mad Max, for example, or when he played Bane. He's an actor who's quite good at changing it up, and doesn't feel like he's just playing variations of himself if that makes sense.
Creed is the shit. 3 fights and Coogler does them all differently, each one better than the last. If you don't leave that movie pumped you might well be dead.
I like Tom Hardy. He is a trier and much more interesting then most other actors out there. He was good in Locke, Bronson, Legend, Inception, The Drop and now The Revenant it seems. He wasn't so good in Child 44, Lawless, and The Dark Knight. He didn't really do much in Mad Max.

He needs a real role to curb his overacting and make his character believable. Otherwise, shit like Bane can happen.
I think his performance as Bane is pretty decent for a film which really is a complete turd. The more times you watch or think about it the worse it gets.
Overall Bronson is still my favourite Hardy performance(Although I don't it's his best) as it's just fun to watch.
I think his performance as Bane is pretty decent for a film which really is a complete turd. The more times you watch or think about it the worse it gets.
Overall Bronson is still my favourite Hardy performance(Although I don't it's his best) as it's just fun to watch.
Yeah, fair enough. He followed Ledgers Joker though, which really didn't help.

Legend is probably my favourite performance of his.
Yeah, fair enough. He followed Ledgers Joker though, which really didn't help.

Legend is probably my favourite performance of his.

I want to see Legend but I'm slightly put off as I've heard the film is a bit rubbish and the only saving grace being Hardy performance. Still might have to give it a watch.
I forgot about his performance in Bronson, yeah I'd put that up there with some of his best.

I agree with all the comments about Creed. I didn't think it would be good and thought it would be another shit boxing film, way better than that Southpaw for me. Best sport film I've seen in a long time.
The Hateful Eight was astounding, the start was described by my mates as 'slow' but personally I loved the entire film - if you're a fan of Tarantino style dialogue then you won't find the start slow.

Overall a gripping story, really engaging and funny film, classic Tarantino violence and a masterclass in acting from Samuel Jackson.

I think Hardy's best performance is in Stuart: A life backwards, a little film made for TV where he stars with Cumberbatch. He's very good in it. I like most of his performances though to be honest.
Just back from The Hateful Eight, can't say I didn't enjoy it, it's a good film overall, but there's easily 20-30 minutes in there that could be taken out without it affecting the intensity QT wants to bring to the film, and which would make it better imo. Enjoyable in that it looks good, the dialogue is good as usual and the acting is good (except for Zoe Bell who is awful in her few minutes on screen), but I couldn't help but feel it was very similar to IB and DU, not for the scenario or anything, but for the dynamics and the mechanics of the film, and it didn't feel fresh for me. Would really like it if he tried something new.
The Revenant - 9/10

I loved this film. It wasn't without fault but I can only think of one obvious problem with it, but it still wasn't enough to bring it lower than a 9/10. The fault was Hugh Glass being completely indestructible. I've got no problem with him surviving against the odds, since that is what the film is about, and that is also why I haven't let it affect my score much, but it took it too far. Below is a list of all the times I sat then thinking "He definitely should be dead here":

  • Standing right in the open during that attack at the beginning
  • The bear scene
  • The bit where he falls down the waterfalls
  • The other bits in the freezing water where he definitely would've died of hypothermia
  • The bit where he's chased by like a dozen Indians but they all miss him with arrows
  • The bit just after where he falls off the cliff but happens to land on a tree
  • When they just walk straight past him at the end - but that might be because he saved thar woman's life, but it never makes that obvious
The acting however is phenomenal, and visually it is one of the best films I've ever seen. There were lots of moments that captivated me and the bear scene in particular was incredible - if a bit unbelievable. I can see why it was such a hard film to make, and it should be nailed on for the cinematography Oscar as well as having a good chance in both the Best Actor (Leo) and best supporting actor (Hardy) categories.

Very very good film.

I'm glad it's getting a really positive review on this forum. It's been rather "meh" or "bad" so far.
Just back from The Hateful Eight, can't say I didn't enjoy it, it's a good film overall, but there's easily 20-30 minutes in there that could be taken out without it affecting the intensity QT wants to bring to the film, and which would make it better imo. Enjoyable in that it looks good, the dialogue is good as usual and the acting is good (except for Zoe Bell who is awful in her few minutes on screen), but I couldn't help but feel it was very similar to IB and DU, not for the scenario or anything, but for the dynamics and the mechanics of the film, and it didn't feel fresh for me. Would really like it if he tried something new.

It reminded me more of Reservoir dogs tbh, especially the single setting, dialogue, hostage scenario and mistrust amongst the characters.
It reminded me more of Reservoir dogs tbh, especially the single setting, dialogue, hostage scenario and mistrust amongst the characters.

Haven't seen it yet, but the movie looks a lot like the setting of Reservoir Dogs with the structure/plot type of Reservoir Dogs. Which isn't a complaint, since I'm sure it'll be great fun.

The 3 hour runtime is making it hard to find any late showings though.:mad:
It reminded me more of Reservoir dogs tbh, especially the single setting, dialogue, hostage scenario and mistrust amongst the characters.
Yes the scenario is closer to Reservoir Dogs, its a more elaborate version of that in a way. I was talking about the mechanics which are closer to the films I'm referring to.
Just watched The Big Short. Thought it was pretty great.

As usual, Christian Bale kills it. What a man.
Watched Sicario recently. In terms of cinematography and score was anyone else reminded of True Detective season 1 watching it?
Watched Sicario recently. In terms of cinematography and score was anyone else reminded of True Detective season 1 watching it?
Plenty of people said Sicario is what TD's second season should have been. Not sure if I agree with that but in general it reminds me of TD yes.
Burnt: Predictable, cheesy, typical Hollywood movie. Still enjoyed it to some extent, perfect movie at night when you just want to switch off not pay too much attention. 6.3/10
Straight outta Compton: Great acting, classy music and an interesting view on the situation at the time. Enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. 7.8/10
Bridge of Spies: Starts slow and almost bored me but midways it really picks up and actually delivers in the end. Found it a tad bit overrated but still enjoyed it. 7.2/10
Creed - 7/10

If people thought Jurassic World or The Force Awakens had too many references to their parent films then be prepared! Creed is absolutely full of them. Barely a shot goes by where there isn't either a verbal reference to the first two Rocky films, or something slightly more subtle like a Creed vs Balboa fight poster or picture hanging in the background.

Still, it's a good movie. Straight forward plot as you'd expect and great to have Rocky Balboa back on the screen. Sylvester Stallone stole the show for me in what was arguably his best performance as an actor. Wasn't overly keen on Michael B. Jordan who played Creed, he was okay but never had the charisma or likeability of his daddy.

The fight scenes were all beautifully shot and the soundtrack was good too. Some good original stuff as well as nods to the familiar Rocky tunes.

If I was to rank all the Rocky films:

1) Rocky III
2) Rocky II
3) Rocky IV
4) Rocky
5) Creed
6) Rocky Balboa
7) Rocky V
Burnt: Predictable, cheesy, typical Hollywood movie. Still enjoyed it to some extent, perfect movie at night when you just want to switch off not pay too much attention. 6.3/10

Spot on really IMO. Was made a little better by the natural charisma of Bradley Cooper too.

Is there anyone more likeable than Bradley Cooper ATM?