I loved this film. It wasn't without fault but I can only think of one obvious problem with it, but it still wasn't enough to bring it lower than a 9/10. The fault was Hugh Glass being completely indestructible. I've got no problem with him surviving against the odds, since that is what the film is about, and that is also why I haven't let it affect my score much, but it took it too far. Below is a list of all the times I sat then thinking "He definitely should be dead here":
- Standing right in the open during that attack at the beginning
- The bear scene
- The bit where he falls down the waterfalls
- The other bits in the freezing water where he definitely would've died of hypothermia
- The bit where he's chased by like a dozen Indians but they all miss him with arrows
- The bit just after where he falls off the cliff but happens to land on a tree
- When they just walk straight past him at the end - but that might be because he saved thar woman's life, but it never makes that obvious
The acting however is phenomenal, and visually it is one of the best films I've ever seen. There were lots of moments that captivated me and the bear scene in particular was incredible - if a bit unbelievable. I can see why it was such a hard film to make, and it should be nailed on for the cinematography Oscar as well as having a good chance in both the Best Actor (Leo) and best supporting actor (Hardy) categories.