Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

They are just simple films filled with cliches and some dodgy acting. I still enjoy them for what they are but those other films are genuine classics. Alien, for example, is one of the best horror films ever made with perfect pacing, great production design and a terrifying monster whose background is purposefully left very vague which only adds to the tension.
Finally saw Mad Max! What a romp. Film barely gives you a second, it's just all out action, and action done superbly well. Tom Hardy's screen presence is second to none but his Australian accent was bad. Sounded like a timid Bane from TDKR.

I am a massive Bond fan , after reading the reviews was not expecting much , but I thought it was brilliant, yes there is plot holes, yes there is silly stunts, yes there is a daft story but its a Bond film thats what you expect, you not getting a classic, your getting 2+ hours of fights , explosions and Bond being Bond.
Loved the ending with the original Bond car and original music.
I may be the one of the few but long live Bond.

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E

Went in to this not reading any reviews, I like the old series and I thought this was pretty decent.
Henry Cavill, Armie Hammer and Alicia Vilander were good, I even liked Hugh Grant.
Full of cheesy lines, just like the original serine.
Worth watching.


I am a massive Bond fan , after reading the reviews was not expecting much , but I thought it was brilliant, yes there is plot holes, yes there is silly stunts, yes there is a daft story but its a Bond film thats what you expect, you not getting a classic, your getting 2+ hours of fights , explosions and Bond being Bond.
Loved the ending with the original Bond car and original music.
I may be the one of the few but long live Bond.


I agree with this review. Would even rate it 8/10.
I agree with that. CGI only gets noticed when it is bad or unrealistic looking which is why it gets such unfair criticism. People never notice good CGI. Star Wars has shit CGI (Although for the times they were pretty decent) but Yoda vs Palpatine doesn't really come under bad CGI. You know it is CGI but it still holds up quite well today.

It is true that people never notice good CGI which goes right to the heart of what good CGI should do, I think if I'm noticing CGI then generally that process of noticing it is taking me out of the film itself and although I think the Yoda vs Palpatine is not too shabby the chamber they are fighting in in the later part of their scuffle is part of the problem as Star Wars episodes 1-3 are filled with excessive and at times shabby looking post green screen rendered backgrounds. That commerce Chamber they are fighting in is a good example as it falls foul of having some very odd and overly shinning textures in it which is a common problem with early CGI techniques (shinny featureless surfaces).

I agree there isn't enough shouting out of good use of CGI, but I think that kind out highlights just how much of a thankless task the job of graphic designer for movies can sometimes be(aside from the pay); if you are doing your job brilliantly people won't notice, if you aren't then they will.

Its a really good fight.

Its a decent scrap, however you can see an example of poor use of CGI in Episode 2 attack of the clones during the Geonosis
Arena Colosseum battle which sadly I can't find high quality video of.

Good video on why CGI gets a bad rap

This is a perfect example of what I'm getting at, CGI per se is not a bad thing, but Star Wars episodes 1-3 feature many good examples of either bad or unnecessary/lazy use of CGI especially whenever Jar Jar Binks is onscreen.
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The Terminal

Very funny film, everyone is brilliant - especially Hanks.

The Danish Girl - tedious biopic by the Coldplay of directors, Tom Hooper. Alicia Vikander gives an outstanding performance and Eddie Redmayne grins with embarrassment. Good on him for making two ponderous Oscar baiting biopics in twelve months. Hooper molests ultra wide angle lenses which is grating except for the times Vikander is naked.
Empire Strikes Back is better than any of them. A New Hope is at least in their level. (IMO)

I re-watched A New Hope only a couple of months ago and I just don't see how you can place it near to those. The plot is basically boy saves princess and it's filled with ropey acting and poor action sequences. I like the world that Lucas creates in it but those other films are superior in just about every aspect.
The Visit

Thought this was pretty creepy until it went a bit full retard at the end but kudos for something original. Best film Shayamalan has made in years. Thought the kids were gonna annoy me too but they grew on me as the film went on.
Prophet's Prey - The amazing story of Warren Jeffs and the Church of the Latter Day Saints, a better effort than Gibney's Scientology doc Amy Berg's stuff is always worthy of your time.

Spotlight - Well acted and well made but it never feels like it's anything truly great which makes the Oscar buzz surrounding it very odd. Keaton and Tucci are the show stealers if you can call anyone that but overall it's just a pretty solid movie.

The Big Short - I'd imagine this film will divide people but I liked it, it felt a little haphazard at times and misses a few beats but it is always confident in its own skin and moves at a pace that stops it getting bogged down. It isn't subtle in what it thinks of the banking system, slipping into outright propaganda more than once, which will definitely rub some people up the wrong way but I enjoyed the ride nonetheless.
Danny Collins Undemanding and predictably schmaltzy at times. That said Pachino is great in this role, something you haven't been able to say for quite some time. A feel good film that could have been made in the 80's so don't expect anything edgey or original but if you want to turn your brain off and be entertained this is a good way to do it.7/10
Star Wars 7: The force awakens Brilliant entertainment. Just what a Star Wars film should be. 10/10 if you loved the first 3 films. If you didn't why are you watching this one?
Completely agree...Just got out of the theatre after my second viewing. I enjoyed it a lot.
Star Wars 7: The force awakens Brilliant entertainment. Just what a Star Wars film should be. 10/10 if you loved the first 3 films. If you didn't why are you watching this one?
Because it's the most hyped film in history and has excellent ratings on trusted websites. But when you look at it as a stand-alone film, 6/10 at best.
Star Wars 7: The force awakens Brilliant entertainment. Just what a Star Wars film should be. 10/10 if you loved the first 3 films. If you didn't why are you watching this one?

Completely agree...Just got out of the theatre after my second viewing. I enjoyed it a lot.

Me too. 9.5/10 for me. Has plot holes but who cares? It's Star Wars!

I also loved Man of Steel and the Dark Knight Rises (although the worst of the three). Not arsed about plot holes. Just want a movie full of nostalgia, style and action! That's why I watch super hero films or Star Wars. Not really for plot.
The Danish Girl - tedious biopic by the Coldplay of directors, Tom Hooper. Alicia Vikander gives an outstanding performance and Eddie Redmayne grins with embarrassment. Good on him for making two ponderous Oscar baiting biopics in twelve months. Hooper molests ultra wide angle lenses which is grating except for the times Vikander is naked.

:lol: Yes!

I tried to give it a fair go despite not expecting much going in, but the more it went on the more it just agitated me, particularly Redmayne's conspicuous performance. And The Danish Girl, your ending...woof!
The Big Short

Adam McKay's first foray into dramatic territory with an ensemble piece based around the events of global financial crash. Carrell, Gosling and Pitt all do their usual whilst Bale seems to be going method for an Oscar run. It's not as funny as The Wolf of Wall Street which it's incredibly similar to in both style and content (lots of talking to camera) but as its less crass the humor does come off with more heart. That said my problem with it which isn't a critique of the film itself is that it's still centered on a bunch of protagonists that are essentially a part of the same system that the film proposes to criticise. But I guess due to the nature of the subject that's as unavoidable as making a movie about war without having morally compromised characters.

Does make me laugh too that the whole collapse is just a glorified feckin ponzi scheme from the top down. And still none of the shits are in jail (well 1 according to this).
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Because it's the most hyped film in history and has excellent ratings on trusted websites. But when you look at it as a stand-alone film, 6/10 at best.

You can't rate such a film standalone. You wouldn't only watch LOTR Two Towers for example.
That's also right. You can enjoy brainless comedies and art films but you don't start from the premise that only art films or The Godfather can be rated at more than 5/10
The Three Colours Trilogy are pretty arty films but the final Red film wouldn't rate very highly if you hadn't watched white and blue.
The Three Colours Trilogy are pretty arty films but the final Red film wouldn't rate very highly if you hadn't watched white and blue.

But it's because I've watched the other films that I am rating The Force Awakens quite low (having watched the Star Wars trilogy, I don't mean I watched Three Colours White and Three Colours Blue and as a consequence am rating TFA down). I genuinely think that if I hadn't seen the original three Star Wars movies I'd rate TFA much higher.