Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

What annoyed me with the reception of True Grit was how Hailee Steinfeld was getting all these plaudits about her 'magnificent' performance and so on when I thought she was pretty mediocre. She basically plays one tone the entire film, that of the determined and brave girl. But she doesn't at all seem affected by everything going on around her, all the deaths, and the performance doesn't ring right for me.

I thought A serious man was a fantastic film though, and No country for old men is one of my favourite films full stop.
I watched Her last night. Took my half the film to decide if I liked it or not, at times it's pretty slow but it's a beautiful story and the acting is sublime.
Yeah was probably the least Coen like film. Awnyway I Iove Barton Fink...which never ever seems to get a mention. Ever.

I swear you mention it at least once a year...

It's a great film but definitely the Coens' strangest. Barton Fink, Blood Simple and Fargo are the Coens' only films from pre-00s that I loved. Lost interest in Raising Arizona and the Hudsucker Proxy very quickly and didn't finish either, Miller's Crossing has some great characters but isn't all that great a film and The Big Lebowski's good but I still don't get the praise and wide-ranging appeal.
True Grit was a good western and better than the original which was admittedly a bit of a turkey.
John Wayne was a big old turkey. Stagecoach is probably the only Wayne film that I've really enjoyed.

I really need to watch both Barton Fink and O Brother Where Art Thou again as I'm bound to get more references this time around.

The Big Lebowski is, for me, by far their greatest film. It's just perfect.
John Wayne was a big old turkey. Stagecoach is probably the only Wayne film that I've really enjoyed.

I really need to watch both Barton Fink and O Brother Where Art Thou again as I'm bound to get more references this time around.

The Big Lebowski is, for me, by far their greatest film. It's just perfect.

The Duke is alright in The Alamo but it goes on a bit overall. He's very good in Fort Apache too.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2

About as far from 'amazing' as possible. Jamie Foxx was laughably bad. I know it's a superhero movie but his character made Jim Carreys Riddler look nuanced. And that new Green Goblin guy, just feck off. Who's responsible for this drek?

The Edge of Tomorrow

Meh. Pretty average to piss poor Groundhog Day Sci Fi mash up with a stupid ending.

Zero Theorem

Hmmmm. Terry Gilliam wackiness starring Christoph Waltz. Tbh I can't remember too much about it but it made sense at the time. I should probably delete this review. But I won't.
If you're vigilant enough you'll notice good things happening. The Canadian version was excellent in May with a bunch of Japanese films and a collection of Tarkovsky films. And most versions have at least 2 or 3 very good films up at any given time. All in HD obviously, which is always a good thing. But they've got a strange habit of putting Salmon Fishing in the Yemen up every couple of months, which is kind of embarrassing when you see it alongside something like The Mirror.
If you're vigilant enough you'll notice good things happening. The Canadian version was excellent in May with a bunch of Japanese films and a collection of Tarkovsky films. And most versions have at least 2 or 3 very good films up at any given time. All in HD obviously, which is always a good thing. But they've got a strange habit of putting Salmon Fishing in the Yemen up every couple of months, which is kind of embarrassing when you see it alongside something like The Mirror.
I'll keep it in mind!

Lord knows why I voluntarily watched Salmon Fishing in Yemen once, there's something eerie and horrible about that film I tell ya.
Boyhood - Probably a film I'd say I respected rather than loved, not one I'm sure I'd be dying to watch again but certainly enjoyable in the moment. Linklater is certainly skilled in making moments that feel actually real, rather than feeling like a film trying to make a scene look real if that makes sense. I think the moments he chose to show from the boy's life helped in that regard, it wasn't all the rote stuff you would expect.
Zero Theorem

Hmmmm. Terry Gilliam wackiness starring Christoph Waltz. Tbh I can't remember too much about it but it made sense at the time. I should probably delete this review. But I won't.

It's fantastically unmemorable. I've also forgot all about it, and I watched it a couple of days ago. Apart from how silly it looks. The whole "retro-future" thing is really overplayed, and yet still manages to be the least dull thing in the film. You've been doing it for 20 years Terry. Catch up.

The Double on the other hand is the most Terry Gilliam film not directed by Terry Gilliam. Some nice moments, but there's quite a lot of eccentric chaff. Still a better Terry Gilliam film than Zero Theorem though. If you're going to watch one Terry Gilliam film, watch the one that's not by Terry Gilliam.
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Boyhood - Probably a film I'd say I respected rather than loved, not one I'm sure I'd be dying to watch again but certainly enjoyable in the moment. Linklater is certainly skilled in making moments that feel actually real, rather than feeling like a film trying to make a scene look real if that makes sense. I think the moments he chose to show from the boy's life helped in that regard, it wasn't all the rote stuff you would expect.
Just saw it. Sort of agree, wouldn't want to watch it again any time soon though I did love it. Will write more in the morning with a soberer head.
It's fantastically unmemorable. I've also forgot all about it, and I watched it a couple of days ago. Apart from how silly it looks. The whole "retro-future" thing is really overplayed, and yet still manages to be the least dull thing in the film. You've been doing it for 20 years Terry. Catch up.

The Double on the other hand is the most Terry Gilliam film not directed by Terry Gilliam. Some nice moments, but there's quite a lot of eccentric chaff. Still a better Terry Gilliam film than Zero Theorem though. If you're going to watch one Terry Gilliam film, watch the one that's not by Terry Gilliam.

Really disappointed with Zero Theroem, Gilliam and Waltz working together sounded promising...

I liked The Double though, Ayoade's modern-ish take on what is one of my favourite books is pretty neat. Eisenberg was good as well, always thought he could only play himself, but this film proves the exact opposite.
It's fantastically unmemorable. I've also forgot all about it, and I watched it a couple of days ago. Apart from how silly it looks. The whole "retro-future" thing is really overplayed, and yet still manages to be the least dull thing in the film. You've been doing it for 20 years Terry. Catch up.

The Double on the other hand is the most Terry Gilliam film not directed by Terry Gilliam. Some nice moments, but there's quite a lot of eccentric chaff. Still a better Terry Gilliam film than Zero Theorem though. If you're going to watch one Terry Gilliam film, watch the one that's not by Terry Gilliam.

I've only seen the trailer but from the little I saw I thought it looked sexy.
La jetée
26 minute short film which I thought was extremely well done science fiction. I thought is was fecking beautiful. Chris Marker is a great photographer.
The Expendables 3

The film started with a train crash and that sums the film up to a tee.
You know what you are going to get , dreadful acting, cheesy one liners, plot holes the size of a bus, the film is what it is , ageing action hero's doing what they do best, fighting and blowing up everything in sight.
I loved it, 2 hours of just pure fun, disengage your brain and just sit and watch in , don't expect a masterpiece or an Oscar winner, this is not it.
If you liked the first 2 you will love it, if you hated them you will not like this.

At least the number 2 was appropriate.
Maybe it shoulda been: The Underwhelming Spiderman.
You know a film is bad when somewhow the characters are to comic-bookie in a film based on a comic.

That weird looking kid playing the Green Goblin was just terrible and Jamie Foxx was somehow worse.

Arnie at his best for me
Everything that a Sci-Fi/ Action film fan wants.
The effects are great, the acting is OK and the story is cool too. I really like the music and especially the spooky twisted jungle sounds that we hear when we see through the eyes of the predator. This is a sci-fi action movie that isn't just full of cheap explosions. It really does have great atmosphere. Everyone who likes sci-fi and/or action movies should like this. This in my humble opinion is probably the second best sci-fi movie of all time, only beaten by The Empire Strikes Back.

Mr Smith Goes To Washington

Sickly sweet patriotism that's both overly sentimental and emotionally manipulative, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get caught up in it. Jimmy Stewart is excellent as usual. Him and Capra is the quintessential American duo. 6/10

Arnie at his best for me
Everything that a Sci-Fi/ Action film fan wants.
The effects are great, the acting is OK and the story is cool too. I really like the music and especially the spooky twisted jungle sounds that we hear when we see through the eyes of the predator. This is a sci-fi action movie that isn't just full of cheap explosions. It really does have great atmosphere. Everyone who likes sci-fi and/or action movies should like this. This in my humble opinion is probably the second best sci-fi movie of all time, only beaten by The Empire Strikes Back.

You having an 80s weekend?